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///so I'm working on book two and I know that doesn't really give me the right to post this as I please after I said one a day or one every other day but..... I'm a impatient little bitch so here's another chapter and there might be one more soon. Although some if you probably won't read book two (most of you haha) I'm actually kinda excited for it ngl


While in front of the while cafeteria he decided to kiss me. And to. Make it worse he put his hands on my ASS.

I would have gladly gave him another black eye if I didn't melt as soon as he nitped my bottom lip. I pretty much just a good there as if I was frozen and the other thing I could move was my mouth.

I was brought back to the cold reality when be lit a hand under my shirt and I blink a few times before kicking him in the nuts and rumping off the stage going straight to heaven for protection.

He bellowed over a bit while hoping his junk and I gripped heavens shirt scared.

He looks at me annoyed and stands up walking down the stairs calmy. "I'm sorry babe" Heaven said and steps behind me. I look at her confused, hurt, scared and tear up running our of the cafeteria. It's like everyone knew  exactly what was going on but me. I run to the door but two people stood in front of it as of they knew i was coming.

I then relises Duke didn't look that surprised when I said I was pregnant but more. of the fact I'd take care of the baby alone. And only one person knew I was pregnant.

I stop and just stand there for a few seconds then look back walkking into the cafeteria pissed. Heaven looks at me g uilty and I glare at her "what the fuck heaven!! I thought we were fucking friends?" I said about to cry. She hugs me "we are friends. When I beat his up I accidentally said you were pregnant and he was shocked. I knew your mom would make you tell him and he had this plan and toldnit to the whole school" She said and I push away. The whole school knows I'm pregnant.

I walk out and heaven yells after me. Duke follows me and I just walk to a room and shut the door locking it. I sit down hugging my knees and pull the hoodie over them. I pull my arms out of the slaves and put the hood on my head while closing my eyes and crying. A few people try opening the door and I eventually fell asleep

I woke up and snuggle deeper into the warmth surrounding me.

This smell, the texture of the blankets, the arms wraoes around me.

It felt all so normal, so, familiar

I slowly open my eyes. Finding myself in a room I know a life to well just from one night of being inside of

Smell that was so adicting and crazy it could. make anyone horny, warmth so overpowers it makes me sweat.
And arms so sting I feel like noting could happen to me inside them

I look at Duke and he was asleep. I slowly get up and then frown seeing I'm naked except for my hoodie.

I look around for my clothes and shoes  quietly so I could leave. I find a pair of shorts that have a string so I put them on and put on my shoes about to open the door but freeze feeling arms wrap around my waist.

"Where do you think your going?" He asked and I gulp. "I already told your mom your staying the night so lay down and let's talk" He said and I shake my head.

"I'm going home" I said and try again to open the door but he closes it. Deja vu much.

He picks me up and lays me on the bed before getting on top of me. "Now. Let's try this again." He said and pulls the hoodie down showing the fading hickies and bite marks.

He makes another one my collar bone and I moan softly. "Why" I whimper and he smirks "we arnt having sex." He said and I blush.

Well it seemed like we were.

"Leo. I'm gay and I want to be a father to our baby" He said and I gulp. "Your just saying this to use me. Like how you said you liked me before I let you in my pants. I don't give up my body that easy. I trusted you. You knew I was a virgin. It's like you wanted to get me pregnant. After you came in me I said to stop and get a condom. You ignored me flipped me doggy and started pushing your cum deeper into me. And then the next morning acted like I was a disgusting whor who shouldn't have stayed after that one night" I said angry and tear up finlay being able to cry and I do.

He hugs me and we cuddle on top of his bed. I hid my face in his chest. He pets my hair and I close my eyes relaxing, until my stomach growles. He laughs a bit and gets up.

I sit up as he walks out the room and then have to go pee. I walk to the door and open it seeing a closet.

I look around and walk in getting hit with the smell of pincones, smoke, and coffee. I didn't know he smoked.

I walk around and grab a hoodie out of his dirty clothes.

I put it on after taking off the other one and walk deeper into the closet sitting in the corner and hugging my knees. I didn't have to use the bathroom anymore for right now.

I hear him say my name bit his deeper in the clothes smiling a bit. Hide and seek is fun.

He undtoom and opens the bathroom door "Leo. When I find you you have to do anything and everything I say for two days" He said and I frown but nod. There was a door that opened from his closet to his bathroom and he looks around in his closet. I make sure not to move or make a sound. He looks at his dirty clothes basket "ooh you little pervert" I hear him say in a teasing voice. I blush since he knew I took something and I watch him bend over to clean it up. He checks in between some clothes getting closer to me so I gulp getting worried. He was a foot away and about to find me but his phone went off "I'll be back you little pervert" He said and walks out. I hid under his dirty clothes since they were in a huge box. I curl up putting some on top of me getting suffocated with his smell but I loved it.

He walks back in and keeps looking for me moving clothes around nd checking under things. I accidentally whimper since I was getting hard being here in his clothes with his smell turned me on and I wanted to touch myself. I hear him laugh a bit and feel a shirt get lifted. I gulp and he pushes the clothes away from my face with a smirk. He looked surprised for a moment before he smirks again. He helps me out and I whimper again while shoving my face in his shirt "you smoke?" I asked and he shakes his head "I don't. My older brother, father, and some. Other people I hang out with do" He said and I nod smelling him more. He picks me up and i whimper. "Don't move me to much" I said and he looked at me confused. "When I found you your face was bright red, you had tears in your eyes and some drool in the side of your mouth. You looked hot" He said and I blush "whatever" I whisper and he smiles "I still get to own you for two days" He smirks and I nod "okay" I said as he starts me down and hands me the food.

It was a plate of steak, mashed potatoes, and some corn. I start to eat and kick my feet while we look at each other. I blush a bit and lick my lips looking for a drink. He leaves to get one and I relax eating more since he was gone

It was odd sitting in his room alone but the smell of smoke was significant and so suffocating after a few minutes I had to open a window

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