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"Yeah Five, do you like me?" I ask, staring at him through the darkness. His eyes flick back and forth, and Klaus stares up at him expectantly. 

"Uh," Five stumbles. For once, he has no idea what to say. 

"Five, did you actually pretend to be Nicky?" Klaus hoots. "WoAh, you got game!" 

"Shut up!" Five smacks Klaus and Klaus falls back to his foamie, fake sobbing. 

"He has a point," I say, avoiding eye contact with Five. "Did you pretend to be Nicky so that I would hang out with you?" 

"Yeah," Five stares at his feet. 

"Why would you do that? You made me think that Nicky was going to break up with me!" 

"I would never do that," Nicky turns to look at me. 

"That's not the point," I say without looking at him. 

"Right, sorry." 

Five brings his eyes up to meet Nicky's. 

"Dude, Fivey is not good with apologies, just saying." Klaus says. 

"Sorry." Five blurts, mumbling into his shirt. "I do like y/n." 

"Oh," I say, blushing. "Five, you know I'm with Nicky."

"Yeah, I know that," Five snaps. 

"Did you let her kiss you?" Nicky asks quietly. 


"Get out." Nicky says calmly. "Go back home." 

"Nicky," Klaus says. "What about me??" 

"Just leave." Nicky says, and I look at him. This isn't unreasonable, but I don't really want things to end like this. 

"Listen, I have an idea." I say, remembering a conversation I had with Klaus. 


"Klaus, what are your siblings superpowers?" I ask. 

"Alison can rumor people," he says promptly. 

"What does that mean?" I ask. 

"She says 'I heard a rumor that-' and it happens," 

"Woah.." I say.


"So your plan is to let Alison rumor me that Five never betrayed me?" Nicky glares. 

"No!" I say. 

"Her plan is to bring Alison here and make her rumor me. To make me forget that I ever liked you." Five looks at the ground. 

"It's the best option, I guess," I say. 


"Let me get this straight," Alison looks between all of us. "Nicky is Five's alternate self and they both like you?" Alison says to me. 

"Straight as a line!" Klaus grins. 

"So what was the purpose of bringing me here?" Alison asks. 

"We need you to rumor Five to make him forget that he likes y/n." Nicky says promptly. Alison frowns. 

"I don't think I should do that," she says. 

"Why not?" I question. 

"It's the only way Alison," Five hisses. 

"Don't be such a dramatic wuss Five. It's not like the world is ending," Klaus rolls his eyes. 

"Fine," Alison sighs. "But this might affect his brain." 

"What?" Five asks. 

"Well, you might think differently. Erasing ones feelings might damage the mind, or some science crap like that." Alison says. 

"Oh," I say. 

"Wouldn't it be better if you just came home?" Alison frowns and looks at the two of them. "You could just pretend nothing happened." 

"We can't get home," Klaus says. "I tried the other day." 

"You need my powers to get home you imbecile." Five rolls his eyes. 

"Oh, right." Klaus says. 

"Make up you minds, guys, I don't have all day.." Alison sits down on Five's bed. 

CRAZY TOGETHER// NICKY HARPER  X READERWhere stories live. Discover now