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Ricky's POV

I lay in bed, staring at the wall. Yes that's what my life has accounted to. Staring at a wall. And I'm not even bored. Okay, maybe I'm a bit bored. There's literally nothing to do when you have a concussion. I would watch TV, but my siblings are using it and we never agree on what to watch anyways. They should be up here, trying to cheer me up! I know it sounds selfish but I'M SO BORED!

Y/n's POV

The night of the dance is here. I put on my dress and head downstairs. Leaving the door to Dawn's room cracked, I go down to the living room. The streamers and balloons are all up in the living room and it looks amazing. Dawn's in her dress as well, hanging up a large disco ball on the ceiling. 

"How does it look?" She asks. 

"Amazing, Dawn. Ricky's going to love it." 

"Well if he can't come to the dance, we're just going to have to bring it to him," she smiles. It's so great how they would do anything for each other. 

"So who else is coming to this party?" Nicky asks, entering the room. "Whoa, you look amazing!" He moves around me slowly, admiring my dress. 

"Thanks! We're just waiting on Miles, and Mae, and obviously...Natlee!" I smile. 

"Great." Nicky says, kissing me on the lips. 

"Aww, gross!" Dawn covers her eyes and coughs. I exchange amused glances with Nicky. 


Dicky's POV

"Hi!" Natlee says, after we answer the door. She's wearing a shortish black dress with sequins on the skirt. 

"Hi, come in," I flourish my hand dramatically. 

"Guys, whisper,"  Y/n urges, shushing us. "It's supposed to be a surprise!" 

"Right," I whisper shout as Y/n flicks off the light switch. The room goes pitch black and I can hear Miles and Mae talking quietly. 

"Ready?" Dawn whispers. 

"Yeah!" I say loudly and shushes come from all corners of the room. "Oh." 

"Ricky!" Nicky calls up the stairs. 

"WHAT?" Ricky yells back. 

"Come down here!" Nicky shouts. 


We wait in the darkness and I see a phone flashlight flicker on from the stairs. 

"Why's it so dark in here?" Ricky's voice calls. 

"SURPRISE!" We all jump out at him. Ricky screams in the highest pitch voice I've ever heard and drops his phone. 

"Oops," Y/n flicks the lights back on. 

"What's this? Natlee?" Ricky looks shocked. 

"You couldn't come to the dance, so we brought it to you!" Natlee smiles, kissing him on the cheek. 

"Ha, well then...woah," Ricky passes out and Natlee catches him before he gets another con cushion. 


Natlee's POV

I never really thought that Ricky would like me. Other than that brief time I dated Dooley, I've never had a boy like me before. Ricky's so sweet though, and it was adorable how nervous he was to ask me out. I think I might just like him as much as he likes me...

Ricky's POV

I wake up to the sound of Dawn clapping her hands. There's streamers all around, and Natlee's hovering over my face. 

"Is this a dream?" I croak. "Or am I in heaven?" Then I see Dicky, and Nicky in my peripheral vision. "Never mind." 

"Dude, this is a party for you!" Dicky crows. A party? 

"Why?" I ask, confused. 

"Don't you remember? You couldn't go to the dance, so we invited these people over to have one here!" Y/n smiles. 


"You're welcome. Just remember to buy me chicken nuggets," Dicky smirks. 


Ricky's POV 

After a lot of embarrassing disco moves, and Nicky and y/n disappearing up the stairs when they thought no one was looking, a slow dance song comes on. Mae and Miles signal Dawn, who ushers Dicky out of the room. Natlee and I are left in the middle of the room. The song A Thousand Years is playing. (Cough cough, Twilight, anyone?)

"So what was it you wanted to tell me earlier?" Natlee leans in, putting her hands on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her waist. 

"Oh. That." 

"Yes. That." 

"Well, I wanted to tell you...that I really like you. And I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?" I say. 

"Ricky Harper. Of course I'll be your girlfriend." Natlee leans in and kisses me gently. 

"WHoA," Dicky whispers from the corner. "RiCky's gRowN up NoW." I glare at him from across the room and Dawn grabs his shirt and pulls him back into the kitchen. 

CRAZY TOGETHER// NICKY HARPER  X READERWhere stories live. Discover now