The Harpers

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For as far back as you can remember, you've been friends with the Harpers. It's like they're your extended family...basically. Your parents were friends in high school and as soon as you entered the 1st Grade you became best friends with Dawn. You don't mind Dicky or Ricky either, but you've always kind of liked Nicky more than the others...even Dawn, but you don't tell her that. You and Nicky were friends as kids but lately he's been a bit, well, distant. 


"Y/n, come on, it's time for school!" My mom yells from downstairs. Quickly checking my watch, I realize I'm almost late for school, so I rush to put on the first clothes I see hanging on my dresser. 

"I told you to set your alarm clock," Mom scolds as I grab a granola bar and rush to Dawn's house, which is next door. 

"Hey," I say, walking in, glancing at Nicky, who just stares at me and then leaves the room. 

"What's his problem?" Dawn turns to look over her shoulder at her brother. 

"No freaking idea?" I shrug. 

"Did you do something to piss him off?" She questions. 

"No," I cross my arms. 

"Well, okay then," Dawn nods. 

"I think he's just mad because....because.....because...I don't know." 

"Nicky's just being a jerk. Don't worry about it!" Dawn laughs. 

"Whatever you say," my heart sinks as he walks back in, glares, and turns around to go back to his room. He really needs to sort out his deal, whatever it is. 

"You ready for school?" Dawn asks, shouldering her backpack. 

"Maybe, depends on how hard Grade 10 math is today..." I trail off as Dicky and Ricky skip into the room with their backpacks. 

"It'll be fine, y/n," Dawn assures you. I shoot her a grateful look.

"Hey, y/n," Dicky sidles up to you and shoots you a coy smile. I gently push him away, aware of Nicky's pointed glare in his direction, though I'm not entirely sure why. 

"Hey....Dicky," I say half heartedly. 

"So you wanna get a coffee after school today?" He raises his eyebrows. 



"Huh? What thing?" Dicky looks confused. 

"That thing.." Nicky trails off. 

"Real smooth, Nicky." Dawn rolls her eyes. I consider his words. Why would he pretend to have something after school...?

"Come on, dude," Ricky says and pulls him out the door. 

"What are you still doing here?" Nicky demands, glaring at you and Dawn. 

"Excuse- you Mr. High and Mighty...Who made you king?" Dawn shoots back and you frown at him. He rolls his eyes and stalks out the door. 

"You can always walk with me..." Dicky sticks his head back in the door as Ricky pulls him back. Dawn and I turn to each other and laugh. 

"Neigh, neigh!" Dawn and I race around the house pretending to be horses. It was the day after her 9th birthday and she had invited me to hang out. 

"I'm just going to go get a snack!" Dawn shouts happily as she disappears around the corner. You giggle and turn to gallop in the other direction, running smack-dab into a small figure who trips and falls backwards, tumbling down with you on top. 

"Sorry, Nick Nick," You say, leaning over him, but not getting up. 

"S'alright." He smiles. Giggling, you quickly kiss him on the lips and run off to find Dawn. That was the first time you realized you liked him, but it certainly wouldn't be the last. 

"Y/n, are you even paying attention?" Mr. Trevor asks loudly as I'm pulled out of your thoughts. 

"Um. Yeah." 

"What's the answer to the question I just asked you?" 

"45." I reply. 


I nod, though I'm not sure why he's telling me this since I answered the question correctly. Suddenly I feel someone's eyes on my and I turn around. I should have known. Nicky smirks at me once and then turns to talk to Ricky. 


School goes well, but it's obviously boring. Lunchtime couldn't come soon enough. After my second block of math, I make your way into the cafeteria for lunch. I spot the Quads sitting near the center of the room, minus Nicky obviously. Dawn waves you over to the empty seat but when you get there, Nicky appears out of nowhere and steals the chair. 

"Nicolas!" Dawn scolds and tries to tug it back. Nicky glares at her and quickly plants himself in the chair. 

"What? Quads only," he narrows his eyes at me. 

"Since when has it been Quads only?" Dawn asks. 

"Since..Since..Since I said so," Nicky stutters and I raise an eyebrow at him. 

"Wow. That's a really reasonable answer," I roll my eyes. 

"Y/n, let's just sit somewhere else," Dawn suggests and I look around for an empty seat. There are none. Great. 

"Bye!" Nicky stands up in front of me and waves me away. He's about a couple of inches taller than me yet it feels like he towers over me. 

"Fine." I say, walking away. 

I wonder why he's so mad at me all the time?

CRAZY TOGETHER// NICKY HARPER  X READERWhere stories live. Discover now