Chapter 13: Slughorn's Office, Christmas Party

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"How do I look?"

You turned around from where you were trying to put an earring in to look at Lyre, who had just stepped out of the bathroom. Her curls were loose and bouncy around her face, accenting her glittery makeup nicely. The whole look was completed by a sea foam green party dress, slim and elegant.

"Great." Pansy sighed wistfully, looking at Lyre with envy from her bed, where she was sitting in her pajamas.

You finished putting your earring in and twisted the back on. "And me?" You asked, swishing your dress around.

"Stunning." Lyre grinned, holding out an arm to link with yours. "Shall we?"

You giggled, taking her arm. "We shall."

Pansy sighed again. "You'll have to tell me all about it." She said. "I want to know everything."

"Of course." Lyre said.

Pansy flopped back on her bed, reaching an arm out to Dinah, who was sitting contently on her pillow. "At least I'll have you to keep me company Dinah..."

Dinah purred happily.

You waved goodbye to your cat and your friend as you and Lyre left, making your way to the common room, where Blaise and Leo were waiting for you, dressed in their finery as well. Leo was wearing sea foam green to match his sister, and had also dabbed a bit of glitter on his face. Together, they looked like a matching set of fine jewels. Blaise had chosen slate gray with touches of sandy orange and sunset. On anyone else it would have looked stupid, but on him it looked striking.

"Finally." Blaise said. "Thought we were going to be here for hours waiting."

Lyre rolled her eyes. "We took maybe fifteen minutes."

Leo smiled at you. "Well, you look great."

You grinned, trading Lyres arm for his. "Thank you. I could say the same for you."

Leo shrugged. "Lyre picked it out..."

"Cmon, I'm hungry." Lyre said, taking Blaise's arm and steering him towards the door. "I wonder what deliciousness he's got prepared this time..."

"Ooh, I hope he's got that one ice cream again." Leo chimed in, following them out of the common room. "Remember? From that one lunch?"

The walk to Slughorns party was long, and involved a lot of stairs, but the halls were empty now, except for the odd party guest that you ran into. Conversation flowed easily all the way to the door - mostly about what kind of delectable foods Slughorn had prepared this time.

When you did arrive, a student you didn't recognize was standing outside the door, collecting invites.

Lyre and Blaise handed theirs over and headed inside.

Leo banded his to the collector, smiling politely. "And, um, this is my plus one. Date? Uh-"

The collector just waved you inside, moving on to the next in line. You and Leo stepped into the room, and joined the party.

Somehow, Slughorn had transformed his office into a small ballroom, filled with mingling and eating guests. The place was draped with rich fabrics, giving the illusion that the room was a lavish tent. Glowing baubles hung from the ceiling, lighting up the room and occasionally raining sparkles down on the students in attendance.

"Some party." You noted.

Leo nodded in agreement. "Yeah." His eyes scanned the room before latching on to a girl carrying a tray of fizzy drinks. "Hungry?"

You laughed, and let him tug you along after her.

From there, the night was a blur of merriment. Thanks to the hired help carrying around trays of delectable food and drink, you got to try a bit of everything. Leo was very pleased to find that Slughorn had, in fact, added the fancy ice cream to the menu and proceeded to eat his fill.

The rest of the Slug Club - as they called themselves, you found - was present at the party as well, and you got to meet a good variety of them. Most of the last names you recognized, if only from the return address labels on your fathers business letters.

At one point in the night, Slughorn made his way over to you and Leo.

"Oh, Mr. Benoit!" He'd greeted, a simpering smile on his face. "I was just talking to your sister and Mr. Zabini... how are you enjoying the party?"

"It's fantastic Professor." Leo has smiled. "Thank you again for the invitation."

"Of course, my boy." Slughorn had said, catching sight of you. "You didn't tell me Miss L/N would be your date?"

"Erm, yeah." Leo had said.

"It's wonderful to see you here Miss L/N, truly." Slughorn had simpered some more. "Yes, yes..."

It had only taken him a few minutes to catch sight of someone else and leave.

Now, you and Leo were with Lyre and Blaise again, enjoying some bottles of a pepperminty, fizzy... something.

Lyre giggled into her bottle. "Anyway, that Barnaby bloke found him, threw up all over Forresters shoes-"

A crash cut off the rest of Lyre's sentence, as the whole party turned to see what had caused the commotion.

Your eyes widened.

Filch, with Draco. He was looking angrily at the floor as Filch had him by the arm, lest he try to run.

"...found this one lurking around, said he was invited by you." Filch was saying to Slughorn.

"I was trying to gatecrash, alright?" Draco hissed.

Slughorns lips pressed into a thin line. "Well-"

He was cut off by a familiar drawl. You hadn't even known Snape was here, but there he was, emerging from another area of the party. "You should know better than to sneak around in the corridors, Mr. Malfoy."

Draco paled considerably.

Slughorn tutted. "He might as well stay now Severus. There's more than enough-"

"No, there's no need Horace." Snape said, taking Dracos arm from Filch. "I'll take care of this." Gliding out of the room, he took Draco with him.

You watched them go, suddenly concerned.

"Jealous." Blaise snorted. "He was probably hoping you'd take him as your date."

Lyre snickered. "As if I would ever."

You glanced at Leo.

He looked at you, searching, for a moment, before he nodded at the door, turning back to Blaise and Lyre.

You cut through the crowd, and through the door, out into the corridors.

"...don't need your help, alright? He chose me."

You turned right, following Draco's voice.

You almost walked right into Snape as he walked out of an unused classroom. You took a half step back, anxiety flaring in your stomach as he looked down his nose at you.

"I suggest you go back to the party, Miss L/N." He said after a moment.

You nodded at the floor, turning around. "Yes sir."

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