Chapter 9

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You, Jisoo and Jungkook were going to the market to buy your clothes for the party. There was silent moment in the car. But you have Jisoo, the cheerful girl. She played some of yours favorite songs on her phone to break the awkward silent. You and Jisoo were lip syncing the songs crazily and Jungkook was driving the car and enjoying your craziness.

You weren't noticed that he was watching you through the looking glass of the car . Then Jisoo whispered into your ear.

Jisoo:" Look."

Y/N:" What?"

She indicate you to look at the front looking glass.

Jisoo:" He is watching you through that." Whisper in your ear.

Y/N:" Are you kidding ?!?" You almost shouted at her.

Jungkook:" Is there any problem?"

Y/N:" N-no."

Jisoo:" Jungkook , pay attention to the road. Do you want to occur an accident?"

Jungkook:" S-sorry. Thanks for telling me. Btw why you stop , Y/N ?"

Y/N:" What I stop?" You ask him nervously smiling.

Jungkook:" Singing. I was enjoying it."

At this time you get shy for his little admiration and Jisoo was smirking at you continuously.

Y/N:" I don't sing well."

Jungkook:" No. It was good."

Jisoo:" Yes. She is only good in front of you but in front of me she is a total cringe."

You glare at Jisoo and Jungkook chuckle at her statement.

Jungkook:" We are arrived."

Jisoo:" Yay..... finally."

Then all of you headed towards the mall. It was so big.

Jisoo:" At first, treat me, Y/N."

Y/N:" Ok."

Then all of you go to a restaurant for having snacks.

Y/N:" Order what you want to eat."

Jisoo:" Thank you. I will order a burger, french fries, chocolate milk and...... yeah that's enough."

Y/N:" Hey, are you going to eat all of these? "

Jisoo:" you told me to order what I want." said pouting.

Y/N:" Ok. No need to pout."

Jisoo:" Don't you going to order for you ?"

Y/N:" Nope. I am fine. Jungkook, do you want to eat something?"

Jungkook:" No. I am not hungry. I had my lunch."

Jisoo:" Hey, Y/N. Order something for you too or you will turn into a dead skeleton."

Jungkook:" Y/N, you have to eat. Jin told you to have your lunch but you hadn't. Let me treat you."

Y/N:" but-"

Jungkook:" No buts. Let me do it. "

You defeated from his stubbornness. He ordered pasta and vanilla shake for you.

The Waiter sarved the foods. You and Jisoo hollow on the foods.

Jungkook:" How is it?"

Y/N:" Good."

Jisoo:" That's really good. Why wouldn't it be?? food is only thing which can satisfy me."

Y/N:" Will you stop your nonsense easy on food?"

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