Chapter 7: The Slytherin Common Room

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That night Butterbeer flowed freely for anyone who wanted some, and you were sure the house elves were going to hate your house forever after having to clean this up.

That didn't mean you weren't enjoying it though.

It seemed like the whole house was present, and the common room was stuffed full of people. Earlier in the night you'd spotted Dinah skirting around a tangle of legs as she made her way up to the dormitories to take cover for the night. You didn't blame her. Every couple of minutes another cheer would go up, and someone would get lifted over the crowd (usually Draco). You'd been watching him subconsciously the whole night - for no specific reason of course.

"Hey, Y/N!"

You spun around, almost smacking into Pansy. She was holding two bottle of Butterbeer, and handed one off to you, taking the empty bottle you had been holding.

"Oh, thanks." You said, cracking open the fresh one.

"Welcome." Pansy grinned. "D'you know where-"

The rest of Pansy's question was frowned out as another cheer went up. Looking over the crowd, you could see that Theo had lifted Leo up onto his shoulders and was marching him around like a prize. Leo was giggling, gripping onto Theo's shoulders for dear life.

You smiled.

Pansy, who had also caught sight of Theo and Leo, squealed. "Oh, I want... where's Blaise? Blaise!"

She took out through the crowd, dragging you along. You passed by a group of first years - this must have been their first victory party, they looked a little scares. You laughed to yourself, remembering your first party in the common room. You'd been terrified.

Excited, but terrified all the same.

Pansy stopped, having found Blaise. He and Lyre were tucked up on one of the common room sofas, drinking and watching everyone else make fools of themselves. Lyre was leaning on Blaise's shoulder, laughing in his ear at something he said.

"Blaise!" Pansy grinned. "Lift me up on your shoulders!"

Blaise wrinkled his nose. "What? No." He said.

Pansy frowned. "Cmon, Theo picked Leo up-"

"Yeah and Leo's ribs stick out when he takes his shirt off." Blaise said. "You'd crush me, you pig."

Lyre snorted, sipping at her bottle.

Pansy laughed, though it was a little strained. "Whatever..." She said, looking back at the rest of the party. "Oh, Goyle could lift me..." She said, catching sight of him. "Goyle!"

And with that, she was off.

Lyre finished off the bottle she was drinking, setting the empty glass aside and patting the seat next to her, motioning for you to sit down. You did, relaxing into the soft cushions of the couch.

"How many Butterbeers have you had?" Blaise asked Lyre.

Lyre thought for a minute. "Four..? Five. No. Maybe?"

Blaise stopped her from reaching for a new one. "Maybe-"

"S'fine." Lyre said. "Spent the whole summer drinking so I didn't have to hear Dad hit Leo. I've gained a tolerance."

Blaise sighed, and let Lyre grab a new bottle. Lyre, for some reason, giggled.

You turned your attention back to the crowd in front of you. Slytherin house was deep in the throes of the party now. You spied Draco again, with two fourth year girls, reenacting his capture of the snitch. You smiled to yourself.

"Look over there."

You followed to where Blaise was gesturing. He had picked out one corner of the common room, where Crabbe and Millicent Bulstrode were stood, a little too close to be just friends.

Crabbe looked nervous.

Lyre grinned leaning forward. "He's going to try and snog her, isn't he?"

Blaise smirked. "At least he knows enough to figure that he couldn't bag any of the pretty girls."

Sure enough, Crabbe turned to Millicent, leaned in and pressed a kiss to her lips. Even from where you were sitting, you could see that it had been... less than satisfactory.

Lyre cackled. "He's such an oaf."

"So is she." Blaise added, tipping his bottle of Butterbeer to his lips. "She fancied me in third year."

Lyre wrinkled her nose. "As if you would ever even look at her."

You sipped at your own drink, quiet.

"Awfully quiet Y/N." Blaise's lazy gaze drifted over to you. "Feeling alright?"

You nodded. "Yeah... just a bit tired, I suppose."

You felt the couch move next to you as someone plopped down. You shifted turning to get a look at who it was.

"I'm tired of people pretending we're friends." Draco complained. He placed one arm over the back of the sofa and tipped his bottle to his lips, taking a long swallow. You watched his Adam's apple bob, mesmerized.

"I would think you, of all people, would enjoy the attention." Blaise noted drily.

"I could say the same about you." Draco shot back. "Or is the attention of all the girls in the room finally enough?"

Lyre snickered, looking at you. "Not all the girls in the room-"

"Either way." Draco cut her off. "I'm tired and I can feel the soreness from playing today setting in. I wish this would just wrap up already."

"Then just go up to the dorms." Blaise offered. "Everyone's too busy drinking themselves stupid to notice."

"They were already stupid to begin with." Lyre said.

"I can't just leave a party that was thrown for me." Draco said. "That would be rude."

"Since when have you cared about being rude?" You asked.

"Since when have any of us?" Lyre added.

Draco ignored her though, looking you in the eye. "You think I'm rude?"

You took another gulp from the Butterbeer in your hand. "I think we all are terribly rotten."

Draco laughed, holding up his own bottle. "I'll drink to that."

You clinked your bottle with his and took another gulp. When you pulled the glass away from your lips, you were grinning.

Lyre sat up, raising her own bottle above her head. She held it there, until people around her started to take notice, raising theirs as well. Soon enough, the whole house was holding their drinks up in a toast.

"To Slytherin house!" Lyre said. "For being terribly rotten!"

A chorus of clinks and cheers rang out as everyone drank together, laughing.

Blaise took Lyres bottle away from her. "I think that's the last one."

Lyre frowned, falling back against him. "And here I thought you were trying to get me inebriated so you could take advantage of me."

Blaise smirked, leaning down to whisper something in Lyre's ear. She pulled away sharply, laughing and grinning at him.

Draco scoffed. "Disgusting."

You hummed in agreement, admiring his side profile.

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