Chapter 13

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Two days have passed after that horrible night. You still cannot forget that easily. However Your friends were with you all the time. They know about that except your brother Jin. They didn't tell him. Your parents also came back from their business trip.

You were having dinner with your family. All of you were eating silently until your parents spoke up.

Y/F/N : " So children listen..... I have something urgent to tell you."

Jin : " What is it , dad?"

You looked at your father. His expression was nervous. He looked at your mother. Your mother noded at him to go ahead.

Y/F/N :" We decided to arrange a marriage of..........Y/N."

You immediately choked on your food.

Y/N :" Dad , I think you're joking , right?"

Jin: " Dad ,Y/N is too young to get married right now."

Y/M/N: " We know. But after that incident we thought about her marriage and for her protection."

Jin :" What incident ?"

Y/F/N: " You didn't know ?" He asked Jin.

Y/M/N :" Well , Y/N also didn't tell us about that. We find out from Mrs. Park."

Jin :" Please explain to me. I still cannot get what are you talking about."

Then you mom explain everything to Jin that happened with you, Max and Yuna.

Jin :" What ?? That basterd again ? and Y/N didn't tell me about it."

Y/F/N : " So you know Max."

Jin :" why wouldn't I be. He used to stalk Y/N."

Y/N :" It's ok. I am fine now. "

Jin : " No. You aren't. What would happen if there was not Jungkook and others. Dad, I like your dicission. I think Y/N should get marry."

Y/N :" You can't do this to me. What about my education ?"

Y/F/N :" Don't worry. You can continue your study after your marriage."

Y/N :" But I don't want to get marry to a stranger." You said as tears rolled down from your eyes.

Y/F/N :" But he is a good person. He can protect you from anything." At this time your father scolds at you. He never screamed at you like that.

You were so sad and ran into your room without eating your food. You were a crying mess.

Y/N : " Why things happen to me like this." You said and cried silently.

Y/F/N :" I think , I was too rush on her. But what should I do? It's her own good."

Y/M/N :" Don't worry , honey. I will make her understand."

On the other hand ,

Mr. Jeon: " Jungkook , meet your soon to be fiance , Mia."

Jungkook : " Whatt ?? You didn't tell me anything about it , dad ? You can't just force me."

Mrs. Jeon :" Listen , Jungkook-"

Jungkook : " No. I am not listening to anyone."

Then Mr. Jeon slapped Jungkook in front of everyone and he looked at his father shockly.

Mr. Jeon :" If you don't listen, things will not happen good, Jungkook."

Jungkook didn't say anything just left that restaurant and secretly tears escape from his eyes.

Jungkook : " why ?? Why it have to happen in my life ? " he said and cried.

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