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Because I finished my BoUGHT story I will be updating this more than just once a month and my Secret Love book will now be published at the beginning of every month until I finish this one. If you are waiting to read thank you. I have some chapters made already so I will be posting one or two at a time but this won't be a very long story and I do apologize. Now on with the story


As Wilber and I walk though the Hall people were whispering and I sigh. He just smirks and kisses my cheek. I blush and pinch his side. He laughs and I role my eyes but can't help but to smile as I walk away.

I go to my locker and grab a few of my books needing to Stan on my tippy toes and stretch my arms but my skirt goes up. In about to put my arms down but I feel a jacket cover me and I look back seeing Duke with a straight face while holing his jacket behind me. I smile and grab a few of the books I need then put my arms down and look at him "well thank you kind sir" I tease and he looks at me with a sad smile "are you two really dating?" He asked and I shrugged "it might not last long but I wanted to try something out and he isn't straight" I said and Duke sighs "so you don't like me anymore?" He asked and I close my locker smiling as I grab his cheek "how cute" I smile then lean on my locker "I still like you. But there is no point. Ah I have to go, bells about to ring" I smile and walk to Wilber who was watching a few lockers down with a amused smirk on his face.

I just role my eyes and grab his hand walking to class. "Jack talk to you?" I asked and Wilber smirks "he tried. Remember yesterday after I kissed him how I whispered in his ear? Well I told him to just be patient and in a few weeks he will understand then I walked away. He tried to ask what I was doing with you. And what they kiss was about if I had a boyfriend already. I just held up my hand and he shut up. I smiled at him then walked away" He said nd I blink at him "holy crap. Where the heck did you get all the confidence from?" I ask and he smiles kissing me close to my lips then walks to his class "I was born with it baby!" He smiles and I sigh shaking my head as I walked into class.

I sat down and school was pretty much the same but everyone was watching me and whispering. I just went with my head eld high although on the inside I was having a huge mental breakdown. I felt so stupid in this skirt and I was scared somone would try to mess with me.

It was time for gym and I was glad to get out of the skirt. I take off my sweater and skirt but kept on the leggings just slipping my shirt on and my gym shorts on over my leggings then put in my shoes and carefully taken off my benie.

I hear people talking about how the football team won last night and felt a bit proud the person I liked was on that team.

I walked outside once I was dressed and stood in my line. Everyone stretcher then runs a bit. Today we were doing volleyball and I was excited. We had 4 nets so that would mean we would only need to use two since there was exactly 24 students. I would be the libero. I played enough volleyball and watched enough Haikyuu!! To know although it's hard volleyball is a art.

I was on a pretty good team seeing that no football players or drama queens were on my team and I was having tons of fun. Wilber was on my team to to he made me laugh a lot since he couldn't hit the ball, saying it was cursed. I role my eyes, which I've seem to be doing a lot lately, and he smiles.

We played hard and eventually it was time to go. I started walking back but Wilber smacked my bum making me run faster. I cuse him and run to my locker talking off my clothes and put on my sweater and skirt trying to make it look as neat as possible. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad two weeks.
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