thirty three

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//last chapter 😭😭😭😭 damn I'm so proud of this thank you to all the people who read it and liked it it really means a lot to me. Now enjoy the finals chapter of accidental baby ♥♥

After a while of crying Duke wipes off my face with his handkerchief. I sigh and we just lay there. I sit up and eat some of the food in the limo as Duke rubs my shoulders. I was mad he wasn't asking about sex although i know I should be relived. "You were in the mood earlier. Did you change your mind since I was crying or as it because you can fuck me whenever you please now" I asked bitterly and he stops "what?" He asked softly.

"Did I fucking stut-" My phone goes off and I quickly answered it "hello" I asked and it was Xander "he's okay mom. We found him under some rocks asleep. He just has some small cuts and bruises but he should be fine" He said and I relax "thank god" I said then lean on Duke but he ignored me. We talk and then I hang up puttingy phone on vibrate and sit on his lap facing him "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped. I was just worried" I said sadly. "I know Leo. It's fine you don't have to apologize. But that's the reason I didn't bring up sex. I didn't want to and then make you think I don't care about our little bug" He said and I smile.

We waited till we got to the hotel Nd I step out looking ar this theme park happily. He brings me to the hotel so we can take wedding photos still in our outfits then we go to the room to change.

I was tired so I lay down only in my panties and corset since I couldn't take it off.

Duke walks out of the bathroom and laughs softly at me "need help baby?" He asked and I nod "you have to umrie and unlace it by-" I blink a few times feeling it fall off easily and look at it slipping it off. "How?" I asked and he smikes "there was a strand of button and a zipper" He said and I huff. He lays down with me as he kisses down my neck.

/////third pov since I don't like using he and my anymore.

Duke looked at Leo lovingly as they kiss softly. Leo wraps his arms around Duke to deepwn the kiss as he ruts his hips against Dukes.

With a groan Duke pulled away and bites Leos lip softly Leo laughs a bit as he slips his small hand in Dukes boxers slipping them off.

Duke smirk as he flips them and lays on his back with a few pillows behind him "come on now babe" He said as Leo licks his lips. He's never been good at giving Duke blow jobs but he still enjoyed it even if he wasn't the best. He would also tell Duke enjoyed it. He didn't know if it was because it actually felt good or if Duke was just acting to make him feel better but it always helped when Duke came in his mouth or on his face.

Leo sucks the tip of Dukes dick swirling his tounge around as he teases the slit and foreakin around the head since he wasn't completely hard yet but he was about half way hard. Leo pulls away and spits on his hands a but using it as lube to simulate the base as he teased the tip.

Duke didn't rush things because they had all the time in the world. He didn't need to worry about the kids videotaping them or spying. He laughs a bit thinking about it and runs his fingers through Leos hair "are you gonna dye it again?" He asked and Leo pulls away licking his lip "it's been about a year right? They said messing with it to much could mess it up so I was waiting for the black to come back to the length I wanted it before I dyed it. I was thinking blue with green steaks" Be said before putting as much of the 10 almost 11 pinches in his mouth as he could. It would only get about 4-6 inches in his mouth so he would have to keep using his hands as he bobbed his head gagging every now and then.

Duke groans and grips his hair "that will be pretty" He said and pushes his head down completely causing Leo to tear up and he wasn't able to breath. Duke theusts in his mouth a bit then pulls out watching Leo cough and pant "you ass! What was that for" He asked but Duke hums with a smirk "don't think I haven't been watching baby. I know you want to get as much as you can get so I helped" He said cockily and Leo pouts wiping the drool away before cautiously sucking him off again. "Get on the floor" Duke said and Leo nods getting on the soft carpet in his knees as Duke sits on the edge and Leo sucks him off that way.

Again Duke did what he did before but this time didn't let Leo pull away as early. He deeply throat fucks him and he would have been worried if it wasn't for the fact Leo came untouched without any simulation at all except for Duke being deep in his throat and how he was unable to breath that well.

Duke throat fucks him until he felt himself getting ready to cum so he let's Leo pull away but Leo didn't. He wraps his arms around Dukes legs and jeeeps choking himself as he swalliws around Dukes dick. Duke groans and cums in his throat as Leo slowly pulls away and some cum lands on his face as he keeps his mouth open and milks the rest out of Duke. Leo was panting heavily before pushing Duke to lay down and taking off his panties. He straddles Duke and rubs the sliva covered meat stick (my friend calls it this) between his ass cheeks.

Duke held Leos hips as Leo slowly sinks down on hid dick with a soft brought out moan. Leo rides him slowly while closing his eyes and placing his hands on Dukes chest. Duke runs his thighs soorhinly as Leo starts to speed up moaning more frequently and louder. Duke loved the feeling of being inside Leo and being able to watch his facial expressions.

He found it more hotter with his jizz on Leos face and brings his hand up rubbing Leos cheek softly with his thumb. Leo leaned into the touch and they look at eachkrr as Leo slows down "Leo Lows" Duke said and Leo blushed. He was so happy to give the kids lows as their last name and hutt as their second last name.

Leo closed his eyes riding him again but Duke flips them carefully and kisses Leo slowly theusting in him a bit deeper since Leo put his ankles on Dukes shoulder.

You would think that from as many times as they have fucked in tha last year that Leo would be more lose but to Duke he was just right every single time. They took it slow for a few rounds before Duke started to get kinky. Going in different directions using dirty talk and names. He fucked Leo against the large window as he kept saying how many people could probably see how much of a slut he was for Duke.

Which he was. He'd do anything for Duke especially now. Thought all these years off hell he hasn't once hated him enough to leave him forever and he was glad about that.

After a few hours bit fucking and kinks Leo fell asleep in Dukes arms and Duke held him close looking at him lovingly as he wipes the cup off his face "I love you Leo. And I'll never hurt you again" He said before falling asleep as well. Their honeymoon already off to a fantastic fucking start. (Lol get it. Since they fucked first. Fucking start? No.... Okay)


And that my friends is the end 😬😬 so you already know the next book((if not the next one will be about it)) I thought it would be longer but it's meh. And they are at Disneyland/world ((ik there is a difference idk what tho))

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