twenty seven

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//this will be fast forward a bit. Also book two has 16 chapters but I'm losing interest of writing it 😤😤 but I'll keep going for anyone who will want to

Here comes more ✨traumatic✨ events 😬

Once we brought the kids home evey thing was perfect. We watched them take their first steps, eat their first hard food, changed them, spent many restless nights but it was all worth it.

When they were 5 Duke went to work at his professional football career meaning we wouldn't see him a lot. I know whit him doing sports and being famous he would have a lot of girls all over him. But I already said I didn't care who he fucked.

I started to work at the school my kids went to but I couldn't be their teacher, nor was I a teacher. I was a helper. Everyone said I was good with all the grades so I would subastute if a teacher needed it but only until they went to Jr high then I worked there. He came on the important dates like birthdays, holidays, graduation.

It was July 13 meaning everyone's 14th birthday. This year we would get the blood types.

Xander- AA
June- OO

I smile giving them all their cards and June frowns. I sit text to him "what's wrong June bug?" I asked and he looks at me. "Everyone else is a dominate Alpha but me" He said and I smile "and me" I said and he blushes "y-yeah but if I was a alpha daddy would stay home more" He said and my heart broke "oh baby. Your daddy is just working a lot." I said and he shrugged. "Yeah. Is the season over yet? He was home last year" He said and I smile sadly "he'll be here June bug don't worry" I said and kiss him cheek

But he didn't come home until the next day. The kids were mad at him especially June. I was hurt since he couldn't come home on their birthday although the season was over.

Then he started skipping coming home some days. I kept telling them it was because of work but I knew it wasn't. And I think they did too

I already talked to them about sex. I had to do it alone. When we wanted to do it together. It was awkward but I made sure they knew ever thing except kinks.

A lot of the time I cried because he was  gone. Tonight was one of thoes nights. I was in the kitchen sitting in a chair with a glass of hot chocolate.

The kids walk down the stairs "mommy?" I hear June say and I look up supried and worried then look away wiping my eyes "hey babies" I smile and walk to them. Luna puts her hand on my cheek "your crying because of daddy right?" Xander asked and I bring them to the couch and sit down putting June in my lap closing my eyes "I'm sorry babies. You shouldn't see me like this and I tried to hide it from you" I said and they look at me I laugh a bit tearing up again "mommy isn't as strong as you think" I said and they hug me. I smile and hid my face in June's chest the door opened and I look up surprised. Duke walked in with a very pretty girl and looks at us surprised. I stand up "you guys go into your rooms" I said to the kids but they didn't leave.

I frown "guys, go to your room now." I said and they get up but June stops and looks back at Duke "make mommy cry again and I'll hate you forever" He said before Xander brings him into the room. Duke walks by but I stop them "get the hell out of my house" I said and she giggles "is this the slut you were talking ab-" I punch her hard. She fell down the stairs and it took all the power in me not to laugh at her. I cross my arms and put my leg up "take your bitch and get out. Next time one or your fuck toys calls me a slut I'll do more than just punch them. And you should start getting your court papers ready. I'm tired of being with a cheater that misses our kids birthday to fuck around" I said and he glares at me "you can't take care of this place and the kids by yourself" He said and I smirk "I've been doing it for 10 years honey. Get the hell out." I said and turn around walking back up the stairs and to the first room shutting the door before crying.

I knew he was cheating. I knew I wasn't honestly enough for him bit I still acted like I was for the kids.

It just hurt seeing him bring one into our house. Xander grabs my arm and I look back seeing all the kids in the same room. I smile sadly and walk to the bed laying down as we all hug and cuddle. "Mom. If we have to chose sides we don't want to live with him." Luna said and I frown "babies. You guys should spend time with your dad. Even if he hurts me he don't hurt you" I said and they shake their heads. All of them wanted to be with me. I tear up and hug them "damn it you little shits. Stop making me cry" He said and they all giggle before falling asleep in the small bed. Unknowing of the male standing at the door watching with a annoyed look. 

//😬😬😬😬 hope that makes you happy 💅💅💅

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