Truth? Or lies?

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"Fine. If you must know..." I trail off as a stunned Nicky looks at me. "Ricky, er, saw me doing something and I asked him to keep it a secret." 

"What did he see you doing?" Dicky demands. 

"He saw me uh..." 

"That's a secret!" Ricky exclaims. 

"I'm your brother!" Dicky yells. 

"Even more reason not to tell you!" Ricky yells back. 

"I can't take this anymore!" Nicky stands up. "I'm tired of all you arguing!" 

"Wait. Do you know what this secret is?" Dawn asks. 

"Ye-no." He says. "I'm just tired of listening to all you idiots!" 

"I'll just tell them." I say. "I've been seeing someone!" 

"What?" Dawn looks at me. 

"Who?" Dicky says. 

"Huh?" Nicky asks. 

"What?" Ricky says. 

"Yes." I say. "I'm not telling you who though." 

"That's the best idea I've heard all afternoon!" Nicky says. 

"Why? Do you know who it is?" Dicky asks suspiciously. 

"No!" Nicky exclaims. "Maybe." 

"Nicky!" I smack him, exasperated. 

"Let me get this straight." Dawn says weirdly calmly. "Y/n is seeing someone, and Ricky and Nicky know, but not me. Her best FRIEND?" Dawn yells. 

"Dawn, let's talk about this." I grab her hand and lead her away, leaving Dicky to pelt Nicky and Ricky with questions. 


"Sorry I didn't tell you." I apologize. 

"How could you y/n? You told Nicky and Ricky but not me?"

"Well I didn't exactly tell Ricky, he sorta found out..." I look around. 

"Same thing!" Dawn crosses her arms. 

"I'm sorry Dawn, I just think that you would be mad if you knew!" I shout. 

"Mad? Why would I be mad that you're dating someone?" Dawn asks. 

"I don't know." I shrug. 

"Then why would you keep it from me?" Dawn groans. I really want to avoid telling her I'm dating Nicky but I don't know how to keep our friendship like this. If I tell her she'll be mad but if I don't tell her then she'll also be mad! It's a lose lose situation here. 

"It's that. It's that you might be mad if you knew who I was dating!" I blurt. Dawn raises an eyebrow at me. 

"Who are you dating?" Dawn questions. I look away from her. 

"It's someone." I say dumbly. 

"Do I know them?" 

"It would be weird if you didn't." 


Dawn's POV

I can't believe y/n won't tell me who she's dating. I mean, we've been Bff's for years and shes' never kept anything from me before! I can't help but try to guess at the mysterious clues. Ricky knows. And so does Nicky. Ricky didn't mean to find out, he walked in on y/n...doing something? With the guy? And it would be weird if  I didn't know them.... That means it's probably someone I'm relatively close to. And Nicky knows, but did Y/n tell him? Hang on. That guy at the park. If I had to guess, I think he'd be around 5'3, based on how tall he was sitting down. I don't really know though. Approximately 2 or three inches taller than y/n...And wait! Y/n started acting weird about a month ago, around the time of truth or dare. Yes I remember exactly when that was. It was the day she had that weird thing with Nicky. WAIT A SECOND. IT WOULD BE WEIRD IF I DIDN'T KNOW THEM. Ricky must have walked into that room...Nicky stayed behind too....Ricky went back to get his phone and-

"Are you okay?" Mae asks me in class. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." 

"About what?" Mae frowns. 

"Look, you can't tell anyone, but I think y/n's been seeing Nicky. Secretly." I whisper. 


"I know, it's crazy but it's true!" I turn around to look at my paper. 

"Hold up. So y/n's dating your brother and she didn't tell you about it?" Mae looks disbelieving. 

"That's what I'm saying." 


"Emergency quaddle," I say to the group as soon as we get home. 

"What is the meaning of this?" Nicky asks and I roll my eyes at him while glaring on the inside. How could he keep a secret from me?

"You'll see." 

"I'm kind of busy, so if we could keep this short..." Ricky taps his wrist. 

"This is about the secret guy y/n's seeing." I don't miss the horrified look Ricky and Nicky exchange. 

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot!" Dicky says. 

"I have a plan to expose her." I say. 

"Really?" Ricky hisses. "Why can't you let this go?" Nicky nods to agree with Ricky. 

"Humph." I sigh. "Easy for you to say, you already know who it is!" 


Nicky's POV 

"Call y/n to come over," Dawn pokes me. 

"Huh? Why me?" I ask. 

"Just do it bro." Dicky smacks my shoulder. 


We wait in silence for a few minutes after I make the call. I can't help but feel suspicious of Dawn's motives. What if she suspects me? 

"So why did you need me over here?" Y/n says as she opens the front door. 

"We need to ask you a favor." Dawn smiles sweetly. "Call your secret boyfriend." 

"Why would I do that?" Y/n asks. 

"Do it or Ricky here will expose you!" Dicky threatens. 

"Ricky?" Y/n glares at him. 

"I had no choice. We made a quad pact." Ricky gulps. 

"Whatever." I watch in horror as Y/n takes out her phone and dials. A horrible second goes by and then I hear my ringtone go off from my pocket. Dicky looks at me incredulously and Dawn just smirks. 

"Well. Well. Well." She swings her gaze to me. "Someone tell me what the meaning of this is?"

"Uh. I can explain." I stammer.

"REEALLY NICKY?" Dicky smirks at me and y/n. 

"How long has this been going on?" Dawn asks.

"I don't really remember." Y/n tries to slide away without anyone noticing. 

"Come on y/n, I think you do." Dawn accuses. Y/n shoots a look at me. 

"A month." Ricky blurts. 

"Ricky!!" Y/n groans. 

"Guys. I already knew.." Dawn rolls her eyes. "I just figured it out like, 2 hours ago." 

"Oh." I run a hand through my hair. 

"So was I the only one that didn't know?" Dicky accuses. 

"No Dicky, y/n had no idea either." Dawn says sarcastically and I smirk. 

"Oh. Good." Dicky smiles idiotically. 

We all sigh loudly. 

CRAZY TOGETHER// NICKY HARPER  X READERWhere stories live. Discover now