Chapter 14: Malfoy Manor, The Great Room

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Malfoy Manor loomed in front of you, the pale marble of the building almost blending in with the snowy yard. You pulled your scarf around your neck more, trying to ignore the cold biting at your skin.

Within her carrier, Dinah sneezed.

"You'll be nice and warm soon Dinah." You said, heading up the walkway towards the front doors.

You really didn't want to be here.

Reaching the doors, you set your trunk down for a moment, raising your knuckles to rap against the door. The moment your skin touched against the stone, the doors swung open silently, and you stepped inside, letting the warmth of the manor wash the cold off of you.

Inside the manor was just as clean and white as the outside. A line of family portraits hung on the wall in front of you, all showing the same platinum blonde hair and sharp features.

Draco was certainly his parents son.

"Oh, our guest."

You turned, seeing Draco's mother walk into the foyer. She smiled politely at you, gesturing to the scarf around your neck. "I can take your coat and things."

"Oh-" You unwound your scarf and took off your coat, handing them to her. "Thank you."

She took your coat, folding it over her arm along with your scarf. "Draco should be around to show you to the guest room..." She glanced behind her, looking for her son. "Draco?"

Footsteps could be heard from upstairs, and Draco appeared on the landing, still half dressed in his school robes. It was clear he had only arrived a few minutes before you.

His mother smiled when she saw him. "Show your friend to the guest bedroom please?"

Draco nodded, jerking his head for you to follow him. You hefted your bags, starting up the stairs after him.

More portraits lined the stairway, these ones all Malfoy ancestry. They watched you as you walked up the stairs, whispering amongst themselves about who you could possibly be. They all shared the same platinum hair and piercing eyes, and if you couldn't tell the time they were alive by the way they dressed, you would have guessed they were just Draco's relatives today.

At the top of the stairs, Draco was waiting for you. He said nothing, but looked at you exasperatedly, like you should have just apparated to the top of the stairs instead.

You huffed. "You could have at least offered to carry some of my bags." You grumbled.

Draco just rolled his eyes, taking Dinahs cattier from you and starting down the hall again. You followed right after him this time.

He led you away from the stairs to the left, into the recesses of the manor. Stopping in front of a door, he set Dinahs carrier down before opening it, letting you walk in with your trunk.

The room was spacious, with two large windows overlooking a snowy garden. The bed sat in the middle of the room, a crackling fireplace across the room from it. A door to the side of the bed led to an adjoined bathroom, and a wardrobe took up the other space on the wall.

You set your trunk down on the floor before sitting down on the bed.

Draco put Dinahs carrier down and opened the latch, letting the cat out. Dinah sniffed the air cautiously before stepping out of her carrier, and immediately scurried under the bed.

Draco watched her curiously. "What's wrong with her?"

You shrugged. "New place." You said. "She'll probably explore tonight and be fine by tomorrow."

He nodded, getting up to flop next to you on the bed, spreading out. He seemed more comfortable here than at school, which made sense. He was relaxed here. It was a good look on him.

"Pansy and her family should be getting here sometime tomorrow." He said, looking up at the ceiling. "I expect Theo and his dad too, but I don't know for sure."

"Are they staying here, or...?" You asked, reaching down to unlatch your trunk.

"Staying, I think." Draco said.

You hummed, flipping open the lid and reaching inside to pull out some of the clothes you had brought. You hadn't known exactly what you would need, but to be safe you'd brought a couple of dresses - including the one you'd worn to Slughorns party - and some Muggle clothes. Speaking of Slughorns party...

"Did Snape ever do anything?" You asked.

"What?" Draco quirked an eyebrow at you.

"After Slughorns party." You clarified. "You know..."

Draco snorted, shaking his head. "That old git?"

You pulled out your wand. "I thought you liked him?"

"He thinks he can just waltz all over everybody." Draco said. "I'm tired of it."

You hummed, flicking your wand at your trunk. Your clothes flew to the wardrobe, organizing themselves within it. The bathroom supplies you had brought drifted into the bathroom. The bag of Christmas gifts landed at the foot of your bed.

Draco sat up, glancing at the bag. "What's in that?"

"Christmas gifts." You said, tucking it underneath your bed before he could make a grab at it. "No, you cannot see yours."

"You're going to give it to me anyway." Draco said.

"Yes, on Christmas." You insisted.

Draco just huffed, falling back against the bed. "Ungrateful. I let you come to my house, and bring your cat, and you won't-"

"You expected me to leave Dinah at school?" You asked. "And really, if it was up to me, I wouldn't be here for the holidays."

"Neither would I." Draco grumbled.

You looked at him, sprawled out over the bed. Sure, he was more relaxed, but there was a certain begrudgingness about his demeanor as well that had escaped you the first time. Like he had to be here, so he might as well enjoy what he could.

You could relate to that pretty well.

You hummed, falling against the bed beside him and just looking up at the ceiling. It was a smooth white plane, uninterrupted by any cracks or stains. Perfect, just like the rest of the house.

You already missed Hogwarts.

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