Chapter 11: Hogsmeade Village

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You wrapped your scarf tighter around your neck to stave off the sharp breeze. The Holidays were fast approaching, and with them, icy winds and heavy clouds. You could already feel yourself missing the summer.

Still, you were on a mission today, that required you to brave the elements. The Holidays required gifts, and you were determined to find suitable presents for all of your friends. And what better place to do that than Hogsmeade?

"Alright." Pansy said, coming out of Honeydukes with two large bags. "Where to next?"

Lyre kicked away from the side of the building she had been leaning on. "I've got everything I need. Y/N?"

You looked down into the bags you were carrying. You'd picked out presents for the rest of your friends already - enchanted makeup brushes for Pansy, a box of hot candies that made steam come out of your ears for Theo, a golden quill that wrote your thoughts down as you thought them for Leo, a stack of books about magical theory for Lyre, and a new ring for Blaise, since the band on the one he had now was starting to wear. You hadn't found anything that really screamed Draco yet though...

"I still need something for Draco." You said.

Pansy nodded sympathetically. "He's really hard to shop for."

"What do you even get for a boy who has everything?" You asked.

"Where haven't we gone yet?" Lyre asked.

"We could always try that antiques shop." Pansy said. "You never know what you mind find in there."

You shrugged hefting your bags. "Might as well." It was more important at this point that you found something at all, than if it was perfect for Draco.

You made your way down the row, falling in with the gentle trickle of foot traffic. Around you, you could see your classmates also burdened down by bags, no doubt having the same idea you had.

"What'd you guys get for Draco?" You asked.

"Fancy snake brooch." Lyre said.

"Chocolates." Pansy said.

Lyre furrowed her brow. "Really? That's kind of a cop-out."

Pansy shrugged. "I couldn't find anything else, and at least I know he'll like them."

"Hopefully I can find something at least a little personal." You said.

You pushed open the door of the antique shop, hearing the little twinkle of the bell overhead as you did. Pansy and Lyre followed in after you.

Inside the shop, you were overwhelmed by the smell of old candles and musty parchment. The place was overflowing with piles of old things.

"Call me if you find anything good." You told your friends before you plunged into the mess.

A table full of old bottles caught your attention first, but you quickly decided they were no good. Moving deeper, you almost stumbled over an old trunk on the floor, but quickly caught your footing.

You looked down at the offending item. What kind of storekeeper leaves their wares just lying about, where anyone could fall over them?

You kicked the trunk away and kept moving. Turning the corner of the aisle, you came face to face with... yourself?

No, a wall of mirrors.

You smiled at your reflection, turning to walk down the row of mirrors. They were all gilded and expensive looking, but one handheld model at the end of the row caught your attention.

It was silver, but molded to look like serpents were holding the glass up. You picked it up, and the snakes moved, curling around the glass to angle that captured your face the best. You turned the mirror over, and the back of the glass showed the back of your head.

This would be perfect.

You carried your find to the front of the store again, where Lyre and Pansy were still waiting, looking through a collection of old books. Lyre looked up when you approached.

"What'd you find?" She asked.

You presented the mirror proudly. "And it shows the back of your head as well."

"That's pretty handy." Lyre said.

"Do you think he'll like it?" You asked.

Pansy nodded. "It's got snakes on it, of course he will."

You set the mirror down on the countertop and pulled out your coin purse. Tapping the bell, you waited for the store attendant.

A little old witch came scurrying out from the back. "Find something?"

"Just this." You said, nudging the mirror forward.

She picked up the mirror, inspecting it for a moment. "Very nice... a gift, I assume?"

You nodded.

The old witch smiled. "I'm sure they'll love it. Ten sickles."

You pulled the money out of your purse and slid it over to the witch, taking the mirror back and sliding it into the bag that held the rest of your gifts. "Thank you miss."

The old witch waved as you left, the bell over the door tinkling again.

"All done." You announced, holding up your bag.

"Great, 'cause I'm freezing my tits off." Lyre said, pulling her scarf tighter around her neck.

Laughing, you joined the flow of people heading back up to the school, bags swinging as you walked. A gentle snow started to drift down, landing on the end of your eyelashes and hair.

"Do you think the boys have done their shopping yet?" Pansy asked.

Lyre shook her head. "I know for a fact Leo hasn't. Always wait for the last minute..."

"Bet you Blaise has had everything figured out since October." You said.

A shrill scream echoed from the trail up ahead.

Whatever Lyre has been about to say died in her throat as her head snapped forward, squinting. "What was that?"

You looked ahead as well, trying to discern anything. "Dunno-"

"Scuse me, pardon-"

The Hogwarts groundskeeper pushes past you, moving as fast as he could go towards the sound.

You looked at your friends, suddenly unsettled.

"Someone probably fell on the ice... or something." Pansy said.

Later you would find out that it had been worse than that. A cursed necklace, and an unlucky carrier.

Later you would also notice that Draco seemed paler than usual.

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