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/////book one is complete!! I'll be posing every day now and there are 33 chapters in all. I'll be working on book two if anyone is interested in reading once this book ends it will be the very last chapter you see. You don't have to read book two but you can if it sparks your interest

It was Christmas already and I was glad my mom made it back. We gave each other the presents we bought and she made a huge dinner. I hit some presents from my friends and a few anonymous one. Heaven got me clothes, purfime, chocolate, and other sweets, max  got me a gift card for food places and a black one with a code on it for me to search and use

I got some from Wilber and I even got one frome Duke. He gave me a diamond bracket with charms on it. I kept it.

Not because I still like him. Definitely not. I am long over him. But. But the bracket was pretty. I'll tell him I threw it away. He won't know.

And then I got 5 boxes without names.

I got hoodies, candy and jewlwey in one, I got more clothes, a small heart statute and some art supplies in another the other two were similar but in the last one which was the biggest I was given sex toys.

Handcuffs, I was given a dildo that was around the size duke was and a ton of vibrators and sexy clothing. I was shocked to say the least and I put everything up.

I grab the hoodie Duke gave me when I left his house and put it on with a pair if boxers before laying down.

I didn't want to go to school next week. It was going to be so annoying.

And as I said before that week went by so slowly. Besides heaven and Wilber no one knows that I slept with Duke, not even my mom.

I was waking up on one annoying Tuesday morning and getting ready for school. I went so school as normal but around lunch time I felt sick so. I didn't eat anything. Duke ignored me and Wilber and jack started dating. I was happy for them but now I'm the only one in my friend group without a boyfriend.

It still hurts to see Duke with other girls and hanging out with other people happy but at least noting bad happened and no one seems to know.

School went on as normal as it could and I eventually started to forget my crush on duke.

It was a Sunday morning and my mom was making breakfast. She walked in with the food a d woke me up. I felt extremely sick and run to the bathroom. She follows and sighs "baby your not hungry and you keep throwing up every morning. If I didn't know better I'd say your pregnant" She jokes and I look at her guilty. "M-... Mommy.... What if I am?" I asked and she looks at me sternly. I look away and she stands up "go eat your breakfast. I'll be back" She said and walks out.

I tear up thinking I made her mad. I should have told her sooner.

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