Lila OUT

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(Who else is very tired of Lila?)

Dicky's POV

I hear a knock on my door. Interesting. Lila's at Get Sporty's right now, getting us drinks. I don't know why she had to go all the way to Get Sporty's to get drinks...Women, am I right?

"Hello?" I slowly pull open the door. There's no one outside it. What? I look around the corner. Both ways. There's no one there. No one. I could have sworn I heard a knock. Hmm.

"Dicky!" A voice hisses. 

"Huh?" I whip around. "WHaT the HelL?" Y/n and Ricky are standing in my room. I slam the door behind me and stalk towards them. 

"Shh," y/n whispers. 

"WHY?" I yell. 

"SHHH," Ricky claps a hand over my mouth. Then Nicky bursts in holding a trophy. 

"Why-" He brings the trophy down. "Y/n?" Nicky kisses y/n and we all look away. 

"CUT IT OUT!" Ricky rolls his eyes. 

"Fine," Nicky looks at y/n. "Why didn't you text me?" 

"Why didn't you text me?" 

"I was grounded." he says. 

"Oh yeah!" She nods. "Wait, Dicky!" Y/n rounds on him. "Why the hell would you tell on Nicky??"

"Lila said it would be a good idea." I laugh nervously. "It was the only way I could get you guys to pay attention to me." 

"Really? You couldn't have just said 'hey, look at me'." Nicky glares. "A way that didn't involve me getting SEPARATED FROM Y/N?"

"I'm sorry!" I hold my hands up in a surrender. "But you guys wouldn't listen."

"What was so important that you needed to tell us right this second?" Ricky asks. 

"What's this?" Dawn comes in. 

"Dicky needs  to tell us something," Ricky says. 

"Oh, okay." 

I grit my teeth. This is what I wanted. 

"Tell them Dicky," a voice says. I turn around again. It's Lila. 

"Tell us what?" Dawn says. 

"You!" Y/n leaps at Lila, bowling her over. Nicky grabs y/n and holds her arms back. 

"What's going on with them?" Dawn hooks a finger at them. 

"Yeah," I agree. They really look like they're going to kill each other. 

"Well basically, Lila's been telling Y/n to stay away from us," Ricky points around the room, yelling over y/n and Lila's shrieks. "And she also made Dicky tell on Nicky. And she also stalked Y/n and threatened her." Ricky nods. "That sums it up." 

"What?" Nicky lets go of y/n. Y/n leaps at Lila again, but Dawn gets in between them. 

"STOP! Lets' just have a normal conversation!" 

"Lila's My GIRLFRIEND!" I yell over everyone. Everyone stops moving and freezes. Y/n stops trying to kill Lila and Lila smirks over everyone's shocked gazes. 

"Finally," she moves towards me and kisses me, pushing me down onto my bed. 

"GUYS!!" Nicky shouts. 

"What?" I breath heavily, pushing Lila off me. 


"Oh." I say dumbly, then turn to Lila. "Is that true??" I frown in disbelief. Would Lila do something like that to one of my best friends?

Ricky's POV 

This has been going on for waaaay too long. I mean, I know Dicky isn't the smartest in the group, but surely he would recognize an abusive relationship, even if it wasn't obvious? Look at the statistics here.....

Lila's POV

This cannot be happening right now! I made sure y/n was out of the picture! She clearly likes Dicky! 

Y/n's POV

I do not like Dicky.

Nicky's POV

I know I'm new to this whole situation, but it seems pretty messed up to me. 

Dicky's POV

"Lila, I'm breaking up with you!" Identical gasps come from all sides of the room. 

"WHAT?" Lila spits. 

"You can't do something like that!" I say. 


"You hurt Y/N, out of jealousy, I don't like her in that way. She's like a sister to me. I can't believe you would do that to someone. This is over," I get up. 

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" Lila fumes. 

"I'm sorry, but this is your problem." I shake my head. 

"NO!" she growls. 

"Lila, I can't with you!" I say. 

"How DARE YOU?" Lila snarls.

"GET OUT!" We all yell. 

"FINE! I DON'T NEED YOU!!!!" She storms out of the room. 

"Well that was chaotic." Nicky grabs y/n's hand and leads her out of the room. 

"I think we can all agree to listen to each other in the future," Y/n says, turning in the doorway. 

"Yep!" Ricky wipes his forehead. "I'm just glad she's gone." 

"Me too...though this whole this is very confusing," Dawn frowns. "Aidan Gallagher wasn't involved in this, right?"

"No Dawn, you're very behind on things," I raise my eyebrows. "Who's Aidan Gallagher?" Dawn laughs. 

"That's a story for another time." 

CRAZY TOGETHER// NICKY HARPER  X READERWhere stories live. Discover now