Chapter 11

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You receive that phone call. There is a female on the other side and you know her . You were totally shock about what she was telling. Everybody on that party was observing your expression. After some times you hang up the phone and stand up from your place. While you was about to go , Jungkook grab your arm .

Jungkook : " Where are you going ?"

Y/N:" I have to go . I have something urgent to do ."

Jimin: " But it's already midnight. Let's go with you."

Y/N :" No. I will come in a few minutes. You guys enjoy your party."

Jungkook :" But - " before Jungkook could say something you quickly run away from your house.

Y/N 's POV -

After that call I was totally shocked. I wasn't believing my ears. I got a call from my friend name Yuna. She is a modeler like me . That's why we know each other. J-hope also know her because she is his girlfriend.
So Yuna told me that she is in trouble. She was walking in the street near my house and someone is following her from behind. So she got scare and called me to help her.

I was running crazily to find her. Few blocks away from my house I found her sitting on a bench. I quickly walk to her and ask her if she was ok.

Y/N : " Hey, Yuna. Are you ok. I really got scare about you."

Yuna: " Yeah. I am fine now . I was afraid too."

Y/N :" What are you doing here at this midnight ?"

Yuna :" I was feeling bad. So I thought to take a walk around alone but someone was following me. So I hide behind a tree and called you cause you live around here."

Y/N :" You make a good choice. Since you are fine I am going now."

I was going to turn around and leave but someone hit my head with a stick and everything went black. I felt unconscious but I lastly listen someone telling -

" You did a great job on her."

                End of Y/N 's POV.

Jungkook 's POV -

It's already 1 am. I was anxiety. It has been one hour since Y/N left . Everyone was leaving expect six others of my friends and Jin was sleeping.

Taehyung :" Just call her."

Jimin:" We already did but she unknownly didn't take her phone with her ".

Namjoon :" At least check her phone who called her. I think she is with someone who called her last time."

Suga :" Yeah . It's a good idea."

I open her phone and check her call list.

Jisoo :" Who is it ?"

Jungkook :" It's someone name Yuna."

Jisoo :" Who is she ? I don't know her."

Jungkook :" We nither."

J-hope :" You sure it's Yuna ?" He asks as if he was slightly shock and nervous too.

Jungkook :" Yes. Do you know her ?"

J-hope :" She is my ex and Y/N ' s friend."

Jimin :" Do you know where your ex I mean Yuna live ?"

J-hope :" Yes. I know."

Jungkook :" Then lead us at her place so that we can pick Y/N."

J-hope :" Yes. Ofcourse."

Jungkook : " You guys can go home. Me , jimin and J-hope are going to find Y/N."

Namjoon: " Take Suga with you guys. If you need someone in danger he will help you out. He knows karate."

Jimin :" Oh that's great. If you want, you can come along with us." He said to Suga.

Suga :" I am going to miss my precious sleep but for you guys I am  going with you and it's my first and last time. I will not do it again."

Jimin:" Woah... that was so mean and rude."

Namjoon :" Dont take it seriously. He always talk like this but always ends up by helping us in danger."

Jungkook :" It's okay. Then we should go now. It's already late and we have to go."

                  End of Jungkook's POV.

J-hope was driving his car to go to Yuna's place. Beside him was Jungkook and his behind was Jimin and Suga.

J-hope 's POV -

I was deep in my thoughts. I know Yuna better than anyone. She is two sided woman. That's why I break up with her . I didn't tell anything about her to Y/N. She always wants bad for Y/N and she acted like a good friend in front of Y/N. She played so many tricks on Y/N. I always there for helping Y/N. I swear if she lay a finger on Y/N this time I would ... kill her .

                 End of J-hope 's POV.

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