Chapter 4

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Next morning, you wake up from your bed hearing the beautiful twittering of birds.You take your phone which was on the night stand.It's already 7:00 am.

Y/N:"Ahhh......Why I wake up so early?"
Your college starts at 9 am.So, you have enough time to get ready.You come to your verandah. A gentle wind blow and it was so good.
Y/N:"The weather is really beautiful."
Then you go to your bathroom to fresh and take a shower.Putting on your bathrobe, you come down stairs.
Your Mom was preparing breakfast.

Y/m/N:"Today you wake up early."
Y/N:" Yep.Where is dad?"
Y/m/N:" He is preparing for ofice."
Y/d/N:"I am here."

You look behind . Your dad come to the dining table wearing suite.
Your mom is serving breakfast for your dad and also for her.

Y/m/N:"Y/N, Do you want to eat with us?" your mom ask.
Y/N:" Obviously yes." You reply with smiling.
Y/m/N:" It's long time we didn't eat together our breakfast."
Y/N:"Yeah. Because of your fucking office work."
Y/d/N:"Y/N..... Language."
Y/N:"Ooppss... Sorry dad."
Y/d/N:"By the way where is Jin? Is he
still sleeping."
Y/m/N:"Let him sleep soundly. Last night he worked so hard on his new song."

After finishing breakfast, your mom and dad stand up from their chair.

Y/m/N:"Ohh... honey we have to fast unless ,we will miss our flight."
Y/N:"Flight??!! Are you two going abroad?"
Y/d/N:"We forgot to tell you that me and your mom are going to New Work
For 7 days."
Y/N:"But why?"
Y/m/n:"Because of official work."
Y/N:"I am going to miss both of you."

"We too" said your parents and both hugs you tightly.

Y/N:"Is Jin know about it?"
Y/m/N:"Yes, we told him last night."
Y/d/N:" Ok,Y/N.we have to go now."
Y/N:" Be careful on your trip."
Y/m/N:"You too. Don't fight with your brother."
Y/N:"Concern him at first.He starts at first."
Y/m/N:"I also told him."
Y/d/N:" Bye ,Y/N. Take care of yourself."
Y/N:"Bye." You said smiling.

Then you come to your room and open your phon.

Y/N:"It's 7:45 am .I have to get ready for college.

You open your closet.Today you want to put something different.

Y/N:"So... Which one I have to pick ?"

And finally, you found a red off shoulder top and a tight jeans.

Y/N:"Oh..... It's great!"
Saying that you put on your outfit and take some light makeup.
"I'm not looking so bad." you mumble to yourself.

Then you take your backpack and phone and other important things and leave your house to go to college.
Today you decide to go to college on walking because you have enough time.

"Ahhh...... Today is really beautiful."you said .You put your earphone on your ear and listening your favorite song.
"Ohhh......I forget something. I forget to wake him(Jin) up. " You mumble.
"Why do I care.Last time he did the same thing to me. It's a real time to take revenge."

But you didn't notice that someone is following you from behind.

Jungkook's POV-

I was walking. Actually I was going to my college on walking because I love morning walk. On the path, I have to pass Y/N's house. When I was near at her house. I saw her closing the main door of her house. She was looking so beautiful from other days.
She is always beautiful to me.

I saw she is talking at herself.
Y/N"Ahhh....Today is really beautiful."

'Not like you (Y/N).' I mumble to myself.

I was following behind her.
' Is l am doing right ? What if she catch me following her.' I was thinking.
'Nope. She is busy to listening music right now.'

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