Chapter 25: Hogwarts, The Great Hall, Breakfast

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You could feel the rest of the table looking at you as you sat down for breakfast. You could hear their whispers.

"...fight in the common room last night..."

"...hear it? they were bloody ruthless..."

"...even friends anymore? I wouldn't be after that..."

"...everyone so surprised? They've been asses since first year..."

"...knew it was coming. You heard how they talked to each other before..."

"...deserved it, I think. They're all awful..."

Lyre slipped into the seat next to you, Blaise on her other side.

"Morning." She said softly.

"Morning." You replied.

Lyre helped herself and Blaise to some breakfast and began to pick at the food. There were dark circles under both of their eyes - you had seen them on yourself in the mirror this morning as well. It seemed that no one got a good sleep last night.

"I didn't hear you get out of bed." Lyre said.

You shrugged. "I got up a little early today I guess..."

You looked at her again. This was not the confident Lyre you were used to seeing. This version was quiet... shaken to the root.

"How's Leo?" You asked quietly.

Lyre sighed.

"Still in bed when I left." Blaise said. "I don't think he slept last night."

You nodded, pursing your lips.

Lyre stabbed into her eggs. "Why would Draco say that?" She asked, more to the air in the room than anyone else.

"He was just... angry." You said. "I'm sorry..."

"It's not like you caused it." Blaise said. "We're probably better off without him anyway."

You nodded. He was right. You hadn't caused Draco to explode... had you? He'd seemed a little more than just mad at you for walking out on him... if only he had actually talked to you instead of pushing you away.

Pansy slid into the seat on your other side. She hadn't bothered with any makeup this morning, and didn't even bother taking any breakfast for herself.

"You alright?" You asked.

Pansy just shook her head. "No. But I don't think anybody is."

"You should eat something." You said.

"M'not that hungry." She said softly.

Leo slid into his usual seat across from Lyre. His eyes were puffy, like he'd been crying, and a large bruise over his left eye.

A brief silence passed over the table.

"Lyre, just fix it please." Leo croaked.

Lyre dug out her wand, pointing it at Leo's face. "Sarcio."

The bruise lifted and faded away, leaving fresh and unmarred skin underneath.

You could imagine where Leo had earned a black eye.

It was just like Theo to hit him too.

"When did he hit you?" Blaise asked.

Leo didn't meet Blaise's eyes. "Getting dressed this morning."

Blaise sighed angrily. "I knew I shouldn't have left before you, I'm an idiot-"

"Blaise it's fine." Leo said. "Really-"

"It's not fine." Lyre said. "Draco didn't even try to stop him, did he?"

"Draco wasn't in there with us." Leo said.


Was he sneaking off to plan his murder scheme or because he was really mad at everyone? Maybe he was mad at himself...

"Still, you should have hexed him or something." Lyre said.

"It's fine, Lyre-" Leo started.

"It's not fine!" Lyre hissed. "I'm sick of you saying that, Leo, it's not fine!"

Leo hiccuped, and began to cry softly.

Lyre reaches across the table, clutching his hand tightly. "You shouldn't go to class today."

"Lyre-" Leo hiccuped.

"Just go back up to the common room when the bell rings." Lyre said. "I'll tell the professors you're not feeling good."

"What if he's in there?" Leo asked, his knuckles almost white from how hard he was holding onto his sisters hand.

"I'll go with you." Blaise volunteered. "My first class is Potions, it's right there anyway."

Under the table, you saw Lyre grab Blaise's hand and squeeze.

You looked away, glancing down the table. You caught sight of a familiar mop of dark hair.

Theo was sitting all the way at the other end of the table, with Crabbe and Goyle.

Anger flooded your system.

"Lyre." You said, pointing at Theo subtly.

Lyre caught sight of him immediately, her eyes narrowing. Pulling out her wand again, she pointed it at his cup.


The contents of Theo's cup leapt out of its confines, splashing all over his face and chest. He cursed, leaping out of his seat and rapidly patting his face off with a napkin.

"I hope it stains his robes." Blaise said.

"I hope it was hot and it burned him." Lyre said, tucking her wand away.

Leo said nothing.

You glanced at Pansy, expecting a giggle or some kind of comment, but she was just looking at the wall of the room, her eyes glazed over, somewhere else.

If things had been normal, everyone would have been laughing at Theo's face. No, if things had been normal, Theo would have been here, stuffing his face full of food and talking with the rest of you.

Theo should be here.

Draco should be here.

You didn't want this. You didn't want everyone to be mad at each other. You didn't want Leo to be scared to go back to his own common room. You wanted things to be like they had been - everyone together, laughing and talking and happy.

School was supposed to be where you didn't have to worry about these kinds of things.

Suddenly, you weren't hungry anymore.

You pushed your plate away and got out of your seat.

Pansy glanced up at you.

"Bathroom." You said, making towards the doors at the end of the hall.

You could feel eyes on you as you left.

The corridor outside was refreshingly empty. A glance at the clock hanging over your head showed you that there were only a few minutes before the bell would ring.

You walked a little ways to the side, where a statue used to be. Now, there was just an alcove in the wall. The perfect place to sink to the floor and close your eyes for a second.

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