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" what?" I ask, looking at Nicky. 

"We sit here until she gets back." Nicky explains. 

"Or we could just leave? She didn't lock the door," I suggest. 

"I think she's probably watching the hallway," Nicky reasons. I lean back, falling onto the bed. He copies me, and I rest my head on his shoulder. 

"It's getting pretty late," I comment. 

"I know." He says, pulling out his phone. "I'm going to text her. 


"Oh, my, god, it's been at least an hour." I groan, flipping onto my stomach on top of Nicky. He puts a hand on my back. 

"We could do something to pass the time..." he whispers, smirking. 

"She'll hear us." I whisper back, pulling him up with me but not getting off of him. 

"Nah," he says, leaning in for a kiss. I respond silently, resting my arms around his neck. The door jiggles, and we jump apart, sitting on opposite ends of the bed looking innocent. 

"Got you!" She yells triumphantly. "Oh." She frowns. "I guess you really do hate each other." 

"Told you so," Nicky fake glares at me and I fake glare back. 

"Well...I tried." Dawn looks defeated. 

"I guess you should go back to your room," I shove Nicky off the bed. 

"Whatever l/n," Nicky winks when Dawn isn't looking. 


"I'm still mad at you for doing that," I frown at Dawn, crossing my arms. 

"Why?" she asks confusedly. 

"How dare you put me in a room alone with Nicky?" 

"Sorry, I just thought you liked else was I supposed to find out?" 

"YOU COULD HAVE ASKED ME?" I seethe. "Whatever." I sigh and flop on the bed. Dawn flops next to me. 

"I'm just glad you don't like my brother." She smiles and I try to smile back but it comes out looking more like a grimace. 

"Why? Just out of curiosity.." I ask. 

"Why what?" 

"Why would it be so bad if I liked one of your brothers?" I question. 

"I don't know. I just think it would be awkward. Like you wouldn't come over to hang out with me anymore, you would just want to hang out with one of them." She trails off looking sad. Oh. Now I get it. 

"Listen Dawn, you're my best friend. I would never desert you, even if I did like one of the Icky's." I laugh, and she joins in. 

We hear a knock at the door. Dawn rolls her eyes at it and goes to open it. It's Dicky. 

"Hey girls, uh, Mae is downstairs because someone invited her over..." He grins. 

"Oh, shoot! I did invite her too but I forgot to tell you." Dawn answers, looking sheepish. 

"It's fine," I say. 


"So what do you want to do?" Mae asks, as the three of us sit on Dawn's bed. 

"I don't know?" I sigh. 

"How about truth or dare?" Dawn suggests. 

"Okay, but it's no fun with just the three of us. Let's invite your brothers," Mae giggles. 

"Fine, but no funny business with any of them," she gives us pointed stares and we nod. 


"COMING!" They yell back from the other room. 

"We're playing truth or dare, you wanna join?" I ask. 

"Sure," they chorus. We sit in a circle on the ground, and Nicky sits next to me. It's a fairly small room so we're all close-ish together. 

"I'll go first." Dicky smirks at all of us. "Mae, truth or dare?" 

"Truth.." Mae looks at her feet. 

"If you had to date one of us, who would it be?" Dicky points between himself, Nicky, and Ricky. 

"Uhhh..." Mae hesitates. 

"Come on. We all know it's me!" Nicky laughs. 

"Nicky, you're such a flirt!" Dawn crows as I smack him. 

"I guess....Dicky." She says very quietly. "But only if I had to." 

"Ha!" Dicky lets out a triumphant yell. 

"Whatever, Dicky," Ricky rolls his eyes. 

"Who's next?" I ask. 


"Ok...Y/n, truth or dare?" Mae looks at me from her spot. 

"Truth." I say. 

"Playing it safe, I see," Nicky teases. 

"We'll see about that," Mae giggles. "Who do you like?" 

"Oh. Uh. I. Uh. I have to go to the bathroom!" I get up. 

"Come on y/n, you have to answer the question!" Dawn urges. 

"It's not like it's one of us!" Ricky laughs. 

"Ha. Hmm." I stutter, avoiding Nicky's bright blue eyes. 

"Or is it?" Dawn looks suspicious. 

"Of course not!" I defend. "I turkey!" 

"Ugh." Dawn rolls her eyes. 

"Who do you turkey to?" Dicky asks. 

"Nicky." I smile at him. 

"Wait? What?" Nicky looks flustered. 

"I thought you could only turkey to the one who asked the question!" Ricky says. 

"Well, I don't like anyone, so that would be pointless." Mae explains. "And y/n knows that." 

"Answer the question Nicky," Dicky pokes him. 

"I like...I like..." Nicky stammers. 

CRAZY TOGETHER// NICKY HARPER  X READERWhere stories live. Discover now