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Ricky's POV

Okay. I grit my teeth and take a huge breath. This isn't so bad...

"Will. You. Go to the dance with me?" I ask, somewhat normally. Natlee does a double take. 

"Oh! Uh yeah, I would love to go with you," Natlee says and I mentally high five myself. 

"Great." I smile and walk away. Smooth as glass! Until I trip over a rock and face plant on the concrete. 


Dawn's POV

Waiting in the hospital is the most boring thing ever. Nicky's cuddled up to y/n on one of the benches and Dicky's eating Cheetos while looking at his phone. I lean over to see what he's watching. It looks like a weird dance thing and someone named 'Casey Simpson' is doing weird dance moves. How strange. 

"Dicky, what the hell is that?" I ask. 

"Oh, it's the new trend!" Dicky replies happily. 

"I don't mean to interrupt this...whatever this is, but Ricky's in the hospital. Shouldn't we be, like sitting in silence or mourning him?" Nicky interrupts. 

"He's not dead," Y/n hits him on the shoulder playfully. 

"I know that, but what if he can't make it to the dance?" Nicky sighs. "Do you know how he tripped?" 

"No, do you?" I look at him curiously. 

"I think he tripped after he asked Natlee out." Nicky explains. Dicky snorts. 

"That's not funny!" Y/n frowns disapprovingly. 

"I know, it's just that this video's really funny!" Dicky laughs. "By the way, you look like a burnt garbanzo bean." 

I raise my eyebrows and jump up. 

"Well you're ugly!" I retort. 

"You're uglier!" Dicky shoots back. 

"You're the ugliest!" 

"You're the ugliestest!" 

"SHUT UP!" Nicky hollers. 

"What?" Dicky and I chorus. 

"Uh, sorry, but Ricky's in stable condition right now." A nurse appears beside the lounge, holding an official looking piece of paper. "Your parents just came out of his room and they said he's doing fine now." 

"What's wrong with him?" Dicky questions. "Does he have a con cushion?" 

"A what?" The nurse lifts her glasses up. 

"A con cushion!" Dicky says. 

"He means, a concussion," y/n explains with a yawn. 

"Oh. In that case, yes. Ricky has a minor concussion. He should be fit to go home today, but no activities that involve being active for the time being." The nurse says. 

"Like a dance?" I ask worriedly. 

"I'm afraid so." 


Ricky's POV 

This absolutely sucks. The moment I finally ask the girl I like to a dance, I get a concussion? And now I don't get to go to the dance? Natlee visited me once but other than that she's basically just stayed away. Other than texting of course. I thought that we'd have this connection now that we were technically dating. Well, kinda dating. Okay fine. Not dating at all. 

Ricky: hey nat

Natlee: hi, how's ur head

Ricky: its bummed about the dance though

Natlee: me too

Ricky: listen, there's something i need to ask u

Natlee: omg sorry i gtg my mom's calling me

Ricky: oh, k see u l8r


Y/n's POV

I feel terrible about Ricky's situation. If only I can find a way to make sure he doesn't feel left out about the dance. Some way I can make it up to him. I know, I know, I don't really have to do anything, but I hate seeing him upset. He's like a brother to me. Wait! I know how to fix this....

Dawn's POV

Y/n tells me about her plan later that evening. It's actually pretty awesome. I can't wait to help Ricky have the best time ever!

Dicky's POV

I like chicken nuggets.

Nicky's POV

The plan is all set to go...Get ready for Operation Quadtastic Night!

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