Chapter 17: Malfoy Manor, Draco's Bedroom

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The manor was had never been loud, but ever since Pansy and Theo had left with their families it had seemed quieter.

You didn't mind as much as you'd thought - yes, you were now left alone in this giant house with Draco's mildly scary family, but there were only a few days left before you could get to Hogwarts. You were eager to get back. The Malfoy manor was nice, but you were missing your dormitory.

Maybe then Draco would go back to normal.

He'd seemed... quieter, since Christmas dinner.  Even when you'd exchanged gifts with everyone, he'd been off. He hadn't even looked twice at the mirror you'd given him, which was unlike him. Especially since it was a mirror.

Still, even with Draco being more withdrawn, you'd had Dinah and the copy of Beedle the Bard to keep you company.

Speaking of which, you should probably put the book back before you accidentally took it with you to school.

Grabbing it from your bedside table, you slid off the bed and walked over to the door, cracking it open to step out into the corridor. The hall was quiet and empty - not that you had expected to see anyone.

You turned towards the stairs and the library doors and were halfway down the hall when a door opened and you almost walked into it.

Draco stepped out from behind the door and startled a little when he saw you. "Oh- sorry-"

"No, that's my fault, I didn't know you were in there-"

"Where'd you find that?"

He was looking down at the book in your hand. You turned the tome over in your palm, the worn cover cracking with the movement.

"I, uh, found it in the library." You said. "I was just going to put it back." You looked at his face  He was enraptured with the book in your hand. "Sorry."

"No, that's alright." He said, reaching out to take the book from your hands. "I haven't seen this thing in ages..."

"Well," You chuckled. "I wouldn't really expect you to still be reading Tales of Beedle the Bard before bed."

"Why were you reading it then?" Draco said, glancing up at you teasingly.

You shrugged. "Nostalgia, I guess."

A moment passed in silence - Draco still looking at the book like it was a ghost, you just watching him. He looked softer, holding the book like it was something precious.

You mentally saved the moment for later.

Breaking the silence, you coughed quietly. "I can take it back... if you want."

Draco broke his trance on the book to look up at you. "No, that's alright. I actually think I'm going to keep it."

"Oh." You said. "Alright."

Another moment passed before Draco brushed past you, heading towards his room with the book in hand. You were unsure if you were supposed to follow, but then he looked over his shoulder at you, and you started forward catching up with him easily.

When you got to his room, he opened the door, letting you go inside first.

His room was covered in emerald green, so almost none of the manor white underneath could be seen. Slytherin banners hung from the walls, covering expensive family portraits. Above his headboard he'd plastered pictures from throughout the years - of Quidditch, of the school, of Hogsmeade, of his friends. You spotted yourself in a couple of the photos, waving cheerily.

"I didn't expect it to be so... green." You said.

Draco shrugged. "Don't really like white. Looks kind of washed out, don't you think?"

He stepped past you into the room more, setting the book on top of a pile of others - mostly about Quidditch judging by the titles. The battered children's book looked endearingly out of place on top of the stack.

You settled yourself onto Draco's bed, playing with a loose thread in the covers. You felt like you should ask him if he was alright... but would he just brush you off like he usually did when someone tried to look after him?

You looked at the photos over the headboard again. One specific picture caught your eye - it was everyone gathered together in front of the ice cream parlor in Diagon Alley, right after fourth year had ended. Theo had arms sling around Blaise and Leo's shoulders, and you were holding Lyre and Pansy's hands. Draco was in the middle, laughing, and looking happier than he had for a long time.

"Are you... okay?" You asked quietly.

Draco looked over at you. "What?"

"You just seem kind of..." You trailed off, looking for the right word. "Off, I suppose. I don't know."

Draco was silent for a moment, before coming over to sit down on the bed beside you.

"I guess..." He started, looking up at the ceiling of his room, the only part that wasn't green. "I have been a little stressed lately."

"School?" You asked.

Draco shrugged. "Something like that."

You nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, it can get pretty-"


You turned to look at Draco and were met with a warm pair of lips on yours. You inhaled suddenly. He was kissing you. Draco Malfoy was kissing you-

And then he was pulling away, looking at you exasperatedly.

"You're doing it all wrong." He said.

You frowned. "I'm sorry, I would have liked a little more warning before you just dove in like that-"

Draco rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. "Well, consider yourself warned."

He leaned in again, but this time you were more prepared. You let your eyes flutter shut as your mouths met in the middle, and your hands wandered up to find his shoulders, resting there.

The butterflies in your stomach were going insane, but you paid them no mind, letting yourself melt into the feeling of him kissing you.

When he pulled away again, you were smiling.

Draco grinned. "So you do fancy me."

You laughed a little. "Leo told me I was being obvious."

Draco rolled his eyes, leaning in again. "You kind of were."

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