Chapter 18: Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry

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You stepped into the Slytherin common room and smiled. It felt good to be somewhere warm and familiar after spending break in the cold Malfoy manor. The crackling fire and cushy armchairs hadn't changed over break, and you couldn't wait to sit down.

But first, you had some unpacking to do.

Draco, behind you, slipped past you and into the common room proper, heading up towards the boys dormitories. You watched him go, feeling mildly disappointed.

After he'd kissed you, you'd expected things to be... different.

Maybe it was just your foolish heart talking, but you'd thought that that night in his bedroom would have meant that maybe he would take more notice of you, or something. But he'd just carried on like nothing had happened...

From her carrier, Dinah meowed, pushing against the front.

"Sorry my sweet." You said to the cat, heading up to the dormitories. Dinah was anxious to get out of the carrier and back into the castle it seemed. She must not have enjoyed the cold cleanliness of the manor either.

When you opened the door to your room, Pansy and Lyre were already inside, unpacking from their own holiday vacations.

Lyre grinned when you walked in. "How was the manor?"

You shrugged, setting down Dinahs carrier and popping it open, letting her out. Your cat immediately trotted over to Pansy, brushing along her ankles until Pansy reached down to scratch behind her ears.

"Pansy said it was awful." Lyre said. Pansy nodded, looking at you knowingly, as if reminding you of Christmas dinner.

"You should have spirited me away to France again." You joked.

"I would have if I could, mon cheri." Lyre said. "Paris is lovely around Christmastime."

Pansy laughed lightly at Lyre's use of French - she and Leo both, whenever they would get back from a trip, would throw French around for a few days. Pretentious arses. "I take it nothing eventful happened at the manor after I left?" She asked.

The green in the dormitories was the same as the green in Draco's room.

You shrugged again, getting your trunk up and popping it open. "Not really, no."

"Well, I'll tell you something." Lyre said. "The whole holiday, all these Beauxbatons girls were all over my brother." Lyre said, getting up to put away some of her dress robes. She twirled around, a mockingly thick French accent on as she spoke, "Oh Leo! You are so handsome! Tell us more about your British school friends! How do you survive at Hogwarts? Come to Beauxbatons with us!"

You laughed. "Oh, poor Leo."

Lyre sighed. "And then, those girls had the audacity to suggest that we were mean to each other." She scoffed. "We aren't mean."

"Of course not." Pansy said, folding her robes. "And when we are, it's all in good fun anyway."

"Exactly." Lyre said.

"To think that you could have been one of them." You said.

Lyre wrinkled her nose in distaste. "Urgh, I would have literally died. I'm so happy mum insisted we go to Hogwarts."

"So am I." Pansy said. "I mean, without you, it would just be me and Y/N, and we couldn't deal with the boys by ourselves."

"Yeah." You said. "If you weren't here, who would Blaise make eyes at?"

Lyre laughed, flopping on her bed. "He doesn't make eyes."

You glanced at Pansy, grinning. "Of course not."

You finished unpacking your trunk, catching sight of the other Christmas gifts you had yet to distribute. "Oh, by the way..." You pulled out the stack of books you'd gotten for Lyre, handing them over. "These are for you."

She took them books, scanning across the titles with a smile. "You're so thoughtful Y/N."

Lyre reached into her own trunk, pulling out a fancy wrapped parcel and tossing it to you, and one to Pansy as well. The thing was soft when you caught it, and you quickly tore into the glittery paper.

Underneath, a silky blouse that looked like the night sky gazed up at you. Just running the fabric through your fingers you could tell it was expensive.

"This is gorgeous." You said. "Thank you!"

Pansy pulled her gift out of its wrappings as well - a beautiful sundress in her favorite colors, all swirling together like a watercolor painting. "Lyre this is lovely."

"Only the best for my friends." She said.

Pansy stood up with the dress, holding it in front of her in the mirror on the wall. "You don't think I'll look fat in it, do you?"

"Of course not." Lyre said. "The French say that that's a slimming fabric anyway."

"Maybe Leo will invite me to Slughorns next party and I can wear it." Pansy said.

"When would the next one of those be?" You asked. Hopefully Leo wouldn't ask you to go again...

Lyre shrugged. "Dunno. Probably Valentines or something-"

"Oh do you think?" Pansy asked. "Maybe... I could get Leo to fancy me?"

Lyre snorted. "Yeah, alright. Good luck with that."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy pouted.

"You think you can accomplish what hordes of Beauxbatons girls couldn't?" Lyre asked.

Pansy pulled the dress away from her body, instead folding it away with her other robes. "I suppose not..."

"Plus, Leo's clueless to that kind of thing." Lyre said. "I only told him to ask Y/N last time because I knew she wouldn't fancy him."

"What do you mean?" Pansy asked.

You felt your face start to heat up. "Nothing, we just went as friends-"

"You haven't caught on?" Lyre interrupted. "She's got the hots for Draco."

"Wait, really?" Pansy asked, looking at you excitedly. "Does Draco know?"

Your face heated up even more as your brain helpfully started to replay the memory of his lips on yours. His hands, sliding around to the small of your back...

"I don't think so." Lyre said. "He's usually pretty thick when it comes to things like this."

His eyes had been piercing, stormy gray.

You sighed to yourself, burying your face in your pillow as you heard your friends chitter and laugh around you. You knew you were blushing like mad from the embarrassment.

But you couldn't help but smile, thinking of the kiss again.

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