Chapter 15: Malfoy Manor, The Dining Hall

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The first few days of the break came and went without much change.

True to what you had told Draco, Dinah had come out from under the bed that night, and now happily pranced around the manor like she owned the place, as cats are bound to do. You were happy you had brought her with you, as stroking her and talking to her became a pastime.

Days in the manor passed the same - breakfast with Draco and his mother in the morning, leading to you starting your day, either working on the assignments your Professors had given for the holiday, or doing some light reading. Lunch would roll around, and you would find Draco again so you could eat together. After that, you would wander the manor until dinner time, where you would spend the whole meal trying not to make eye contact with Lucius Malfoy.

You were grateful when Pansy and Theo arrived at the manor as well, giving you something to look at at dinner. Though Theo's father scared you as well.

You were in your guest room now, getting dressed for Christmas dinner. Pansy was on the bed, her emerald green dress spread out around her as she did her makeup.

You looked at yourself in the mirror. You had decided to wear the dress from Slughorns party again, as it was your favorite. You held one pair of earrings up to your ears.

Turning around, you showed them to Pansy. "These ones?"

She tilted her head, appraising. "Where are those gold ones I got you fourth year?"

You dropped the earrings you were holding back into the pile and dug out the earrings Pansy had mentioned. You held them up to your ears in the mirror.

"Yeah." You said, quickly putting them on. "These ones are better."

Pansy snapped her lipstick closed. "Of course they are." She said. "I have impeccable taste."

Spinning back around, you held out your arm to Pansy. She slid off your bed and took your arm as you left the room, starting down the hall towards the stairs.

You found Theo struggling with his bow tie along the way.

He sighed in frustration, dropping the ends. "I can't do it." He grumbled.

Pansy slipped out of your hold, stepping over in front of Theo. "It's because of your big meaty fingers." She said, easily tying it together.

Theo rolled his eyes. "Thanks."

You glanced past him, expecting to see Draco putting the final touches on his outfit as well, but Theo was the only one in the room.

"Where's Draco?" You asked.

"Already downstairs." Theo said. "He didn't feel like helping me out."

Pansy tutted. "Some host he is-"

"S'alright." Theo said, holding out his arms to you and Pansy. "His dad called him downstairs anyway. Ladies?"

You took Theo's right arm, and Pansy took the left. You began the trip downstairs - spanning the entire staircase like an interlocked wall. At the bottom of the stairs, Theo and Pansy's fathers were chatting. Their conversation stopped when you approached.

Theo's father grinned at his son. "Two of them, eh?" He chuckled. "That's my boy."

You paid him no mind however, having caught sight of Draco. He was leaned up against the archway that led into the dining room. At Theo's fathers comment, he rolled his eyes.

Theo marched you and Pansy proudly past his father and into the dining hall, where you slipped out of his grasp, finding your usual seat, between Draco and Pansy. The table was already set for a meal, and Draco and Pansy's mother's were already seated, each holding a glittering glass of blood red wine.

Pansy settled in next to you. "Presents after dinner?" She asked. "I think you're really going to like what I got you."

You smiled, thinking of your own gift for Pansy, still tucked under the bed away from prying eyes. "Yeah, after dinner."

The rest of the parents trickled into the room then, and everyone took their seats. The meal was brought in and set out on the table - a delicious roast pig, adorned with festive garnishes. The side dishes were spread thought out the rest of the space - tiers of scalloped potatoes, fresh green beans, stuffing... the whole lot.

Dinner was served, and the conversation began to flow.

"I hear you've still been having trouble with the Ministry, Lucius." Theo's father was saying as he stuffed his face full of food.

Draco's father sipped at his wine. "Yes well, nasty accusations like these don't just go away overnight."

You glanced at Draco next to you. You had known his parents were still dealing with the aftermath of what had happened in the Department of Mysteries, but it had been almost 7 months since then now...

Pansy's mother chuckled. "Accusations... you are funny, Lucius." Her eyes wandered over to her daughter, and she shot Pansy a pointed look.

Pansy stopped eating, instead folding her hands delicately in her lap.

"Hopefully we will be able to... redeem our name in other circles." Lucius said, eyeing Draco.

Draco took a bite of his dinner, not looking at his father.

Theo's father hummed thoughtfully before turning his attention to you. "And how are your parents, Y/N?" He asked. "It's a shame they couldn't be here with the rest of us."

"They're good." You said. "They said they had business in Moscow to take care of, but I'm sure they would send their regards..."

"I bet Moscow is lovely this time of year." Pansy's father said. "We happened to take a trip their during the summer, simply stunning."

"It's a bit cold for my tastes." Draco's mother commented, sipping at her drink.

You took another bite of the delicious food, looking around at the strained faces of your friends. Pansy was taking the smallest bites possible, barely scraping the food with her fork. Draco stared, his gaze empty, at the expensive paintings on the wall opposite his seat as he ate. Theo kept glancing at his father, adjusting his bow tie, like he was waiting for something.

Privately, you disagreed with Mr. Nott. You were happy your parents weren't here.

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