Chapter 2

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Jungkook's pov:-

"Who is she?" I asked Taehyung
Teahyung : "I think Y/N."
Jungkook: "Why she is so hurry?"
Teahyung: " Oh...Jungkook ,we have to hurry to .There is no time or else we will get punished by Mrs Lee."
Then we both run to our class.
Ends of Jungkook 's pov.

In the class room-
You sit down next to your best friend Jisoo.
She has a twin brother like you but her twin brother is unfortunately Jimin, the play boy who always try to flirt with you
Jisoo:"Hi. Are you okay.Why are you breathing heavily?"
Y/N:"I just run here fastly to catch my class."
Jisoo:"Yeah you are late today."

Then you look at the corner of the class room where Jin usually sit.You found him and give him a death glare.He look at you and make a face.Beside Jin there is Jimin who was talking with your brother.When you look at him ,he give you smirk.You cannot but shake it off.

"Look, there is Jungkook."Jisoo whisper to your ear.
She knew that you have a crush on him and she also have a crush on Teahyung who was beside jungkook.Both of them enter into class and join with your brother and jimin.
While passing you Jungkook look at you for a short time .

Jisoo:"What's that mean by looking at you?" Whisper to your ear.
Y/N:"Whattt!! he looked at me?Are you kidding?"
Jisoo:"Nope.I'm serious."
Then you also steel a quick glance from Jungkook.He was laughing with Jin ,Jimin and Teahyung.
Jisoo:"Why you aren't confessing him your feelings?"
Y/N:"I'm nervous.What about you?"
Jisoo:"What?"she repeat shyli.
Y/N:"You know what I mean."I said smiling.
Jisoo:"You know he is cold. He is not as my fucking brother who dated almost every friend of mine expect you."
Mrs Lee (teacher) come in our class.
Mrs.Lee:"Good morning students.Please have your seat."

"Good morning,Miss."said everyone bowing.
Mrs.Lee:"Today we have a new transfee here.Please come in."
After that ,a boy enter our class room.He looks familiar to you.But you can't recognize him.

But you can't recognize him

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Mrs.Lee:"Please introduce yourself."
???: "Hi everyone .My name is Jung hoseok.You can call me J-Hope."
Now you recognize him.
Mrs Lee:"Now please take a seat behind her ."
Indicating at you.
Mrs Lee:"Ms Y/N, please give him your book
and give him our class routine.

You give your math book to J-hope.He smile at you and you smile back.
You knew J-hope.He was your partner of modeling.You are a student of Bangtan College and a modeler too.

You were helping J-hope from the first period.After 3rd period , suddenly the bell ring
and it was break time. You pack your bag . While leaving ,someone grab your wrist.You look at that person and it was J-hope.
J-hope:"Hey Y/N .Long time no see."said you smiling.
Y/N:"Hi, Hobi.(nick name of J-hope) What about you?"
J-hope:"Fine.But boaring without you."
You can feel someone watching you. You look at and found Jungkook was giving glare to you and J-hope.

 You look at and found Jungkook was giving glare to you and J-hope

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You never seen him like this.He always soft towards you and keeps a smile on his face when he talks with you.
Y/N:"Sorry.I have to go now.I am starving since morning."
J-hope:"Can I join with you? Since I have no friend expect you."
Y/N:"Yeah .Of course"
You ,J-hope and jisoo leave the class and walking toward the cafeteria.

In the cafe-

You and Jisoo are laughing like crazy because of the jokes which was told
by J-Hope.But you can't realize that someone is watching you continuously.

Jungkook's pov:-

I look at the direction where Y/N and the J- hope guy were sitting.I cannot but feel angry seeing her like this.It also hurt me.I feel jealous.
Jimin:"look at them.I think they are going to be the best couple." Indicating at y/n and j-hope.
Jin:"ohh ....He is not more than friend to her.I know him .He gave so many photo shoot with Y/N."
Jungkook:"Oh ...I see.But you know, he is so close to her like he is more than a friend."
Jin:"If any guy means that he is more than a friend to her ,I will kill him." Saying that Jin loudly punch on the table.
End of Jungkook 's pov.

Suddenly you hear a loud sound. You look at the direction where it's come from.You see Jin who was angrily looking at you.

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