Chapter 6: The Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch, Slytherin VS. Hufflepuff

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The air was crisp and cool around you, the end of September having taken its hold on the grounds. You could feel the breeze from the brooms on the pitch as the Chasers whipped by again, heading toward the Hufflepuff goal.

"Alright Leo!" Lyre, next to you, cheered as her brother dashed by.

It had been a few weeks since you had arrived at Hogwarts, and you had already fallen into a familiar routine. Each day would bring you to class, and each night you would retire in the common room with your friends, working and chatting. Quidditch matches and Hogsmeade trips were scattered throughout the days as well, creating a nice rhythm.

Things were good, and you were happy.

"And Benoit scores, bring the score up to 30-10, with Slytherin in the lead..."

Lyre gripped your arm, grinning. On your other side, Pansy whooped and hollered as Leo circled around again.

Getting in on the action, you let out a yell as well, smiling. "Nice kill Leo!"

"And to think they were worried about him not pulling his weight." Lyre said. "He's doing great."

"He really is." You said. While Blaise may have scored the other two goals, Leo had done a fantastic job on defense so far, stopping two Hufflepuff attempts at scoring. It was evident that he had been practicing pretty hard.

You could hear the crowd amping up again and you refocused on the pitch, tracking the Quaffle in the air. It was tucked under a Hufflepuff Chasers arm, and he was weaving through the opposition heading towards the goal.

In front of the goal hoops, you could see Theo hovering in position.

Lyre's grip tightened around your arm.

The Hufflepuff Chaser was speeding towards the hoop on the right, and brought his arm back to throw. Theo still hovered in the middle, watching.

The Chaser threw the ball towards the left hoop in the same moment that he feinted right.

Theo shot forward, kicking out his foot to send the ball flying back, right into Blaise's waiting hand.

The Slytherin section roared as Theo crowed, punching a fist in the air.

"...a valiant attempt from Hufflepuff Chaser Finch-Fletchley, only to be stopped by Keeper Theo Nott..."

The resounding boos and hisses drowned out the rest of the Slytherin cheering.

You frowned.

"Cmon." Pansy said, glaring at the other side of the arena. "They can't possibly all be rooting for Hufflepuff... they're the worst team in the school."

"I think they just don't like us." Lyre said.

"You'd think at least Ravenclaw would be on our side a little bit." You said. "I mean, even statistically there's no way Hufflepuff was going to win this."

"Oh, but don't you know?" Lyre singsonged. "We're evil!"

"Vile!" Pansy joined in. "Not to be trusted, good for nothing..."

"Snakes!" You all finished in unison, giggling to yourselves.

"I can't believe I still remember that." You said. "That was... what, second year?"

Lyre nodded. "End of second year, yup."

"Well, it's not like it's any less true." Pansy said.

Your conversation was interrupted by another chorus of cheers, this time from the Hufflepuff section and the rest of the school. One of the Hufflepuff Chasers was flying triumphantly away from the Slytherin goalposts.

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