twenty two

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The car ride to school to get dukes car was long, quiet, and so sad.

All I wanted was to lay my head down but any time I did duke would pull my arm to him and then he'd grab my chin tell me 'don't you dare fucking try' and then harshly push my face away. I looked at the cab river who smed to feel sorry for me and look down singing a bit. That's the last time I ever do something with duke.

I see the school and we get out, he pays and we walk to his car. He opens the back door and pushes me in finally letting go of my poor arm. "If you fall asleep then our night will be continued all day today do you understand?" He asked and I nod quickly.

To afraid to use my own voice.

He was different. But why?

We get to his house and thankfully I wasn't asleep.

He gets us inside and walks me to a room once I go in my eyes widen and I am fully awake. There, there was a baby room. Everything was pink blue and purple. I walk in and trouch the bears and toys then look at him confused. "No. I don't want to live here with you and your parents. I want us to get our own home" I said and he roles his eyes "it's just temporary baby. Until I finish college you'll stay here with the baby" He smiles and I back up "no I won't." I said now annoyed "look. I don't know why your acting different but until I have the baby I don't want to be around you. You hurt me earlier and you expect it to all be better with this shit?" I asked annoyed and his eyes darken a bit as he walks closer. I keep talking though  "you cqn go have sex with whoever you want right?? But the minuet I try to go fuck to let you know how it feels you wht all defensive and shit and today your acting like a fucking dick! You hurt me how do I know you won't hurt my baby!?" I yelled and he pushes me hard against the wall "our baby." He said and I glare at him.

I push his arm away and kick over the crib. I lived the room don't get me wrong. But I'm not living here with HIM and his family.

I start walking out of the house. Duke grabs me and I growl punching him in the nose. He looks at me surprised and I glare at him "DONT. Fucking touch me. Not until you stop being a dick" I said annoyed walking down the stairs. Duke followed me but didn't say anything.  My body still hurt and I was still tired but I walked out. He kept following me all the way to my house.

It was honestly so annoying.

I get inside and stand at the door way sighing "goodbye Duke" I said and he just looks at me. I sigh and close my eyes leaning on the door. He could easily push past me with his strength bit I felt like he wouldn't. "Baby. Tell me what's wrong" He said and I laugh a bit annoyed.

"A lot of things are wrong Duke. I'm 17 and pregnant by a one night stand, I have stupid blue eyes and pitch black hair. I get call emo and faggot at school. My mom never has time for me. My friends probably get annoyed with me. I'm dating my baby daddy although he cheats on me time after time again. I have a bruise on my arm from how hard you grabbed me. You threated me. You want to decide our life." I start to cry "I don't know what to do. I know I'm not pretty I know I'm not a female and can't let you fuck my pussy but I'm trying. I'm trying so hard to make you satisfied even if we only fucked twice not counting last night. I didn't want sex all the time. The first time I had sex was with you! I'm  it addicted to it! I don't always want a cock shived up my ass or down my throat. And if you can't respect that and if you want to sleep around fine. Go ahead. I'll take care on my baby on my own. Well figure out arrangements. I don't need you in my life" I said although it hurt 

Duke looked like he was thinking.

I smile sadly and close the door but he puts his foot in it. I knew he would try to stop me.

"I'll stop. I should have stopped form the very begining. I won't hurt you anymore. I'll get us a house and we can decorate it together. For the time I've known you I've loved you baby. I fucked up once. I promise it won't happen again" He said and holds his hand in the door with his pinky out.

I look at it. My friends always told me "once a cheater always a cheater" But they also told me "second chances are good" And "fuck me over once shame on you but fuck me over twice shame on me"

So like the inner dumb blonde I am I wrap my pinky around his "the minute you hit me, the first time you cheat on me, the first time you do anything but love me I'm gone." I said and Duke opens the door with a smile "you won't be going anywhere" He said and hugs me.

I hug back and sigh.

Hopefully I'm not making a mistake.

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