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Nicky's POV


"I KNOW!!" Y/n shouts back. It's extremely crowded and there are crowds pressed together in the stands. Dawn points up at the stage jumping up and down as Aidan Gallagher steps on to the stage. There's cheering and screaming, and yelling, and shrieking and all that. It's getting on my nerves. I roll my eyes and look over at Y/n, who seems to be doing 60% of the yelling. Dawn's jumping and twirling around  and Eve is holding Dicky's hand and cheering. 

"Hey, how's everyone doing?" Aidan says, holding the mic up to his face. He's met with loud screaming, and I'm almost deaf now. 

"WHOOOOOOOO," Eve shouts, laughing happily. At least these people are enjoying this. 

Aidan's POV (yasss finally)

The crowd stares up at me, cheering as I begin my first song: Fourth of July. All my songs fly by like a blur, as I strum my guitar to the music. 

I'm not exactly looking forward to the meet and greet part, as it's always awkward to have screamy fangirls in your face. I'm just hoping that I can meet someone interesting. I enjoy speaking to fans though, and it's not like any of this would be possible without them. 

"Hi, I'm Aidan," I say to the first girl in line. 

"Hailey," She says, "I know what you're name is!" She giggles. 

"Nice to meet you Hailey." I smile. 

"OMG it's amazing to meet you!!" Hailey squeals and I grimace inwardly. 'Why though..'

"Always happy to meet a fan," I give her a fleeting hug and move on to the next person. And the next. They're all girls....

"Hi," Another girl steps up to the table, though this one's different. She's with two other girls and three boys. 

"Hi guys, how are you all doing?" I ask, shaking the blonde boy's hand. 

"I'm Ricky," he says. 

"Dicky," the one with the brown hair says. 

"Dawn," the girl behind Ricky says. 


"I'm Eve," the third girl says. 

"Nicky," The dark haired boy says. Weird, he looks exactly like me.

"Why haven't I noticed that??" The second girl says aloud. I think her name was y/n. I glance at her, startled. 

"What?" I ask. 

"Oh, it's just you look like my boyfriend, Nicky," she points at Nicky. 

"No he doesn't," Nicky frowns. 

"Actually, you kinda do," Eve says, and Dicky nods. 

"Great meeting you guys, but I have a lot more people to get to." I say, shaking my foot under the table. 

"Oh, okay," Y/n says. 

"If you're okay with it, we could meet up later and discuss why you look like my brother?" Dawn suggests. 

"I don't know," I run my hand through my hair. 

"Come on," Y/n pleads. "I know you don't know us but.." 

"Fine," I say, smirking a bit. "2:30 at *random place*"

"Sure," Ricky nods. 


Ricky's POV

I can't believe we're meeting up with Aidan Gallagher. Aidan Freaking Gallagher. 

Dicky's POV

I don't know about this Aidan dude. Eve seemed waaaay too eager to meet up with him again. 

Y/n's POV

Is no one going to talk about the fact that he's the spitting image of Nicky? I wonder if he's from another dimension, like Five mentioned?

Dawn's POV

I'm shocked that he said yes. I have no other words. 

Nicky's POV

Ugh, Aidan is meeting up with us again?

Eve's POV

This is so exciting! I think I'm going to pass out.

CRAZY TOGETHER// NICKY HARPER  X READERWhere stories live. Discover now