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Y/n's POV 

"I guess they know now." I say to Nicky, as we sit in his room watching a movie. 

"Yeah. Are you okay?" Nicky asks. 

"I'm fine. I'm just glad that Dawn isn't mad at me." I sigh. 

"That's...good." Nicky smiles. I open my mouth to say something else when the door bursts open. Nicky and I jump apart and I accidentally fling the remote at the door, hitting Dicky in the face. 

"Sorry," I laugh, as Dicky rubs his face. 

"Dawn wants to see you." Dicky's voice comes out muffled. 

"Oh? Why?" I ask, perplexed. Dicky looks down the hall. 

"I don't know. She sent me to get you." Dicky explains nervously. "She said under no condition were you not to come to her room."

I look at Nicky and shrug. 

"Okay," kissing Nicky goodbye, I get up and follow Dicky down the hall to Dawns room. 


Dawn's POV

Lately, y/n's been spending all her time with Nicky, and as much as I love my brother, I hate how he's stealing her all the time. Like, I invited her over three times last week. Twice, she was busy with sports and the third time she came over, she watched one movie with me then went up to Nicky's room to 'talk.' This is getting out of hand. It's basically like the time Mae spent all her time with Miles. I know I over reacted that time, but I'm sixteen now and I can totally handle this. Right?

"Hi." Y/n steps into my room, Dicky trailing behind her. I flick my eyes up to her and gesture for her to come sit on my bed. 


There's an awkward pause as Y/n twiddles her fingers around. 



"Listen, I know Nicky's you're boyfriend and all, but I miss you!" I blurt and y/n just stares. "So I wish you would spend more time with me." 

"I'm sorry Dawn. I'll try and hang out with you more, it's just I've been really busy, and I haven't noticed." 


"How about a sleepover?" I suggest.

"Sure." Y/n smile and lies down on my bed. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask. 



Nicky's POV

After y/n left my room, I went downstairs to make a snack. Ricky was sitting in the living room playing a game on his phone and Dicky was running down the stairs behind me. 

"Hey dude!" Dicky yells. 

"Hey." I wave. 

"So...How's it going with y/n?" Dicky asks, smirking. I can't help but wonder what he's up to.


"Guess what?" Dicky smiles. 

"What?" I reply. 

"I'm going to ask Madison out!" Dicky laughs. 

"WHAT?" I yell. "She's such a-a-a jerk!" 

"Yeah, but yesterday I bumped into her in the gym and she seemed nicer. And different." Dicky nods. "So I like her now." 

"After one day?" I raise my eyebrows. 

"I told you he's losing his marbles." Ricky appears around the corner. "I told him that he would get rejected so hard." 

"I don't care. She even asked if I would want to hang out with her!" Dicky says. "Just as long as it was here! And that you were home!" Dicky looks at me. 

"Me?" I point to myself and Ricky shakes his head. 

"You!" Dicky says happily. 

"You know that Madison is using you to get closer to Nicky, right?" Ricky rolls his eyes at Dicky. 

"Huh?" Dicky's face falls. "Really?" 

"It sounds like it, bro." I shake my head. "The but-er is cruel." 

"Wait, we should totally prank her!" Dicky's face lights up again.

"What do you mean?" I question. Ricky shrugs at Dicky. 

"Could be fun." 

"I'm confused. You want to prank" I furrow my eyebrows. 

"Yeah!" Dicky punches the air enthusiastically. 

"What Dicky means, is that he's going to bring Madison here, and pretend that you're single and then you can break her heart," Ricky nods. 

"I was just going to jump out at her and say 'boo', but your idea is better." Dicky frowns. 

"Well, I guess. But what are we going to tell y/n?" I ask. 

"Tell me what?" Y/n appears at the top of the stairwell. 

"Oh, we're just going to get Madison to fall in love with Nicky." Dicky says promptly. 

"WHAT?" Y/n looks shocked. 

"What are you Icky's doing?" Dawn stands besides her. 

"Well, Madison was trying to use Dicky to get closer to Nicky, so we're going to make it backfire on her and break her heart by pretending Nicky is single then he's going to reject her." Ricky explains in one breath. 

"Oh, well, that explains it." Y/n shrugs standing beside me and throwing an arm around my shoulders. I lean over and kiss her on the forehead before turning back to my siblings. 

"So you're okay with that?" I ask. 

"Sure, but no touchy touchy or anything," Y/n narrows her eyes at all of us. 

"Right," Ricky nods. "We need a plan." 


Dawn's POV

So in the end, we came up with a fairly solid plan to get back at the but-er for trying to use Dicky. Dicky would invite her over to hang out on Saturday, and Nicky would be there, as well as y/n. Nicky would pretend to like her and sit next to her, and, well you kind of get the rest of it. 

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