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A week. 

It's been a week since I started this tutoring session with the six Football jocks.

It's usually quite and calm until I have to go. Brent and Andy keep trying to figure out who I like but they haven't gotten to Duke. So today they held me down and make me look at Duke. They lift his shirt but I just blankly look at him then role my eyes. My heart is beating like crazy. Is that a 8 pack? Shiz. Andy takes off Dukes shirt completely and I sigh. Nice nipples, look at this arms, that v line. I close my eyes and sigh "are we done yet" I ask and Andy smirks "don't you want to check Duke out again?? Where were you at. His abs or his dick" Andy smirks and I role my eyes. "Okay play tines over I have to get home" I said with a sigh and Brent pushes me into Duke. I frown and push away then glare at Brent, walking over I punch his jaw then kick him in the groind. "Fuck off. I'm really tired of you kindergarten shit" I said then walk away letting myself blush and fan my face giggling slightly "oh my god. Heaven!!" I scream and run to her smiling. She usually waited for me so I knew exactly where she was.

"I touched his bare chest! Omg! why are they all such daddiesss it's so hard to do this stupid tutoring! But like eeek! So soft" I squeal like a child and she gasps, her boyfriend, Max, was back hugging her while they waited. She ran to me and I see max pout. I just smile and hug her while laughing slightly. She fixed my large red hoodie so it didn't show off to much of my shoulder and then smacks my thighs though the ripped back skinny jeans. She looks up and froze.

I look behind me and see Duke, Jack, Tyler, and Jacob watching us. Duke had a amused look on his face. My face turns red and quickly pull my hoodie over my head running out of the school as fast as I could. Then hid in some bushes. Regreting all the decisions in my life.

I hear someone and just assume it's heaven but I stay very still. "Damn it heaven why did you have to just stand there you should have ran and dragged my ass" I said in a slight whimper.

She moves the bushes a bit and I feel her person lean down. They were much taller than haven so I assumed it's max instead.

"so you liked looking at my chest?" I hear somone say and I gulp and freeze. I hold my breath and grip my sweater paws tightly as my body shakes. My anxiety kicking in like a Cuban coffee shot "Look. I know you can't help who you like but just remember that I'm straight." He said and I frown. "Don't you think I know that?" I asked and stand up. He smirks at me and I scoff. "I didn't ask to teach you and I wouldn't be doing it if it wernt for the money. Just because a 'faggot' likes you don't think your sick or anything. You just have a nice body. Your fucking attitude makes you look like trash though. Fucking homophobes" I said and start to walk away pissed off. Why dosent anyone be nice to me just because I'm gay do they think I'm sick? And they they will catch the future king gay.

Sadly that wouldn't be my last encounter with the jock. 

At his game I was taking photos for the yearbook and as he caught the ball he landed inside but lost his balance and fell on top of me. I whimper and glare at him "dude what the fuck" I whine and he gets up rubbing his knee against my thingy, aka my fucking dick, and I moaned softly. I push him off when I see him smirk at me and quickly go to the other side to take photos, ignoring my now little problem. It wouldn't be noticable, I wasn't that big so I would be fine.

Another time I was early to gym so I got dressed but Duke was behind me the whole time. That time was pretty weird but I just ignored it.

Soon he started to pop up everywhere.

And it was annoying the shit out of me.

Today I am supposed to go shopping with Heaven to get a outfit. I went to my teaching session after school and grabbed my phone setting a alarm. I was grabbing a notebook out of my bag and felt someone's hand on my back. I grab their hand and glare at Brent. He looks at me disgusted and I look at him weird "what" I asked annoyed and he looks at me "your wearing a thong?" He asked and I think then laugh I turn to the table nd lay the papers down everyone was sitting there confused but Jack and Duke were looking amused.

 Brent grabs my arms and I started to freak out. Andy starts to undo my purple skinny jeans and I try to get free kicking my feet. I close my eyes about to start crying but someone slams their hand on the desk and I open my eyes seeing Duke standing up with a mad expression.

"okay dudes, you guys can be gay later. I want to go home early so I can shop for my party. Let him go if he wants to wear a thong he can you both had to wear dresses for a week" He said and Brent and Andy glare at him ast he other three snicker.

They push me down but I stand up and grab my stuff "you all can go to hell" I said and start to walk to the door still on the verge of crying. I lift my hand to open the door but it was shaking to much. I break down and lean on the wall sliding down the door as I hug my knees to my chest, pulling my hot pink hoodie over them and putting the hoodie over my head as I grab my air pods and play music crying as my body shook

Stupid jocks

Stupid thongs

Stupid Omega blood

Stupid Duke.




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