twenty three

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///there is a huge surprise in the chapter.... If I might say..... 3 times as big 😉😉😉😉 ((read the chapter to understand lol))

My high school life was finally over. My mom let me start collage online and I had about 5 more months till the baby was due.

Most people get their ultrasounds done early but because if school and my now part time job it's been difficult. But today was the day I go to see how my baby is doing. My mom was coming with me and we would meet Duke there.

Walking into the doctor office I was nervous, worried, and anxious. What if something was wrong with my baby?

We arrive in the room and I get seated. Duke rushed in and smiled at me as he grabs my hand.

My mom would get the results and we would have a gender reveal baby shower. She would tell everyone but me and Duke.

As the jello goes on my belly I giggle.

It was cold and thick.

I watch the screen fondly as I ask the doctor "I'm only about 4 or 5 months pregnant, should my tummy be this big?" I asked and she shook her head as her eyes brighten looking at the small screen "no, not unless you have triplets" She said and I relax then my eyes widen as I look at the screen "i-im having 3 babies??" I asked worried but also tearing up from joy.

My small body is having not one, not two but 3 fucking babies.

I should start eating more.

Duke was smiling fondly at the screen as he pets me and my mom was doing a little victory dance away from us as the doctor wrote down what the genders were.

I so desperately wanted to know. "They all look healthy and the right size." She said and I smile.

Babies. I'm having babies. Not a baby

This was all starting to sink in to my 18 year old brain, he's my birthday passed, "s-so... When are their due dates?" I asked and she smiles "you said you got pregnant in December so.. August.

They clean the jelly off my tummy and Duke pulls his hoodie back down on me.

He hasn't been mean to me, he hasn't hit me, and he hasn't slept around. We had sex twice since our argument, once on his birthday in February and the other time on my birthday in April.

We were both looking for a house but how it would need to be the bedroom, unless they are all one gender. What if they are?

Oh no.

We did end up finding a cute house. I told him my ideas on how to decorate it and he liked it.

The outside would be pitch black. I want it to look like a scary haunted house but in the inside would be each room pastel. The curtains and furniture would be black and would would our king sized bed. We pained once room blue with pink and purple dots and added some baby toys as well as cribs. The kids rooms had a bathroom that would connect it. The bathroom would be purple with pink and blue dots and the girls room would be pick with purple and blue dots. All 3 cribs would be in the boys room just because it was a little bigger and I could add a rocking chair.

It was a few months before we could officially move in.

I smile as we walk to the baby room and I sit in the chair holding my back. It hurt to be pregnant.

"The baby shower is tomorrow. We should add a fence around the pool and a ga-" I cut myself off and Duke looks at me worried. I frown and rub his cheek with my hand "baby, is this what you want? We can change the house before they get here. It's fine" I said and he shakes his head "I like your idea baby. You have me the basement to work on and the garage is yours. The attic will be for pictures, and special things and there will be a guest room. Our bedroom and bathroom is the biggest and there is a bathroom on the first floor near the kitchen-" I smile and cut him off by kissing him "the kitchen has two refrigerators and one large freezer, it has a large oven and a even larger pantery to store all the food in. There is a small cleaning closet in the kitchen next to the grave door and the dishwasher needs fixing but everything else in the house works and is in perfect shape" I said and he smiles as we hold each other's hand.

I suddenly felt a pain in my stomach and hold it as my eyes widen.

The. babies. were. kicking.

I grab his hand and lay it in my stomach. He was confused at first but then smiles and starts to sing to them. I laugh a bit and start to hum along.

Everything was so perfect right now. Everything was so lively and hopefully nothing will break that. Ever.

Because my babies and I and my boyfriend deserve the fucking universe

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