Chapter 4: Potions Class, The Hogwarts Dungeons

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You woke up slowly, just letting yourself soak up the warmth of the sheets around you. You peeled your eyes open, focusing on the emerald green canopy above you. You smiled.

You could hear Lyre and Pansy waking up as well, the soft rustling of their sheets drawing you further out of your sleepy daze. Yawning, you sat up, swinging your legs over the side of the bed.

Pansy was making her bed, already dressed in her school robes. "Morning."

"Morning." You returned the greeting, cracking your back.

Pansy wrinkles her nose at the pop. "That can't be healthy."

You got up, popping open your trunk to grab your school robes. "Yeah, but it feels pretty good." You said.

You spied a pair of bright green eyes under your bed and reached out to scratch Dinahs head. "Good morning my sweet."

Dinah closed her eyes, pressing her face into the palm of your hand.

Lyre tumbled out of bed then, her hair sticking up at all odd angles. "Morning lovelies." She yawned.

You grinned at her. "You might want to do something about that hair." You said, disappearing into the bathroom.

You changed quickly, slipping out of your pajamas and into your robes. You quickly washed your face, brushed your teeth, and grabbed your wand.


A flick of your wrist and your hair was pulled back into a neat updo. Checking your reflection once more, you decided that everything was in order and headed back into the dormitory.

As soon as you left the bathroom, Lyre headed in, armed with her wand and some fancy French hair cream. It smelled flowery.

Pansy was sitting cross legged on her bed, a mirror hover in front of her as she did her makeup.

"Breakfast?" You asked.

Pansy swiped her mascara once more and capped it, checking her reflection. She looked up at you. "Any smudges or anything?"

You checked her over. "None that I can see."

"Perfect." Pansy said. Her mirror flew back into the her trunk along with her makeup.

"Lyre, breakfast?" You called.

From the bathroom Lyre called back. "One moment!"

Pansy giggled. "I swear she has a lions mane attached to her head."

Lyre stepped out of the bathroom, her unruly curls arranged to fall nicely around her face. "Okay."

You led the group out of the dormitory and down into the common room. Dim green light filtered through the glass ceiling, showing the lake from the bottom up. The grand piano was playing a joyful tune on its own. You were most concerned with the clock over the door though.

"We'll have to eat fast." You said.

Lyre waved off your comment. "Everyone runs a little behind on the first day. I'm sure no one will care if we're a second or two late to class."

You still sped up a little, continuing on your path out of the common room and up the stairs from the dungeons. The halls were already full of students making their way to and from breakfast, discussing their classes and schedules with their friends.

"Oh yeah." Pansy said, catching sight of a huddle of fourth years excitedly trading schedules. "Schedules."

You walked into the Great Hall, making a beeline for your seat. Your schedule was waiting for you there, as well as a delicious plate of eggs.

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