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/////okay hello everyone. There will be a second part to this book. I thought about adding it to this bit then I would need to change the tags and summary so I'll add it to a part two book about the kid(s) 😋 lives. You don't have to read it but it will be greatly appreciated if you do when it comes out 😊

I wake up do to yelling and a loud thump. I whimper and turn over "5 more minutes mommy" I said and curl up in a ball hiding my face in the pillows when the covers were rudely pulls off my body. "Mom!" I yell then go quiet.


There Duke was standing with the covers in his hand and a mad expression on his face "what the fuck are you doing!" He asked and I flinch. "I-i don't know? I don't know how I got here" I said and put my hand over my eyes trying to remember anything but my headache was hurting like crazy. A few bits and prices were there but noting about how I got inside this room. He throws my clothes at me but somehow a few of the pieces were ripped. He roles his eyes and this a new hoodie at me "get out" He said and I nod putting on my clothes and the hoodie he gave me. I walk to the door with my ass hiring but I tried not to show it. If he couldn't remember what happened then I didn't want him to get more mad at me if I tell him I think we had sex.

I open the door but he stands behind behind me and keeps it shut.

"If you tell anyone what happened here I'll kill you. Do you understand?" He asked and I tear up. I look back at him and scoff. "What? What happened? Because I don't remember shit! My ass hurt my legs hurt and I have a killer fucking headache. I think we had sex but I can't be for certain! Any you really think this is the best way! Even if we did have sex I thought you were starting to be my friend." I laughs a bit bitterly and glare at him "your just like all the others. You either want to get in my pants or learn my secrets. And what's bad is I actually liked you and trusted you" I said pissed. "I won't tell anyone your fucking secret. Go fuck anyone in the work I don't care. Don't talk to me at school" I said and walk out not giving him time to speak. I call a Uber as I walk down the stairs with my shoes in my hands. Everyone was passed our on the ground asleep.

I wait outside for a few minutes and the Uber pulls up as I see Duke running to the car. I quickly get in "please drive" U said and the female driver nods starting to drive away.

I tell her my address and then close my eyes leaning back as tears start to fall down my cheeks. She didn't ask any questions which I was thankful for.

She drops me off and I get our after paying her then walk inside. My mom was still on her trip so there was no one I could talk to about my problems.

This was so annoying. School would be closed for two weeks because of Christmas. And I'd don't want to go back even when it did open.

I go lay down after taking come asprin and close my eyes trying to remember what happened but end up falling asleep.

I wake up during the night to knocks at my door and walk to it sleepy. I open the door and five people rush in and start to yell.

I sigh and walk away to the kitchen to make food as the memories from last night start to pop up.

I walk back to the people and sit in the couch. Heaven, Max, Jack, Wilber, and Duck were all in my house arguing. My eyes widened and I jumped up pointing at Duke "what the fuck are you doing here!?" I asked and he looks at me "I didn't mean what I said earlier" He said and I laugh "get the fuck out" I said and look at everyone "all of you. I'm  it in the mood for people" I said and heaven and Wilber hug me.

I knew no matter how loud or how much I yelled at them they wouldn't leave  "can the fest you you fuck off. No Offence Max and jack but I really don't want to be around people. And I already told you to stay the fuck away from me" I said pointing at Duke. He looks at me softly before leaving with the others. I heard giving our there but didn't even want to watch. As soon as the door shut I broke down in tears as Heaven and Wilber help me.

It took me a while to tell them what happened but they were all mad.

This two weeks would go by so slow. And I loved that.

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