Important Message

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Hi guys, I wanted to share with you a video that I found...lets just say it's not great. I mean, everyone can have their own opinion on this, but targeting a teenager for their singing is just messed up. Not to mention how being socially awkward suddenly becomes the main focus of hate. People have taken clips from random videos and pasted them together to make it seem like Aidan is the one in the wrong but really...if you look at the wide-span of all the things he's done that have helped the environment, or contributed to our entertainment...Some things that he's been accused of were from when he was really young, which means that he wasn't well informed about all matters yet. Which is completely fine as he's still a child (or was a child when these things happened.) People do more terrible stuff everyday, but a lot of things that Aidan does are publicized! Everyone can judge him, because every little mistake he makes is live for people to see! I know that this doesn't relate to the story, but I thought I would put this out there. I feel like we're all too focused on spreading hate, at the expense of others. Who cares if he's bad at singing, or if he's awkward with fans? What would you do if a bunch of screamy girls were yelling at you? Or fawning over you? It would be incredibly awkward and honestly I'm impressed that he didn't run away. My point is, there are much more important things to focus on in life, like issues in the world that actually need to change. Concentrating all your hate on Aidan Gallagher is not one of those things. Can you imagine the stress you would be under with people spamming hate at you? He may be ignorant, but aren't we all at times? No one knows everything. Yes, he's made mistakes, but he's worked hard to make up for it, apologizing publicly. Some people think this isn't enough. What is REALLY enough? I used to have friends that said 'sorry' doesn't mean anything, which didn't help me AT ALL. What more should Aidan do, okay? If you're one of those people who thinks this (probably not and I promise I'm not challenging any of you) please, please, please tell me what you think would make up for these simple, human errors. 

Thanks for listening-sorry that took a while. Here's the video...

CRAZY TOGETHER// NICKY HARPER  X READERWhere stories live. Discover now