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Ricky's POV

I have to admit, talking to our 'other selves' is kinda fun, at least until Aidan walked in. Aidan #1 I mean. The one that doesn't know about us. So now there are literally 4 Aidan's. What happened to not destroying this timeline or something like that?

"What the hell?" Aidan stares around the room. "why do you look like-what-the-" and then he faints. 


"AIDAN WAKE UP!!!" Five yells in his face. 

"Five!" y/n scolds. "Aidan," she says, shaking him while Nicky stares on jealously. 

"Why can't we just leave him like this?" Nicky asks. 

"But Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn will be cancelled if he dies!" Mace says dramatically. I squint at him. A TV show about our lives..cancelled? That actually sounds pretty good. The fact that they made a TV show about our boring lives is kinda strange. 

"He's just unconscious," Casey says knowledgably. "What you have to do, is wake him up with a shock or something. Like dumping water on his head." Casey demonstrates by throwing water in my face. I blink water out of my eyes and stare pointedly at him. That was very uncalled for. 

"Excuse me, but being the smart one here, I know more about medical resuscitation," I say. Y/n rolls her eyes. 

"Resuscitation?" Dicky wrinkles his nose. "When did you ever learn about medical resuscitation?" 

"I did, okay? And I know more than HIM!" I point at Casey. 

"We are not going back to this." Casey shakes his head. "All this competing, man." He laughs. 

"Wow..." Y/n looks between the two of them. "let's just say you're both as equally as smart." 

"Whatever," I raise my eyebrows. Casey mimics my expression perfectly. Nicky sighs and rests his head on Y/n's shoulder. 

"This is exhausting.." He kisses her on the cheek. "Love you." 

"Love you too," she giggles. Mace and Casey exchange glances. Nicky makes a really soppy expression on his face. 

"Never do that again." Aidan and Five say at the same time. 

"Uh, you guys! Aidan is still passed out!" Dicky says. 

"Is that really what I look like unconscious?" Aidan #2 asks. 

"That's your question?" Five shakes his head. 

"What-what's going on?" Aidan #1 blinks, sitting up. "whoa?" 

"Okay, here's the scoop. Casey and Mace are from your dimension. Ricky, Dicky, Nicky, and y/n are from another dimension. I'm from dimension 1." Five explains quickly. 


"Yes, other dimensions exist," 


"In our dimension, we aren't TV characters." 


"We came here to figure out if there were multiple Aidan's-" Five points at Aidan #2. "there are." 

"So you're me?" Aidan #1 asks. "I guess that kinda clears it up." 


Y/n's POV 

Several more hours go by of chatting, including a very interesting prank call to Finn Wolfhard. 

'Hello?' Nicky covers his mouth to try and stop laughing. 

CRAZY TOGETHER// NICKY HARPER  X READERWhere stories live. Discover now