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///I probably won't. post for a few days my WiFi is being shit and it's almost Christmas. So merry Christmas everyone and I'll see you soon ❤❤

Also ps there is some uncalled for drama the people in the comments love 🙄🙄😬😬

The game ends but since it was the last one of the season all the kids got to say and party. The teachers left and the kids were able to go to the cafe and the yards. I stayed with the cheerleaders until heaven and Wilber came. Our boys won if course and I walk away from everyone to go get drinks. I get everyone a drink and look up.

Duke was making out with someone. My first instinct was to cry and run away like everyone in thoes dranas but I was better than them.

I walk over to him and he looks at me a bit surprised. I smirk seeing it was a cheerleader from the other team then walk over to the group of football players and grab ones jersey kissing him deeply then letting go after I bit his lip. He seemed surprised then grabs my hips before I can leave.

Duke was talking at him and I smirk flicking him off then whisper something into the players ear and he let's go then smirks at me. I smirk and walk past Duke hitting his shoulder and stop for a minute "don't think to badly of me. I mean, you have cheated a few times, why cant I have a little fun" I said and grab the drinks walking to my friends like nothing happened. I make sure there is no alcohol in mine then drink it happily.

The party soon ended and I walked out talking with the football player from the other team. He was flirting with me and I told him I was pregnant. He didn't seem to care and replied with "good. Means I can't be a daddy and cum deep inside your little fwmboy pussy" That made me shut up and turn beet red.

As he helps me in his car I feel someone grab my arm and look back glaring at duke "what? You done with your botch toys?" I asked and he frowns "baby. Come on. Let's go home" He said completely ignoring my statement and I pull my arm back getting in the car pissed. Duke and the male glate at each other and I look at my nails bored. "Let's fuck him together" I hear the other male say and gasp "no!" I scream and try to get out. I already knew how big Duke was and I'd be terrified to have two of those monsters shoved inside me.

I try to get out but to no avail. Duke got in the back and makes my seat lay down.

He plays with my hair as the football player and him talk. "I'm Charlie" He said and I giggle "and your last names brown?" I asked since that's what he had on the back of his jursy. I watch him. He was a mixed color more on the darker side, and not to be a stereotype but he probably has a huge package. He had sholder length dreads and he was about dukes height. He was extremely hot and he had long fingers with big hands. Duke grabs my jaw making me look at him and I gulp. I guess he was jealous of my stairing.

I smirks at him and sit up srugging his arm off of me. I sit with my legs crosses as I grab my phone playing on it relising this is my fate.

We eventually stopped and I look seeing a very pretty 2 story house. We get out and I stay close to Charlie while Duke grips my wrist making sure I don't get to far away from him. We walk in and the smell of cookies hits me like a bullet. "Sugar and chocolate chip cookies??" I asked and he laughs a bit "no they are just candals. I forgot to blow them out this morning I guess" He said and I shiver a bit. Keeping candals alive all day without being home is scary. What if thy burn down your house?

We walk to the kitchen "I have pizza, chicken wings, and-" I sit down happily grabbing the pizza and wings starting to eat. Duke sits next to me and tries to grab a peice but I hit his hand away "are you pregnant?" I asked and he roles his eyes but let's me lean in him "you shouldn't eat it all before we fuck. I don't want you to shit on my dick" He said and I blush a bit before nodding. He was right.

I finish half the pizza(of the slice I had, not the while pizza) and 2 wings saving the rest for after we fuck then get up to go take a shower. Duke followed me which was annoying and I trap myself in the bathroom sighing a bit as I closed my eyes. I take off his jersey and then my cheer outfit and untuck myself as I look in the mirror. He said he had guest suppose for me to use so I grabbed a glove and get in the shower. I wanted to do a anal cleaning. I know some popular porn stars do anal cleanings so they don't fart or shit during sex and that was what I was gonna do.

I cleaned myself inside and out and found a guest toothbrush. I brush my teeth and make sure I smell good before playing with my hair and walking out nervously to the room across the bathroom. I open the door and walk in that it was dark. I frown, turing around but then feel somine cover my mouth and another person blindfold me. They turn in the lights and I gulp being gaged and my arms get tied up.

This is certainly kinky

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