Eve pt 2

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(This is about a day after Dicky meets Eve)

Eve's POV

There's something about Dicky that I love. He's just so sweet and kind to everyone, and he can always make me laugh. 

"Dicky?" I ask as we sit in his kitchen. 

"Yes?" He responds, flicking his brown eyes to meet mine. 

"Your siblings don't mind that we're here, right?" I say. 

"Of course not," Dicky laughs. "Why?" 

"Well Nicky was kind of acting weird the other day," I say. "I said hi and he kind of just stared at me." 

Dicky's POV

"Oh." That must have been Five, Nicky's alternate side.. because he's still here. Because no one kicked them out yet.

"Do you know if he's mad at me or something?" 

"Definitely not..Nicky's just a bit shady sometimes." I say. 

"Did I just hear that correctly?" Nicky walks into the room with Y/n. 

"Yeah Dicky, did he?" Y/n teases, smiling at Eve. "hi, how are you?" 

"I'm good," Eve smiles back, glancing at Nicky. 

"Why'd you call me shady, bro?" Nicky asks. 

"Well you shaded Eve," I say, trying to hint with my eyes that it was Five, but clearly he doesn't get it. Until Y/n raises one eyebrow at him and suddenly it's crystal clear. 

"Ohhh.." Nicky starts. "Sorry Eve, I had a bad headache. And an earache. So I couldn't hear you..Or concentrate on anything..because of my head..." 

"It's okay," Eve says, glancing at me, then back at Nicky. 


Eve's POV

"Hi," I answer my phone on the first ring, recognizing Dicky's number. I sit down on the park bench, crossing my knees. 

"How are you?" Dicky asks, his voice muffled over the phone. 

"Pretty good," I say, fiddling with my fingers. Then I see them. "Sorry Dicky, I have to go...see you tomorrow" I hang up after he says bye. 

"Who the hell would want to call you?" Marley walks up to me, flanked by Juliette. 

"Just my friend," I stand up, staring them down coldly. 

"Ugh, you have friends?" Juliette snickers. I look down at my feet. 

"Anyways, don't think about trying to talk back to me, you know that I'm doing you a favour," Marley says. 

"No, you're not.." I whisper. 

"So you want me to share with all my 1,0000 followers that you're living in a trailer with your stupid sisters?" 

"They aren't stupid," I say, thinking of Opal and Tilly. 

"That lie about you transferring from Atlanta is so tacky," Marley snorts. 

"So tacky," Juliette echoes like a puppet. 

"It's not a lie," I defend. "I just haven't had the time to figure out school until now." Why am I telling them this? 

"You are such a loser," Juliette rolls her eyes. 


Living in a trailer is not a party. It's not fun..no matter what people say about having no parents around. My parents died when I was little, and I've had to take care of my little siblings ever since. It's been hard, but not impossible. I enrolled them in elementary school here as soon as I could, it just took a while, feigning all of those parents signatures. You're probably wondering why we don't live with foster parents, but The Orphanage said that we would probably have to be split, and that's just dumb. We ran away, destroying our papers and changing all our looks...yes in Marley's words 'tacky' but it was something that had to be done. Marley only found out because she followed me home secretly one day..like a stalker. 

"Opal? Tilly?" I enter the trailer cautiously. 

"Eve? I'm hungry!" Tilly yawns. 

"I brought some takeout," I hand them the box of pizza. I usually work two jobs during the week to pay for food..but I couldn't find a second one after my last job was bought by another company. I could never tell anyone, because I know that they would try to 'help', which would just result in my sisters and I being split up. Marley and Juliette won't tell because they know that if they do, I'll tell the authorities about their secret stash of *something bad*. (I didn't want to write something super bad, so you can make it up..)


Dicky's POV 

It's time. I'm going to ask Eve out. I know it's kind of soon, but I really like her. 

"So, there was something you wanted to tell me?" Eve asks, as I walk into her living room. 

"Oh," I run my hand through my hair. "Yeah, actually. Well ask you..I guess." 

"Ask away!" Eve smiles sweetly and my heart absolutely melts for her. 

"I-I-uh, you like me right?" I stutter, realizing that what I said came out so, so creepy. 


"I mean, you like hanging out with me right? We're friends..coool.." I say. 

"Yeah, you're a great person, Dicky," she nods. 

"So would you consider going out with me?" I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping for the answer I want. 

"I'd love to!" 

CRAZY TOGETHER// NICKY HARPER  X READERWhere stories live. Discover now