Chapter 30: Hogwarts Grounds

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You stared at the spot Draco had disappeared from for a minute, until Blaise and Lyre pushing past you and into the hall shook you out of it.

He was with them.

"He's with them." You said. "Going downstairs."

"He's with... the Death Eaters?" Blaise asked. "He was just with them?"

You nodded, already moving towards the stairs leading back down to the sixth floor.

Blaise and Lyre hurried after you - their wands drawn and at the ready.

Your mind was racing along with your heart now. He was with them... had you been wrong? Had this been his task the whole time? To bring Death Eaters here? Why had he brought them here?

You tore down the stairs to the sixth floor, not caring if anyone heard you anymore. The rest of the Death Eaters has been in front of Draco anyway, and you couldn't see him.

"Y/N- wait-" Lyre called.

You were moving too fast to stop. You jumped past the bottom few steps, already running down the hallway after him. You needed to stop him before he did something stupid.

You could hear traces of that gleeful cackle again. You were getting closer-

Something pulled you back.

You spun around, to see Lyre and Blaise, with their wands pointed at you.

"What are you doing?" You asked, tugging at your invisible restraints. "He's right over there-"

"Y/N, these are Death Eaters." Blaise said. "I don't know what Draco's thinking, but these people are dangerous-"

"They're our parents." You said. "Lyre's father-"

"Wouldn't hesitate to seriously hurt you if he thought you were in the way." Lyre said, a cold expression on her face. She sounded bitter, like she was speaking from experience.

"But, Draco-" You started, tugging again.

"Y/N stop." Blaise said, almost pleading. "Please."

You glanced at the stairs again.

You stopped tugging, and the spell fell away. Lyre and Blaise walked over to you quickly, Lyre reaching out a hand to rest on your shoulder.

"He'll be okay, I think." She said. "They won't hurt him if he's working with them."

"You and I both know that's not always true." You said.

A scream echoed up from an open window.

You moved away from Lyre and Blaise, going over to the window to peer out. The breeze hit your face, forcing you to take a moment and even out your breaths. It almost felt ironic, with the smell of summer on the wind and the sound of fear in the air.

You looked up to the sky.

The Dark Mark.

It hovered over he astronomy tower in the clouds, staring down on the onlookers gathering on the ground, daring anyone to hold its gaze for more than a few seconds at a time. You were familiar with this mark, as it was imprinted on your fathers arm.

It almost looked out of place without skin around it.

A flash of bright light drew your attention away from the mark.

"Oh my god..." Lyre breathed.

You hadn't heard her and Blaise joining you at the window, but they flanked your sides now as you watched the groundskeepers hut burst into flame. Figures danced around the fire before disappearing into the forest.

"Everyone's gathering underneath the astronomy tower." Blaise pointed out.

You could see their wand lights from the window.

"Leo and Pansy should be down there." Lyre said.

You backed away from the window, leading the way downstairs and outside.

You felt numb, as you walked back through the castle. Every window you passed showed another glimpse of the fire in the hut, or a corner of the Dark Mark hovering above you. It didn't feel real.

Like this was all just a bad dream.

The closer you got to the castle doors, the more real it started to feel.

People were huddled in groups in the hallways, whispering to each other about what had just happened. Groups of frightened first years stuck close to teachers as everyone made their way outside.

Just outside the doors, Pansy and Leo waited. Their faces were so relieved when you came into sight.

Lyre rushed past you, running to her brother. She pulled him into a hug. "Dad was here."

Leo's face went pale.

Pansy reached out to you. "Did you find..?"

The end of her question hung in the air.

You nodded. "He was with them." The words tasted strange on your tongue. "I tried to go after him but I..." You trailed off.

A choked sob rang out from the crowd at the bottom of the astronomy tower.

"What happened?" Blaise asked, peering over the tops of people's heads.

"Dumbledore." Pansy said. "Dead. Came tumbling down from the top of the tower. they're saying Snape did it."

You latched onto her words. "Snape? Not Draco?"

Pansy shook her head.

For some reason you were relieved.

Blaise frowned. "We should probably leave."

You glanced around the people around you. They were all looking directly at you and your friends, none of their stares too friendly. It was clear why.

There had been Death Eaters in the school tonight, and here you were, largely children of Death Eaters, save for Blaise - though his family didn't have the best reputation either.

"We should probably leave." You agreed.

Lyre and Leo were still huddled together, whispering to each other in French when you reached out, tapping Leo on the arm.

A quick glance around and they got the message.

You trekked back inside, watching your feet as you climbed down the stairs to the dungeons. Your friends footsteps echoed around you as you walked.

"I'm sorry Y/N..."

You looked up at Pansy. "...What?"

"You were really hoping to help him." She clarified. "I'm sorry that you couldn't."

"Oh." You said softly.

You stopped on the dungeon stairs, just looking at your friends for a moment.

Their eyes reflected the torchlight back up at you. You saw their panic, their determination, and now their disappointment.

"Thanks." You said, smiling softly.

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