Chapter 1

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'I love you ,Y/N.Will you marry me ?'said Jungkook.
'Yess!!'said Y/N.

You were having a sweet dream of your crush Jeon Jungkook.It was sweet until-
Someone suddenly splash a bottle of water on your face and that someone was your twin brother.
Y/N:"Yahhh!! What's wrong with you?"
???:Do you want to Miss your college ??sleepy head"

You take your phone and open it.
Y/N:"Wth. It's already 8:30 am."
???:Yes.You have only 30 mineuts.
You jump out from your bed and run into your bathroom.After doing your morning routine in ten minutes , you get ready for your college.

You come downstairs to have your breakfast.In the dining room you see your twin brother Kim Seok Jin having his breakfast.He is the most hatest person to you.He always do many kinds of pranks to you and bully you.
Y/N:"Where is Mom and Dad?"you ask him.
Jin:"Gone to office as usual."reply you swallowing his food.
You open the fridge but it was Empty.There was a sticky note .
"Dear kids, I am really sorry , cause there was no food in the fridge and I was quite busy that's why I couldn't buy the grocery.But, i promise you i will buy grocery after office.I made your favourite pancakes and keep it on the dining table.Have a good breakfast."
-xoxo Mom.
You run to dining table . But there was no food.
Y/N:"You eat all the pancakes!!!"
Jin:"Yes, Can't you see it?You ,blind."
Y/N:"Ugh!! Why God give me this fucking nasty brother.I hate you Kim Seok Jin."
Jin:"I thank to The God to give me as a bless to you." Told you smirking evily.
Before you could say anything he leaves the house.You take your backpack, phone and some money.You come outside of your house and see that there is no car in the garage.Usually Jin used to drive you to your college cause unfortunately you both have to go to the same college.Then without wasting any time you call one of your friend Park Jimin
Y/N:"Hey, Jimin.Can you please pick me up to the college?"
Jimin:"Anything for you, princess."
Jimin is a play boy .He is you and your brother's (Jin) friend.
Suddenly a black car come in front of you and it was Jimin's car.You sit on the passenger seat and you both go to the college.
In front of the college gate you look at your wrist clock.
Y/N:"Phew...I have only five minutes ."
You run to your class room.
Jimin:"Aish...this girl.Not even thanks me! How pathetic!"
While running you bump into don't even look at the person.But who knows it was your crush.

But who knows it was your crush

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