Chapter 20: Slytherin Common Room, The Girls Dormitory

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You rolled over in your bed, eyes clamped shut, trying to forcibly even put your breathing and just get to sleep already. It had to have been hours since you went to bed, but for some reason, you couldn't actually fall asleep.

You exhaled heavily, trying to ignore your surroundings. But you could hear Pansy snoring lightly and the gentle patter of rain on the roof outside. You flipped over again, squishing your pillow around your ears.

You needed to get to sleep, or you would be passing out in your classes the next

Another minute passed, and you let your pillow fall, opening your eyes in the darkness.

There was no way you were getting any sleep like this.

You sat up in bed, fumbling around on your bedside table for your wand and tucking it in the pocket of your pajamas. If you couldn't get to sleep like this, you might as well go for a walk down to the common room, just to expend some of this excess energy.

You swung your feet out of bed and padded out of the room, avoiding the puddle of darkness on the floor that was Dinah sleeping. The door creaked quietly as you slipped out into the hall, but Pansy barely stirred.

You padded down the stairs, nearing the common room. You could see the gentle glow of the dying fire when you heard the voices.

"...can't. You just can't, alright?"

"I can't help it, honestly..."

You ducked back into the shadows of the corridor. You knew those voices. What were Lyre and Leo doing up this late? And was Leo... crying?

His voice shivered and cracked when he spoke. "I know it's wrong, alright? I just feel like this-"

"It's not wrong, Leo, I promise, alright?" Lyre was saying. "It's just dangerous, especially for us."

Leo sighed shakily. "I know... I just... feels like I'm using him, you know? He has no idea that I feel like this about him..."

"And as much as you hate it, we have to keep it that way." Lyre said.

"It's not fair." Leo sniveled. "I like him so much..."

You rolled their conversation over in your head. Who were they talking about?

Lyre whispered something to Leo then and he hiccuped. You slipped out of the corridor and into the common room, standing in the shadow of one of the bookshelves as they walked past.

And then they were gone, back up to their respective dormitories.

You stepped out of the shadows and into the common room proper. You made your way over to the dying fire, looking into the flames for solace. Your heart aches that Leo had been crying, but you hadn't picked up enough from the conversation to figure out what was bothering him...

"Some time to be down here, eh?"

You whipped around, your heart leaping into your throat.

Draco was perched on the sofa behind you, blending in with the black cushions. Your eyes softened.

"It's just you." You breathed out, the panic residing. "You heard their conversation too?"

Draco sat up, nodding. "Should've figured Leo was a fag." He said carelessly. "Feel kind of bad for him though. Theo'll never give him a chance."

So it was Theo they had been talking about.

Draco shifted over on the sofa, making room for you to sit down as well. You did, crossing your legs in front of you.

In the firelight, Draco looked even more sickly and stressed than he had in Potions that morning.

"You alright?" You asked.

He looked at you, stormy gray eyes finding yours. "Not really."

He was leaning in before you could stop him, connecting your lips together again. Just like the first time, your stomach flipped, filling with giddy butterflies.

You disconnected with a sigh, smiling up at him.

"Do you want to maybe talk about it?" You asked.

"Not really." Draco repeated, coming to kiss you again. He leaned you back into the sofa, one hand coming up to cradle your jaw. You let him, your hand finding the back of his neck, playing with the hair there.

He kissed you again and again and again, until you were leaning against him, the warmth of his body and the fire lulling you into a sleepy stupor.

Draco looked down at you, pulling away. "Maybe you should get back to bed."

You yawned, nodding and lifting yourself up off the sofa. "Goodnight." You whispered sleepily, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to his lips before you were padding away, back up to the dormitories.

"Night." Draco called after you, returning his attention to the dying fire.

You made your way back up the stairs, smiling to yourself. He'd kissed you again. You felt a little stupid, and a lot giddy as you tumbled back into bed, almost stepping on Dinah.

You curled up under the covers, grinning like a love struck schoolgirl - which, you supposed you were. God, that was dumb, wasn't it?

You giggled quietly to yourself, smooshing your face into your pillow.

You rolled over in your bed, letting the kisses replay in your head as you drifted to sleep. The way his hair had felt under your fingers as you trailed them through it... how he had looked at you when you had broken apart, and the little smile that had played on his lips.

Your stomach flipped just thinking about him. You really wanted him to kiss you again.

You didn't even think about the conversation you had stumbled into until the next morning, when the giddiness had faded and sleep had cleared your mind.

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