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"So let me get this straight." Ricky holds a confused hand in the air. "You like Mae?" 

"Yep," I nod, trying to convince myself that Dawn's idea was not completely messed up. 

"Uh." Y/n frowns. 

"Why is that so hard to believe?" I ask. 


Y/n's POV 

Something about this doesn't add up. The Dicky I know would never back down from a dare, even if it meant kissing someone you don't like. Like me. But Mae? I never even would've suspected such a thing. Usually, he'll give clues, like changing his attitude around her or looking at her dreamily, but this time is different. He hasn't even stared at her once. No offense to Dicky but he's not exactly the worlds best secret keeper. Or the king of subtlety. There's something he's definitely not telling us. 

Ricky's POV 

I don't know about the rest of us, but there's something fishy about that story Dicky told us. I mean, since when has Dicky ever shown interest in Mae? Other then that time when we were like 11. And Dicky never cared about what Dawn thought about his love interests. Even if Mae is Dawn's best friend. That's never stopped him before. I think that he was telling part of the truth. I mean the look on his face definitely said something was wrong, even if it wasn't that he liked Mae. His cheeks were literally a tomato. Like actually. Jeez, I wonder what's wrong with him now?

Nicky's POV

So Dicky likes Mae. Huh. I guess that explains it. 

Dawn's POV

I think the rest of them bought it. Not sure how that whole thing even happened. Dicky and Y/n. Who would've thought? I guess this isn't the first time Dicky's fallen for a girl his brother liked. 

Y/n's POV

"I guess it kind of makes sense." I say slowly. 

"Yeah," Ricky agrees, but exchanges a look with me that clearly says it doesn't. 

"Well then." Dawn claps her hands together. "Now-we-can-all-go-back-to-what-we-were-all-doing-ok-folks-that's-a-wrap!" 


Nicky's POV

I can tell y/n's distracted about something. Sitting on my bed, she stares into space just above my forehead. 


"Hm?" She snaps out of it. 

"What's going on in your head?" I lean into her. 

"I-I can't stop thinking about Dicky," she blurts. 

"Uh? What?" I frown. 

"No, not like that. I mean, something about his random story doesn't add up." She says. 

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"Well, since when has Dicky ever been subtle about who he likes?" She holds up a finger. "And since when has he cared what Dawn thought about his crush?" 

"Listen, Love, Dicky's changed a lot. We all have. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." 


Dawn's POV

This is something HUGE TO WORRY ABOUT!  I overheard Nicky and y/n talking about Dicky's suspicious story. I mean, my suspicious story. This is BAD. If Y/n finds out the truth, this will permanently ruin all of our relationships. Y/n will be so mad that I kept this secret from her. 

"Dicky?" I knock on his door. 

"Come in," he says. 

"We have a problem." I grit my teeth, turning his TV off. 

"Heyyyy!" Dicky groans. "WHaT wAs ThaT fOr?" 

"I need to speak to you. Y/n's suspicious." 

"About what?" 

God, boys can be so stupid. 

"About the story. Your so called crush on Mae?" 

"Oh yeahhh." Dicky nods. "You're right. THis is Bad." 

"So is it possible that you don't like Y/n anymore?" I ask. 


"Well, is it possible that you've realized that she likes Nicky so you've given up even though you still like her?" 

"Dawn. Stop. I like y/n, okay?" 

"WHAT?" Ricky opens the door. "You like who?"

"Oh my god Ricky, were you eavesdropping?" I glare at him. 

"NO? You like Y/N?" Ricky yells, and I try to shush him but it's too late. 

"You like me??" Y/n appears at the door. 

Well, crap.

CRAZY TOGETHER// NICKY HARPER  X READERWhere stories live. Discover now