CHAPTER 22 : Dark Side

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The table was set and my father was already sitting at the head of the table when Adrian and I entered the dining room. Harrod had set the table for three, obviously anticipating that Adrian would be staying for dinner. The air wafted with the delectable aroma of something tangy and sweet. It made my stomach growl. I was starving too.  

     After I had introduced Adrian to my father we sat down. We ate in awkward silence for what felt like the longest time. My father sat across from me and Adrian sat beside me to my left. The only sound that occupied the room was the clinking of our silverware against the china plates.

      Harrod had prepared for us balsamic glazed caprese chicken. It was extremely flavorful. The chicken was tender and juicy. The balsamic glaze was sweet and savory. The melted mozzarella was stringy and cherry tomatoes and basil garnish brought freshness to the dish. I enjoyed each bite.

      Half way through the meal my father cleared his throat gaining both Adrian's and my attention. "So...Adrian North. Your wouldn't happen to be related to Isaac North?" He asked. 

    "Yes, he's my father," Adrian said. 

    "I thought so, you look a lot like he did when he was your age," he said, taking another bite of his chicken. "And your mother as well. You have her golden hair." 

     "You knew my mother?" Adrian asked. 

     "Yes, a long time ago," he explained. "We went to school together, we were friends for a time. She's the one who introduced me to Melissa, Marcus' mother. Sarah, your mother and Melissa were friends, they knew each other from when Sarah used to live in Alon." 

     "I didn't know my mother used to live in Alon," Adrian said as he furrowed his brows.

     "Oh, it was a long time ago, back when she was still a child. Her family moved to West Chapel when she was thirteen," he elaborated. "We met during freshman year. I was very shy during those days, I barely had any friends. Sarah was the first person who talked to me. She shared the locker next to mine, she always greeted with a friendly smile but we didn't really become friends until sophomore year. 

      "She was a huge fan of football, I never went to games myself but one Friday she found herself without anyone to go with and since I had nothing planned for that evening, when she asked I said yes. The game wasn't half as bad as I expected it would be, I found that I actually had fun, by the end we were both laughing and cheering. We became good friends after that. 

     "It's a shame we lost touch after high school," he continued. His face twisted up in a regretful scowl then he shook his head and his expression softened. "I was an ocean away and she had her life here. But when I returned to West Chapel she was the first person I looked up. She invited me to a party she was throwing. It's where she introduced me to Melissa." I leaned in forward. This was the first time I'd heard the story of how my parents met.

      "Melissa was charming, funny and brilliant. I remember been completely captivated by her. I thank your mother to this very day for introducing Melissa to me," he finished before taking a sip of his white wine. 

      The room descended into silence for a moment. Adrian furrowed his light brows looking thoughtful. "I don't understand," he said. "She never... She never told me any of that." 

      My father looked up with a sympathetic smile. "It was a long time ago. And with the way Melissa left the coven, talking about it probably just upset her. We didn't really keep in touch with any of the witches after that. Melissa wanted a normal life and I tried to provide that as much as I could," he explained. 

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