Eve pt 4

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Y/n's POV

"We need to ask you a couple of questions," the police officer says, pulling out a notebook. I gulp and grab Nicky's hand under the table. Dicky looks slightly sick to his stomach and Ricky's breathing loudly.

"Officer, is Eve okay?" Dawn asks nervously.

"She's currently in a stable condition," The officer notes. "What happened?"

"Marley, the girl who attacked her was doing *something bad* and Eve found out about it," Dicky explains.

"So she called the police," Ricky finishes. "And Marley got mad about that."

"Marley- do you know her last name?" The officer glances down at his notes.

"We aren't sure," I say.

"Well, I think we have her in custody," the police officer says. "A girl was brought in earlier with the name Marley."

"That's probably her," Dawn nods.

"Anyways, you say you found Eve laying on the ground," The officer continues.

"Yes, she'd been attacked by Marley with spray paint," Ricky says.

"We also found traces of a powerful drug in her system. The drug was what made her unconscious," The officer explains. I gasp.

"A drug?"

"Yes, that's correct. I think that's all I need to know for right now. Thank you," We stand and follow the officer out of the interrogation room.

"Can we see her?" Dicky blurts, pale faced.

"I'll speak with the nurse. You can wait out here."

I sit next to Nicky in one of the chairs. The room where Eve is being looked after is right across the hallway. I shudder, glad to be out of the small white room we were questioned in.

"What's going to happen to Eve?" Dicky whispers, gripping the side of his chair.

"The officer said she was in a stable condition," Dawn reassures.

"She's probably just recovering now," Nicky says.

"The good thing is, that she's not blind. With all that spray paint in her eyes," I say, looking on the bright side.

"Yeah," Dicky trails off. "But I can't believe someone would want to do that."

"And what about her sisters?" I ask, leaning on Nicky's shoulder.

"I hope they're okay, the other officer said that Marley hadn't used the spray paint on them." Dicky nods.

"KIDS!" Anne and Tom come through the door. Anne rapidly brings all of us into a group hug.

"Never do anything like that again," Anne scolds.

"We didn't do anything!" Ricky complains.

"She's ready to see you," A nurse interrupts, holding a clipboard. I exchange nervous glances with Dawn. 


Dicky's POV

I walk towards the door, following the nurse down the hallway. Mom and Dad are slouched in chairs, looking thoroughly exhausted. I wonder what it's like to have a life where things are always boringly normal. 

"Wait," I turn around to see y/n whisper to Nicky, Dawn, and Ricky. She glances at me, and nods, pointing forward, placing a hand on Nicky's chest and stopping. 

"What?" I ask. 

"Dicky, you weirdo! I'm saying go in by yourself!" She urges, shaking her head and plopping into a seat next to Nicky outside Eve's room. 

"Oh," I press my lips together, nervously shaking my hands and tapping my feet. Ricky gives me a thumbs up and Dawn smiles reassuringly. 

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Dawn nods. I smile back uncertainly and bite my lip. 

"Eve?" I enter the room, leaving the nurse behind to shut the door. Eve is laying on the small hospital cot, looking frail. I assume that her sister's are in the other room. 

"Dicky?" She croaks. 

"It's me," I say softly, sitting next to the bed. "How are you feeling?" I notice her eyes are bright red around the edges and look dry. 

"I'm-what happened?" Eve coughs gently. 

"Marley attacked you," I place a hand on hers across the bed. 

"What? Where are my sisters??" Eve tries to sit up and hunches over, squeezing her eyes shut in pain. 

"Shh, don't try to move," I stand quickly, placing a hand on her shoulder. 

"I have to see them Dicky!" She looks panicked. 

"They're okay," I say. "They're being treated in the next room." 

"Oh," Eve settles. "Did you bring me here?" 

"My siblings and I found you, and we called the police," I explain. "Marley was really really mad about that thing she was hiding, and the police arrested her." 

"That's terrible." Eve shakes her head.

"Why? She hurt you!" I frown. 

"Her dad didn't care about her so she acted out, it's not her fault," Eve says, concerned. I smile and shake my head. 

"Eve, you are the most caring, wonderful, most selfless person I've ever met. You'd say that about someone who hurt you!" I kiss her on the forehead. Eve giggles softly. 

"I just want to help people," Eve says. 

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