Chapter 12

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Y/N 's POV -

Someone splash cold water on my face and I wake up from my sleep. I found that I was sitting on a chair in the middle of a dark room. But there was only light above my head. My arms and legs were tighten up with ropes. I started to struggle to free myself.

???:" Hey ' The sleeping beauty ' you wake up ?" Someone said and it was a male voice.

It is strange. Last time I was with Yuna. Who is this guy and his voice is so familiar .

Y/N :" Who are you ? And what do you want from me ?"

??? :" Wahh!! You forget me so quickly. Don't you remember that guy who used to stalk you , gave you so much letters and gifts and also proposed that he wants you to be his lover. Now you recognize ?"

I immediately get shock what he told me. Now I remember him . He is Max. He proposed me 2 years ago. He didn't love me but he loves my body . He tried to rape me. He is just obsess on me.

Y/N : " What do you want form me Max ?" I again ask him.

Max:" You. Only you."

Y/ N :" Please let me go." I said and start crying.

Max : " Not that easily and I am not only here to want something from you. I have a special partner."

Y / N :" Who ?"

Max :" Yuna ~~Sweety ~~ come here Y/N wants to meet you."

Then Yuna comes to me and slaps me hardly on my cheek.

Y/ N :" Yuna?? Why you did this to me ? What I have done to you ?"

Yuna :" Don't act like an innocent when you are a total bitch. You took everything from me. At first my position and then my precious Hobi."

Y/ N : " What are you talking about ?"

Yuna :" I was the best modeler. When you came, you become the best modeler. I was just jealous of you. Then the company resigned me .J- hope was madly in love with you and he broke up with me."

Y/N :" What ?? J-hope loves me ?"

Yuna:" Yes . He is in fucking love with you. But I don't want to let that happen anymore. It's your last time and I am going to kill you. "

Max :" Not so fast , Yuna. At first let me have some fun with her. I want to fulfill my desire."

Yuna:" Ok . Have your fun. After that I will have my turn. Goodbye." Saying that Yuna leaves me with Max. Max was looking at me hungrily like I was his meal.

End of Y/N ' s POV.

No one's POV-

After like thirty minutes J-hope parks his car in front of a house. It was already 1:35 am. There was dark around and in that house, lights are on. That means someone is there and still awake.

J- hope , Jungkook , Jimin and Suga go near to that house silently. It was good that the main door was unlock. J- hope opened the door and everybody went into the house. The house was a mess. In the living room there was girl watching TV and drinking wine.

J-hope : "She is Yuna." He whispers to us.

Jimin :" What should we do now ?"

J-hope : " I am going first. You guys wait here."

Before they could say something J-hope goes to her. She notices him.

Yuna : " What are you doing here , Hobi ?"

J-hope :" Don't call me Hobi. Just tell me where is Y/N ? I am gently asking you."

Yuna : "I don't know anything about that bitch."

J-hope :" Don't lie to me. I know everything about you . You called her, don't you ?"

Yuna :" Yes . I called her but I don't know anything about her ."

J- hope : " Enough . Don't tell-"

Before He could finish his sentence we hear muffle screams coming from a room.

J-hope:" I think it's Y/N."

Yuna :" N-no..."

J-hope and three of them follow the sounds where it was coming. It was coming from garage behind the house. It was lock from inside. Yoongi breaks the door. Then we found........

Y/N and her fragile body and . A guy was touching her body inappropriately.
All of them was mad and really angry of what are they watching.

Jungkook immediately goes near to Max and punch him . Jimin was freeing Y/N. J-hope was calling police and Yoongi and Jungkook was handling Max.

After fifteen minutes , the police come into the house. Then they arrest both Max and Yuna.

Police officer :" Thank you ,sir for informing us. They are doing some unfair business and we were searching them. Now we found them and we are very thankful."

J-hope :" You are most welcome."

Then the police and all of them leaves that place. They were heading to Y/N 's place.

Few minutes later -

Jungkook :" Are you ok ?"

Y/N: " Yeah and I am so thankful to all of you guys. You saved my life."

Jimin :" Don't be. That's what are friends do for each other, don't they ?"

Y/N :" Y-yeah." You said and your voice cracked out of emoticon and Jungkook hugs you to calm down.

Suga:" I wondered who's those punks are ?"

Then you explain everything to them. They were so shock and sad.

Suga :" Don't worry. Today they learnt their lesson."

Then Y/N shift her gaze to J-hope.

Y/N :" J-hope , Can I ask you a question? "

J-hope:" Yeah . Go ahead."

Y/N :" Do you have any feelings for me not as a friend ?"

The environment turned into silent. There was no sound. J-hope was totally shock. just like he was not prepare for this question. Everybody was waiting for his answer.

J- hope :" Yes. I had. I had feelings for you. Yuna tried to harm you so many time and I broke up with her for you cause I had already fallen for you. I also admit to your college to have a glance of yours."

Y/N :" But . You know what. I don't feel the same for you that you feel for me. I love you only as my friend. Sorry. If I hurt you please forgive me."

J-hope :" Please don't be. It's not your fault. It's all my fault. Because of me you were in danger. Please forgive."

Y/N :" It's not your fault either Hobi."

J-hope:" But we are still friends , don't we ?"

Y/N :" Ofcourse. We are friends forever."

Then all of you hug each other like a group hug.

Suga:" Oh gosh. It's already 2:30 am. I am so sleepy now. I am going home. See you guys tomorrow."

J- hope :" I am going too."

Jimin :" Good bye , two lovebirds."

Y/N :" Yahhh.... Park Jimin I will kill you if you again mess with me."

Jungkook :" Y/N , You don't have to come to college tomorrow if you don't feel well."

Y/N :" I am also thinking that. Can you promise me something ?"

Jungkook :" Yeah."

Y/N :" Please don't tell this incident to Jin. If you do , he will be so mad at me. And also tell Jimin no to tell him about this."

Jungkook :" Ok. I understand. I will try my best."

Y/N :" l turst you. Good night."

Jungkook :" Good night and see you later." Saying that he leaves your house.

Today was so scary . I wish it will not happen again in my life.

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