Chapter 2: Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry

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Apparently, lunch could take a pretty long time. It wasn't until you were almost at Hogwarts that Blaise and the twins returned from wherever Slughorn had drawn them off too, and by that time, the seating arrangements had changed drastically.

You were leaned up against the window, Dinah still in your lap, now sleeping peacefully. Theo had left, going to find Crabbe and Goyle (and possibly also the sweets trolley). Draco had taken his seat and Blaises, laying out over the bench to rest his head in Pansy's lap, where she was stroking his hair like a cat.

He looked content, and you found yourself wondering if his hair was as soft and silky as it looked.


The door opened and Blaise walked in, glaring at where Draco was resting his shoes on his seat. Pulling Draco's feet by the ankle, he dropped them back on the floor and sat down with a humph.

Following him, the twins filed back in as well, taking their seats next to you. The door swung closed and Dinah sprung awake, digging her claws into your thighs.

"Ow, hey!" You scolded your cat, prying her loose. She was looking at the luggage hold above the seats intently, like there was something up there other than everyone's school trunks.

You glanced around, seeing if anyone had noticed whatever Dinah had and found Draco looking there as well, eyes narrowed.

"What?" You asked.

Draco's eyes flicked to you, and then back to the luggage hold. "Nothing. What did Slughorn want?"

"Ugh." Lyre rolled her eyes. "He might just be the most insufferable man I've ever met."

Leo nodded in agreement. "The whole lunch was just him getting a look at the who's who of the school."

It was no surprise then that Blaise and the twins had been summoned. Between Blaise's mother being a famous widow and the twins parents being one of the richest wizarding families around, Slughorn had managed to grab some of the most well known people at Hogwarts. Still...

"Odd that he didn't ask for Draco too then." You noted.

"Maybe it's because of that whole Death Eater thing at the Ministry last year." Pansy speculated. "I mean, the Prophet had a field day after they found out his father had been there-"

"Whatever." Draco interrupted, sitting up from Pansy's lap. "It's not like I care about some old geezer trying to get in with his rich students. I've got better things to worry about this year anyway."

Lyres eyebrows ticked up at that. "Oh yeah?"

Draco hummed, a familiar self satisfied smile playing on his lips. "I probably won't even be here next year. Some... things happened over the summer."

You could see Blaise roll his eyes.

"There's just not really anything here for me anymore." Draco continued. "After I complete the task I was given for this year, I'll probably be off to greener pastures."

"What's this task then?" Leo asked.

Draco just shrugged, looking out the window.

"C'mon now." Leo pressed. "You can't just say all that and then not tell us anything."

"That would go against the instructions I was given." Draco said.

Lyre scoffed. "Since when do you ever follow the rules?"

Draco shrugged again, obviously enjoying holding something over his friends heads. "Secret."

Blaise sighed, bored. "You really expect us to believe you've got some secret mission?" He drawled. "Draco we're not twelve."

Draco's grin faltered at that. "Well it's not like you-"

He was interrupted by the train lurching to a halt, having finally arrived at the school. You held Dinah to your lap, grabbing her carrier to slide her back inside. The cat looked at you, evidently unhappy with the arrangement.

"You'll be out and about soon enough." You promised her.

Around the compartment, everyone gathered their things back into organized piles for when they would be deposited in the dormitories. You were just about to follow Pansy out the door when you noticed Draco loitering behind, fiddling with one of the straps on his trunk.

"Draco?" You asked.

He glanced up at you, nodding after the rest of your friends. "Go on ahead. I'll catch up."

You glanced down the train corridor after the rest of yours friends, and then back at Draco. You didn't know exactly why he was staying behind - maybe what Blaise had said actually got to him somewhat?

"You're sure?" You asked again.

Draco nodded again.

Well, if he was sure. You turned, following after your friends off the train.

Stepping out onto the crowded platform, you breathed in deeply, the familiar forestry scent sparking a load of joyful memories in your mind. You were finally back home after a long summer at the manor. It felt good to be back.

You could see the heads of your friends bobbing through the crowds, heading towards the horseless carriages that would bring you up to the school. You scurried after them, catching up to Pansy and Lyre at the back of the group.

"There you are." Lyre said as you joined the group. "Where'd you get off to?"

"Just got caught up on the train." You said.

Pansy looked behind you. "Where's Draco?"

"He said to go on ahead." You said. "Probably something to do with his 'secret mission'."

Lyre and Pansy snickered. "He can't honestly think we actually all believe that." Lyre said.

"I say we all keep reminding him this whole year." Pansy said. "See how long it takes for him to break."

"Oi, ladies!"

You looked up, zeroing in on Theo, who had called your name. He was waving from one of the carriages, beckoning you forward. You and the girls headed in his direction, climbing into the carriage.

Blaise and Leo were already inside. You sat down between Leo and Pansy, letting Lyre take the seat next to Blaise. Theo shut the door, took the last seat, and you were off, the carriage rumbling towards the castle.

"Feels good to be back, yeah?" Theo asked. "I can't wait to get on the pitch."

"I, for one, can't wait to get to the feast." Pansy said. "I'm starving."

"Your fault for not eating any lunch." Blaise said.

Pansy snuffed haughtily. "Well not all of us can be effortlessly handsome like you."

Blaise rolled his eyes. "Mmm."

Ignoring your friends antics, you looked out the window of the carriage, watching the castle grounds roll past. In the semi-darkness, it was hard to make out much, but you could see the silhouette of the Forbidden Forest in the distance, and the glow of the groundskeepers cottage.

It was only a short while more before the castle itself came into view, the bright windows leaving diamonds patterns on the grounds. The door were wide open, a gentle trickle of students walking through. Your heart swelled just looking at the place.

Your carriage rumbled to a stop, and you leapt out, eager to get inside. Lyre and Pansy followed.

One look at your face and Lyre grinned. "Someone's eager."

You rolled your eyes playfully. "Like you're not feeling exactly the same."

Lyre just laughed as you walked inside, and towards a fresh year of magic and wonder.

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