twenty eaight

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////do you want me to just post the rest today or two for 2 days and a half? Because there are only 4ish parts left

⚠talk of rape! ⚠

Walking into the court room with 3 kids was terrifying. I was supised to go agianst Duke, a famous, wealth, hot dude and fight for custody.

The judge was female which scared me because I didn't want her falling for Dukes looks. But she was lesbian.

They called me up to the stand and June waves at me happily. I smile and wave then tell the storey about how Duke and I met, how our life has been the good things and the bad things. "I wouldn't mind joint custody. I wanted to wait till they were 18 to break up but I can't live with somine who brings whors and sluts around my house with my children awake. I may be a omega but I promised to protect them even if it costs my life. I don't want them to be around dsomine who has sex with as many women as he pleasee then thinks he can come home and lie about loving me. I don't want someone to even think about being near my kids when they can't make it home for their birthday and why? Because he's fucking some stupid ass slut" I said getting angry and see June stand up in the rows watching "a-and daddy made mommy cry! We told daddy if he hurts mommy we would hate him." He said shyly turing bright red in front of all the people.

Xander stands up as well "a-and um... I think he raped mom before." He said and my face went pale "I never did that" He said and Xander frowns "yeah you did he kept telling you to stop because the kids were home and he didn't want it but you said " Just shut up fucking bitch. I'll fuck you when I want how I want or I'll thow thoes brats out" And so then you made mom cry by raping him" He said and I stand up "Xander! Enough. He didn't do that." I said and he looks at me confused "he di-" I cut him off "enough" I said more sterly and they sit down. I sit down wanting to bash my head against the desk. "I don't want him to go to jail. I just want custody of my kids. I'll let him see them on holidays if he even bothers" I said and the judge looks at me "do you love him?" She asked and I look at Duke who was looking right back at me. "I do. I just wish he wasn't so bipolar. One minute he's so perfect and the next he's acting like he's gona slit my throat and then goes out and fucks around." I said and closed my eyes leaning back "you would be right when you said I can't take care of 3 children on my own, but, they are not children. They are young adults and they have a right to say what they want to do" I said and sit up "of they wanna go with you weekends and holidays that's fine. But I don't see how you say you don't have time for them. They are not babies anymore and they can take care of themselves. Other pro players can spend weekdays with their kids if they are not in another state. Why can't you? Is having sex and partying more important than those 3? Because the answer is no. I supported you the entire time you went to collage those first 4-5 years but after they turned 8 you started to act completely different. So I don't car3 what you do. Hurt my babies and you'll regret it" I said and we glare at eachother.

The judge smiles and sits up. "Well Mr lows do you still like Leo?" She asked and duke looks at me "sometimes." He said and she frowns "does sometimes mean when he's on his hands and knees and your penis is in him?" She asked and I blushed a bit but it also hurt knowing he would only want me for sex.

He said something and she frowns "sir your a football player I know you have a louder voice than that" She said and he growls "I still like him! He's... He's still as pretty as the day we met and at my party. I knew I was gay for the longest time but I didn't let anyone know. I don't want to be seen as a weak football player." He said and she frowns "so you think sleeping around makes you stronger?" She asked and he growls "no. Not giving a fuck makes me stronger, not having something important makes me stronger because then no one can steal it" He said and looks at me. I think then frown "do you mean that one night after the game when I caught you kissing a cheerleader from the other team?" I asked annoyed "because if so of course I was gonna fuck around then! You were with a cheerleader from. the. Other. Team" I said and he whines "she kissed me first and I kissed back on instinct" He said and I role my eyes "yeah until you get caught" I said and pout as he crossed his arms "but no it's from the first time we met. You always had people around you like Andy and Brent although they were ass holes and then you dated Wilber. I just figured you'd find better than me" He said and I huff "I liked you since middle school you fucking idiot. Of course there is no one better than you" I said and look away smirking "maybe that football player was. He has boger than you" I said and duke glares at me "of course he did he was back! I-if mean no Offence to black people-colored people fu- stop that!!" He said and I giggle a bit.

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