Epilogue : Feels Like Home

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Three months later...

It was the beginning of summer, Marcus stood in his room packing his bags while listening to a Katy Perry song that blasted from his phone. He sang along, tossing unfolded shirts into his suitcase. His aunts had invited him and Adrian to spend two weeks with them in California and Marcus had been more than ecstatic at the prospect of a beach vacation.

He and his friends had just graduated from high school and he was itching to get away from West Chapel, not that he hated the small town. No, he loved his home; it was where all his closest friends were, where his family was. He just wanted to see more of the world he'd worked so hard to save. He wanted to visit New York, and not just in passing, he wanted to see the sites, go to restaurants, spend the night in a hotel. He wanted Paris, Milan, Tokyo, Victoria Falls, Portland, Sydney; he wanted the world. And he wanted it with Adrian.

He couldn't imagine visiting any of those places without the love of his life right beside him. That's why they'd both decided to take a gap year and had made a roadmap of every place they wanted to go to, starting with California.

"Knock, knock," Jack said as he stood in the threshold of the open door. Marcus gestured for him to come in as he zipped up his last bag.

"Hi," Marcus greeted with a bright smile. He'd been a lot happier the last few weeks, knowing that for the first time in his life that he wasn't at risk. He could be himself without the fear of being watched or the threat of being kidnapped. It was a huge weight off his shoulders.

"Are you ready?" Jack asked as he glanced at the packed bags. Marcus nodded as he reached for his phone, on the bed side table, switched off the music and then tucked it in one of the numerous pockets of his cargo shorts. He picked up two of the bags and Jack grabbed the last one before they both headed downstairs.

David Nelson was waiting downstairs for his son. He was dressed in something a little more casual than he'd normally wear; a pair of blue jeans, a polo shirt and white sneakers. He'd been dressing more like this since he'd decided to take the last two months from work. He'd wanted to spend more time with his son, make up for all that lost time. And despite the initial awkwardness they'd gotten a lot closer. They talked more, shared more and laughed more.

Marcus had finally told his father about his desire to study History like his mother and not business like him. He told him that though he respected what his father did he could never truly see himself doing it too. It had been a blow of sorts but if David Nelson had to be honest with himself he couldn't help but agree with Marcus. Running the family business didn't have to be Marcus's only career choice. He could be anything he wanted.

"Did you pack everything?" David asked as Marcus stepped down the final stair. Marcus nodded and David helped him with the bags, leading the two boys out to the car up front.

Harrod stood in front of the black SUV, looking up at the house with his usual placid expression before his boss, David Nelson stepped out through the massive hand carved oak doors. He was followed by Marcus and the young master's friend, Jack. They walked down the stone steps and Harrod approached them, helping with the bags and placing them in the trunk.

"Goodbye," Marcus said as he hugged his father. He was less tearful than the day he'd left for Alon at the beginning of the year. But this wasn't a sad occasion. He'd be back home before he knew it and his father would be right here when he did.

"Have fun," David said before placing a chaste kiss on his son's forehead. "And greet your aunts for me."

Marcus slid into the car next to Jack waving to his father. The drive into West Chapel was short and occupied with lively conversation. Jack and Marcus talked about their college plans. Jack would be starting university at the beginning of fall at the University of Maine, which "coincidentally" was the university Paige would also be attending. Jack and Paige were dating now and as unlikely as Marcus thought they paired they made a pretty good match and they seemed in love.

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