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As my mom and I sit on my bed the time ticks by slower and slower.





And after what feels like forever my alarm goes off and my mom grabs the pregnancy test. My legs bounce up and down as my hands play with the sweater paws of my fuzzy pink sweater. "Leo. Your having a baby" My mom said with a soft smile, probably to calm me down, but I start to cry and I hug her "I'm sorry mommy!! I'm such a bad person!" I cry and she rubs my back "no your not baby" She said and I sniffle.

Your probably confused so let me tell you what happened.

~* five months ago*~

November 28

"Leo! Leo! Leo!!!!" My friend Heaven screams my name as she runs though the school hallway. I slowly close my locker and look up at her worried "what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked worried and she grabbed my shoulders with a smirk.

I hate when she smirks. It usually means we are going to do something I don't like and I don't have a say in anything. "Duke Lows is throwing a Christmas party at his house in 4 weeks" She said and I cringe then blush a bit "y-you mean the quarterback? Number 81?" I asked and she smirks "bingo" She smiles then starts to shake me "we. Have. To. Go! Especially you! It's your last year of school!! You can't stay home all your life and study! Just one party that it!" She yells and people look over. I look down biting my lip. "I-I don't know.... Party's have alcohol and I'm still 17" I said and she shakes me "please!! I'll buy you two outfits" She smirks and I groan. She knows my weakness. "And chicken nuggets?" I ask and she roles her eyes "and chicken nuggets" She said and I smile "it's a date then. In two weeks come pick me up" I said and walk to my class with a smile.

I walk to class and sit in the front right in front of the teachers desk. I am kinda a nerd so I have to be a good boy. I just don't have the glasses. Once the bell rang kids ran in before the teacher and I grab my books. Right now I had math. My math teacher was a nice lady but if you made her mad she would punish you bad. Like really bad.

She walks in with another class behind her and my breath gets caught in my throat. There he is. Number 81. Now I know absolutely nothing about football. All I know is he is the best on the team. And he is standing right in front of me.

The teacher calls my name and I look at her realising I was zoneing out while watching him "y-y-yes ma'am?" I ask as my face turns red. She smiles and motions for me to stand up. So I stand up and walk over to her nervously, thinking about all the bad things I've done to make her punish me. She smiles and hands me a paper with 6 names on it. "Whats this?" I ask and she smiles. "The football team needs help. They need to get their grades up or they will get kicked off the team. You are one of the best student so every day you will study with them. Of course you will get payed and since they are in regular class and not advance it should be easy" She said with a smile and I bit my lip then look at the names with a frown. Two of these people pick on me. I quickly smile to cover up and nod "o-okay...." I smile. It would be rude to decline and it could help me buy stuff when mom is away.

She called off the names on the paper and six tall dudes step to her.
Jacob, Tyler, Jack, Andy, Brent, and Duke. Duke?! The six stand next to me and I try not to pout. Why are they so tall?!

I'm 5'8 that's not that short! Is it?

They all stand around and two more groups were made. The teacher tellls us to go to the library and I look at her confused. What? I can't miss class? I thought it was for after school. She smiles and I slowly walk to my bag putting my books back in and the six walk to the library as I follow. My heart pounding in my chest. I have to talk to my crush. Shit. They sit down but I stay standing. I rather not be between Andy and Brent and I would die if I sat next to Duke.

They all look at me and I gulp. "O-okay... Hi?" I said and they just stair. I role my eyes "glad to see I have such a lively class" I mumbled and hear a snicker then pout "okay. Let me see your report cards for last semester so I know what you need to work on" I said and they all had me a paper. I look at their grades and close my eyes. "You all have a F in everything but Gym." I rub my eye lids with my index finger and thumb then sit down not caring who I sat next to. I grab some paper from my bag and a pen then sit down correctly as I write things I start to talk.

"You do know without good grades you won't pass and get into a college. You could probably pass high school but then when it's time to pick a college you will have to buy your way in. Unless you get a sports scholarship but you also have to have good grades to even be considered for any type of scholarship." I said and then bit my lip "and if you want to go to collage it gets you to be a professional. Unless you don't want to play pro football. That's your choice but with the grades you guys have you won't even get into flipping burgers at McDonalds" I said then hum untill I feel someone grab my hair and makeup me look up. Andy was glaring at me. I just smirk "what? Dose the truth hurt?" I ask and he pushed me back. I sigh and look up at him as my top half lays on the floor. "Shut up you faggot. I'm here to get grades not a lecture" He said and I sigh sitting up and fix my hair and shirt.

I get back to writing every one math problems and hand them out. Simple multiplication charts to see if they at least know that.

"You have a minute to do as many as you can. Go" I said while taking out my phone and starting a timer then scrolling though Instagram. A few seconds later I hear somone put their pencil down and look up. Duke was done and boredly watching me. I quickly shut off my phone and bit my lip hoping he didn't see the half naked picture I just liked of some popular music artist. I set my phone down after making sure I was locked then get up and walk to him looking at his paper biting my lip and frown "did you even try?" I ask and he groans "I know 0,1,2,3,5, and 10" He sad and I sigh.

Everyone else had about the same and I wanted to cry. They didn't know basic multiplication.

I explain tricks and the way to remember the multiplication charts then make more questions for them. "Do this tonight" I said nd pack my bag up ready to leave but Andy grabs my wrist making me lay back against the bench. I look at him scared and confused and they just laugh. I frown and try to sit up but they grab me tighter making me whimper.

"Mr. Rare Omega is so smart" Brent taunts and I sigh just laying there. "You like someone here don't you?" Andy and and I scoff "right. Because I'm totally gonna crush on a straight dude" I said with a fake pout. They obviously seen that I don't like someone because I was nervous. Brent smirks and makes me look at everyone. I just close my eyes after seeing some confused but disappointed looks. "Guys let him go" I hear Jack say and I look down. Brent makes me look up and then Andy lifts everyones shirt. I bit my lip trying to look away but they hold my face still. They get to Duke and the bell rings before they lift his shirt. I quickly get away while they were distracted and run to my next class. Why did the all have to have such nice bodies. This was gonna take a while to get used to.


(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

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