Chapter 22: Slytherin Common Room

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You woke up on the common room couch, with Dinah comfortably settled on your stomach. You just sat with your eyes closed for a moment, breathing.

Today had been rough.

You'd almost fallen asleep twice. Once in McGonagalls class, and once at lunch. It had been a challenge to stay awake, much less take notes. And what with the swirling thoughts in the back of your head, reminding you of the conversation you'd overheard last night and your growing suspicions that Draco was up to something... you'd crashed at the end of the day, sprawling out over the couch in the common room and just letting sleep claim you.

You opened your eyes, looking up at the glass ceiling of the common room.

The water beyond the glass was dark, and the room was dim, lit only by embers. It was quiet, only the sound of Dinahs tiny snores filling the space. It must have been close to midnight.

"You took my spot."

You looked over to see Draco, sat in one of the armchairs in front of the fire, absently looking at you.

You sat up, moving Dinah as gently as you could. "Sorry."

Your cat woke with a start, jumping off the couch and disappearing under it. You watched her shadowy form slink away as Draco sat down next to you.

He watched the embers of the fire now, looking pensive.

You wanted to ask him about the task.

You could t guarantee he wouldn't turn on you though, the same way he had turned on Blaise when he had pressed.

You figured you might as well try though. He'd seemed more receptive the other times it had been just you and him, alone in front of the fire.

You didn't exactly know how to start that conversation though.

"Draco?" You asked.

He hummed, looking over at you.

You pressed your hands together in your lap. "You seem... different. Sort of... off, lately."

Draco pulled one of your hands from your lap, playing with your fingers. "How so?"

"I don't know." You said. "You've been kind of distant, and you look kind of sick... are you doing alright?"

Draco nodded. "Yeah."

You didn't believe him for a second. You opened your mouth, about to say something, when he leaned in, pressing his lips insistently to yours.

You pushed him away.

"Draco, stop." You said. "You're obviously not alright. Just talk to me."

"I said I was fine, didn't I?" Draco said, dropping your hand.

"You always say you're fine." You said. "Obviously, you're not though. It would probably feel better if you just talked about it with someone-"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Do you just not fancy me anymore?" He asked.

"What?" You looked at him, confused. "I didn't say anything about that."

"Well you obviously don't want to snog me anymore." He retorted.

"I just want to talk to you for a second." You said. "I'm a little worried about you-"

Draco scoffed, turning back to face the fire.

"I'm trying to help you here." You said, growing a little angry. "Would you just talk to me?"

Draco said nothing, just staring at the embers in the grate. You waited for him to say anything. Even just looking in your direction would have counted for something, but he was silent and still as stone.

You huffed, suddenly very mad. "You know what? Maybe I don't want to snog you anymore."

Draco said nothing.

"I mean, do you even like me?" You were mostly talking to yourself at this point, but the words just kept spilling out. "'Cause it certainly doesn't seem like it. Every time this happens, we kiss, and then the next day you won't even look at me."

You turned to Draco. "You won't even look at me now, and I'm sitting right next to you."

A moment passed. Draco didn't move.

You stood up from the couch. "Alright. I'm done with this then. You can find someone else to be your stress relief."

You walked away from the fire and Draco, heading up to the girls dormitories without looking back.

He didn't try to stop you.

On the landing before your door, Dinah was waiting for you, her green eyes the only part of her that you could see in the darkness.

You sat down beside your cat, resting your chin on your knees as you wrapped your arms around your legs.

"Why did I even fancy him in the first place?" You asked Dinah.

She didn't reply, but she rubbed up against your side affectionately.

"He's such an ass." You said. "I shouldn't have even let him kiss me in the first place..."

You reached over to stroke Dinahs fur. She purred under your touch.

"He's going to get back at me somehow." You told her. A sense of dread filled you at the thought. You knew what he was capable of, especially to his friends.

There was nothing you could do about it now.

Sighing, you picked yourself and Dinah up off the floor and walked into the dorm room, quietly closing the door behind you. You carried your cat over to your bed, letting her curl up next to your pillow as you slipped under the covers.

You looked up into the darkness, listening to the quiet breaths of your friends sleeping.

You thought back to the first time he'd kissed you. You had been unable to fall asleep that night too, but then because of the butterflies in your stomach.

You had been so happy.

Now... you didn't quite know.

You weren't mad really... as soon as you had walked out of the room your anger towards Draco had dissipated. You just felt... empty now.

You knew you had done the right thing.

You knew he would be upset about it.

Part of you didn't want him to be upset. Part of you still wanted to be able to kiss him.

The other part of you wanted that part to die.

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