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Today was Monday December 15. Six days to the Christmas party on Sunday December 21. Ten days until Christmas on the 25. Five days until me and Wilbur 'break up' on the 20. And why? So we can make the jocks we are crushing on jealous.

I spent my weekend stalking Duke on Instagram and Snapchat to make sure he was doing okay. Ever since Friday after he decided to leave his car he gave me my hoodie back and he looked all better. Now that I see him in person I can tell he is feeling better too. I walk away from Wilbur to go ask if he was better but frown hearing the jocks conversation

"So that party on Friday helped. How many girls did you get?" One asked and Duke laughed a bit. "3." He said and the boys around him 'ooh yeah' one of them notice me and then glares at me "what do you want fag?" He asked and I shrugged "my hoodie?" I asked him since it was the first thing that came to my mind. Duke looks back at me confused "I gave it to you during lunch" He did and I pretend to remember "oh yeahhhh sorry" I smile and turn on my heals walking away with my head down. Of course. He's straight. For a bit I actually thought I he something to do with him being happy.

I walk past Wilbur who grabs my hand nd I pull it away from him "oh my god can you leave me alone for one fucking minute?!!" I scream and Wilbur looks at me shook. I look around seeing the quiet cafeteria and see tons of people watching us. I freak out and Ter up before running outt he lunch room and to the back of the school. I lean on the wall nd tilt my head back looking to the sky. I start to cry "damnit Leo." I curse myself and side down the wall hugging my knees.

I feel like shit. I actually thought I could have a chance with the straightest person in the school. I laughed at myself and close my eyes.

I hear someone walk to me and think it's Wilbur so I dnt bother to try and hide. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pop off like that. I just don't feel like this is working" I sigh "this stupid plan is gonna make me have a panic attack" I laugh at myself then open my teary eyes only for them to  be covered up I try to get away but who ever it is tie my hands together and throw me down on my back. I cough feeling the air get pushed out of my lungs and breath heavy. "W-whats going on?! Get off!" I go to scream but somone covers my mouth. I bit their hand nd they pull it away the smack me.

I gasp and hold my cheek as tears role down them. The salty tears sting my slapped cheek and I sit up trying to get away. They grab my button down white shirt and rip it open. I try to kick them away but they hold my ankles. I don't know who it is but I can tell it's a dude from their hands. He starts to pull off my skirt and I start to cry harder while trying to get away. He was close to pulling off my leggings that I wore but they only got to my thighs and I scream as loud as I could. He smacked me again but this time I heard running and someone calling my name. The person that was just on top of me gets off and runs away. I curl up and cry as I feel somone grab my shoulder and hold me up while carefully taking off the blindfold "hey lee." Wilbur said and I cry hiding my face in his chest "I was so fucking scared Wil!" I cry and Wilbur helping up and unties my hands. He fixed my clothes and Heaven, max, and even Duke came running to me worried. heaven took off her hoodie seeing my shirt was broken and I hug her trembling in her arms

"Who was that?" Duke asked pissed and I shrugged "i-i couldn't see. I thought it was Wilbur but when I opened my eyes a blindfold was put on me" I mumbled and hug heaven tighter. Max ruffles my hair and I sniffle.

"But didn't two people run off?" Heaven asked bd I frown "only one person was on me s-" My eyes widen and I whimper "what if they were videoing me?" I ask and everyone stayed quite. "We should go to the police. If they did take a video they will probably post it" Wilbur said and I nod making sure my clothes were good then I grab heavens hand.

We go to the police and I tell them what happened. They told me they would keep eyes own on social media in case anyone posts it on there so they can take it down. I thank them and walk out with my head down. I decided to go home and heaven said she would start with me. Of course that meant Max would come and then Wilbur and Duke would go to school.

I got home and look for my mom but all I find is a note. I sigh and grab it. She was going on a business trip and would be back hopefully Christmas Day.

Me heaven and max sit on my couch cuddled up and watched Disney movies. Max and heaven were like my parents more than my friends. When I was 9 my dad and brother got in a car crash while going to pick me up from daycare on my birthday. A drunk driver was speeding and ran into a red light t-boneing them and the doctors said it was instant death for all 3 people involved. My mom became depressed afterwards and I think she blamed me for a while but I almost got kidnapped while getting food for myself because she didn't feel like buying any. I was dropped off at my home a week later with bruises and cuts all over me and my mom was crying. After that she started working again but still was never home. She would work herself a ton but over the last 7-8 years our relationship has gotten way better than before. I told her I was gay when I was 13 and she accepted me. I was shooketh by the fact she accepted me so easy but she said she knew I was gay when I was 10.

I smile sadly remembering everything and sigh. Falling asleep with the two love birds I felt safe but something was missing.

5 days.

I now had 5 days until the party. I tried to forget what happened yesterday but when we pulled up to school I had a bad bad feeling. I got out and Wilbur ran to me with a cop behind him. I frown confused but Wilbur shows me his phone. There was me and some dude in a mask. He was trying to take off my clothes and I was crying trying to get free. I look at it more closely and gasp. I know that people in this video. And I see Duke did to. He was dragging Andy and Brent over. Andy was the ine in the video trying to take off my clothes and I know that because he had on a football ring and a zipper bracelet. Brent was the one takingt he video because his fingers slipped infromt of the camera when they were running away and he usually wore a Rolex watch and rings too. The police walked to the two but I walk to them first and I punch Andy as hard as I could in his jaw.

Today I have on a large baby blue shirt and some regular jeans, to afraid to wear a skirt, so I was perfectly fine to beatt he shit out of these two.

People crowded around and I punch Andy again then I kick Brent in his balls. "Next time I see you I'll make sure your nudered like that fucking dogs you are" I said and kick Andy then push past people pissed off. Wilber followed and grabbed my hand.

Maybe today wouldn't be so bad.

I don't believe this is edited so I'm sorry about that. In filter chapets I fish things a bit but I'm trying to slow it down. I have 20 chapters right now so tell me if you would like a few more posted in a few days

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